- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
This is an america vs Americans definition issue. Americans litigate when its useful or required usually. America litigates every chance it gets. The mish derstanding is easy as america is full of Americans, but really america is a collection of wealth holding entities known as corporations that give zero shits about Americans except for when it comes to extracting wealth.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
Thats something I find fascinating. People hear anarchy and assume the end of commerce because it would inherently mean an end to capitalism, presuming we arent talking about some weird ancap philosophy that I can’t make sense.
Commerce has happened for forever, and changing forms of government will not change that.
Thats not the part I find fascinating though, its that people discussing anarchy tend to cede this argument without a fight.
If you do so, an implied argument of anarchy gets lost: “there is no such thing as unskilled labor.”
This isnt generally considered a point for anarchy, but it is. In an anarchist system, you have the agency to decide your role in your community. This means you WILL specialize, as we all do as humans; even the generalists of us aren’t generalists at everything. I for one would make a shitty translator, as i only speak English.
There would need to be some means of getting labor done by someone who knew how to do it, this ought to feel natural to most of us anyway… I mean I assume you guys try to help your friends at stuff you are good at that they aren’t. I similarly assume you’re generally compensated for this behavior, even if it isnt with currency as we generally consider it.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
I’m of the opinion that an anarchist society is probably the wrong way, but incorporating anarchist ideals into things, such as “no really you actually are responsible for everything around you” and “you are the only person who is capable of being responsible for your own choices, opinions and decisions.” and “consider the consequences of your actions before doing what you are told” and “a just hierarchy is one you are free to join and leave as required, and without coersion”, we can actually improve even our current system.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
I think you may underestimate the impact of sewage backing up into your home :D
You are right though. Tragedy of the commons is a catch22. When everything is everyone’s problem, nothing is anyone’s problem. This occurs in EVERY political system though, and they still function.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago:
It would. An anarchist system requires participation at all ends from just about everyone. If you forfeith your vote once, you’ll forfeight it again, not because of a conscious choice, but because you empowered others to make your choice for you in the first place.
Anarchy is not about comfort. Its about freedom, as nebulous as that term is, and freedom, as has been said many many times, is not free.
- Comment on HUNTER: Muslim rape gangs targeted tens of 1000s of poor white girls as authorities ran cover 1 month ago:
Why is the Toronto Sun reporting on things supposedly occurring in another country? Why can’t I find mention of this from that country? Why is the only reference link in the entire article a link to what appears to be an explicitly right wing propaganda mouthpiece? Do you normally get your news from sources such as the natinal enquirerer? The sun has long had a tenuous grasp on reality. Slop has been their soup du jour forever.
- Comment on lewd noodles 3 months ago:
Technically true, but I’m thinking they’re trying to explain this isn’t from a species of scaleless snakes (yet)
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Linux does not solve OPs problem. Telling them to use Linux does not help them at all because its so far from how to actually get what they want and introduces so many new problems that its laughable.
The fact that using Linux allows them to find workarounds to the specific problems is not a solution in and of itself, and holy shit are there still usability problems with Linux if you start doing anything slightly complicated, which it seems like OP is.
Linux people be like:
- Draw a circle.
- Draw the rest of the owl
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
The blind egotism and arrogance of Linux users really is quite twatish. You guys are just insufferable. Being right doesnt make you less insufferable.
Sent from Linux
- Comment on Does leaving a single board computer caseless can be a problem or not? 5 months ago:
In all seriousness, its gonna depend. If it can survive minimal ventilation, throw a shoebox with some holes at it. You probably dont want it getting touched, but so long as its not, you’re prolly fine.
- Comment on Does leaving a single board computer caseless can be a problem or not? 5 months ago:
It does can but maybe no?
- Comment on I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising. 5 months ago:
That’d work, Sagan opted for portable fax.
- Comment on I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising. 5 months ago:
Or, and hear me out, you could say “portable fax” and be done with it. YOU are making it complicated by not being culturally acclimated to the timeframe when it was written. Everyone knew what faxes were, no explanation was necessary.
Portable fax: thing that sends and receives messages
Portable Fax IS how you describe SMS in the 80s.
- Comment on I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising. 5 months ago:
How would you describe SMS to people in the 80s?
- Comment on 7% ABV 6 months ago:
I love me some IPA, right up till you start adding adjectives… Hazy? Juicy? New England? West coast? No. Beer, hops, yum. Get the rest of that nonsense out of here. As a home brewer I refuse to get my Adjective IPA palate.