- Comment on 25 arrested in global hit against AI-generated child sexual abuse material 1 day ago:
considering style transfer models, you could probably just draw or 3d model unknown details and feed it that.
- Comment on Since Peanuts are legumes that are nut-like, it would be more accurate if they were named Nutpeas. 2 days ago:
- Comment on New Terms for Firefox from Mozilla 2 days ago:
so why weren’t they in there before? moz’s lawyers have obviously never thought they even need a policy before now, so what changed?
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 1 week ago:
as long as it’s between instances and not exposed to end-users, yeah i think that was the original use case.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
they’re gonna give Alaska to Putin or something
- Comment on Fellow Lemms and Lemettes, how do you solve this? 1 week ago:
would you rather get 19 or 24 nudes? case closed
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
well, sorta. some engines like unreal have indeed dropped physx, but there are some heavy hitters in there. unity did not drop it as far as i know, but they have a separate version without it that’s not made for games.
i also happen to know that ARMA 3, which is not on the list, is a heavy physx user. so i don’t know how accurate any of our lists actually are.
my takeaway from this list is that if nvidia follows suit with their AX series and other pro cards, they are going to lose significant market share with the CAD and CFD crowd.
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
this is an incomplete list. as per the wiki article:
PhysX in Video Games
PhysX technology is used by game engines such as Unreal Engine (version 3 onwards), Unity, Gamebryo, Vision (version 6 onwards), Instinct Engine, Panda3D, Diesel, Torque, HeroEngine, and BigWorld.
As one of the handful of major physics engines, it is used in many games, such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Warframe, Killing Floor 2, Fallout 4, Batman: Arkham Knight, Planetside 2, and Borderlands 2. Most of these games use the CPU to process the physics simulations.
Video games with optional support for hardware-accelerated PhysX often include additional effects such as tearable cloth, dynamic smoke, or simulated particle debris.
PhysX in Other Software
Other software with PhysX support includes:
- Active Worlds (AW), a 3D virtual reality platform with its client running on Windows
- Amazon Lumberyard, a 3D game development engine developed by Amazon
- Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, and Autodesk Softimage, computer animation suites
- DarkBASIC Professional (with DarkPHYSICS upgrade), a programming language targeted at game development
- DX Studio, an integrated development environment for creating interactive 3D graphics
- ForgeLight, a game engine developed by the former Sony Online Entertainment
- Futuremark’s 3DMark06 and Vantage benchmarking tools
- Microsoft Robotics Studio, an environment for robot control and simulation
- Nvidia’s SuperSonic Sled and Raging Rapids Ride, technology demos
- OGRE (via the NxOgre wrapper), an open source rendering engine
- The Physics Abstraction Layer, a physical simulation API abstraction system (it provides COLLADA and Scythe Physics Editor support for PhysX)
- Rayfire, a plug-in for Autodesk 3ds Max that allows fracturing and other physics simulations
- The Physics Engine Evaluation Lab, a tool designed to evaluate, compare, and benchmark physics engines
- Unreal Engine game development software by Epic Games. Unreal Engine 4.26 and onwards has officially deprecated PhysX.
- Unity by Unity ApS. Unity’s Data-Oriented Technology Stack does not use PhysX.
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
sure but i don’t want to encounter any more of them
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
what if there are babymen in all of them though
- Comment on Nomenclature 1 week ago:
the worst part is that it’s pronounced eeverest.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 2 weeks ago:
isn’t this basically the old F1 MGU-H system that they kept having issues with and eventually gave up on?
- Comment on Dont worry everyone, this is just an example. Rick Astley has not given us up. 2 weeks ago:
mister documentaries?
- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 2 weeks ago:
yupyup, just send HTML over the wire. it’s fine.
- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 2 weeks ago:
the biggest speedup would probably come from using proper schemas that can be efficiently parsed. but we’ve made our bed out of ad-hoc protocols.
- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 2 weeks ago:
anything that deserializes arbitrary json will put it into a hash table, right? it would definitely speed up the web.
- Comment on Chinese EV leader BYD to offer ‘God’s Eye’ self-driving system on all models 2 weeks ago:
I thought Jesus was the cross religion
- Comment on Should I be Concerned? 2 weeks ago:
dunk the rabbit into the fusebox to short the tunnel of love.
that’s today’s hint of lime
- Comment on fck yea 3 weeks ago:
i may just have had bad teachers but i to this day have no idea what chemistry at pre-university level were supposed to teach. the labs were all about watching things change, with no explanation as to why. and the theory parts were all about balancing reactions. none of it connected.
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
*cups balls* “can you feel it kicking?”
- Comment on Why I am not impressed by A.I. 3 weeks ago:
i’m still not entirely sold on them but since i’m currently using one that the company subscribes to i can give a quick opinion:
i had an idea for a code snippet that could save be some headache (a mock for primitives in lua, to be specific) but i foresaw some issues with commutativity (aka how to make sure that
a + b == b + a
). so i asked about this, and the llm created some boilerplate to test this code. i’ve been chatting with it for about half an hour, and had it expand the idea to all possible metamethods available on primitive types, together with about 50 test cases with descriptive assertions. i’ve now run into an issue where the__eq
metamethod isn’t firing correctly when one of the operands is a primitive rather than a mock, and after having the llm link me to the relevant part of the docs, that seems to be a feature of the language rather than a in 30 minutes i’ve gone from a loose idea to a well-documented proof-of-concept to a roadblock that can’t really be overcome. complete exploration and feasibility study, fully tested, in less than an hour.
- Comment on 'No control': Sweden grapples with bomb violence wave 4 weeks ago:
they already kidnapped a swedish citizen and told us it’s an internal thing just because he was ethnically chinese. i don’t think they want to help.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
the ending of outer wilds, figuring out that the treasure really was the friends we made along the way, will always stand out to me as the most magnificent, joy-filled moment in my 25+ year gaming experience.
that, or getting the cool sunglasses in fez.
- Comment on Is the Fediverse Too Complex? Can It Embrace Simplicity Without Losing Its Identity? 1 month ago:
it has the potential to be both. until people running their own instance is commonplace, it won’t be either.
- Comment on Is the Fediverse Too Complex? Can It Embrace Simplicity Without Losing Its Identity? 1 month ago:
the main problem is that running an instance of the atproto stack is way complex, so nobody wants to do it.
- Comment on Is the Fediverse Too Complex? Can It Embrace Simplicity Without Losing Its Identity? 1 month ago:
bluesky is still not decentralised. just having a protocol does not mean anyone use will use it. if bluesky is down, there’s no bluesky.
- Comment on PS1 Games Now Playable on GameCube 1 month ago:
i may just be talking out of my ass but i recall one of the dolphin devlogs saying something about the gamecube not having an fpu either. it got around wobblies by being 64-bit or something. if that’s the case, going 32-bit only would reintroduce them.
- Comment on The future of Android as an Open Source project 2 months ago:
yeah but if they’re forced to part with them they may believe it better for their market position to strip all the secret stuff out and just disown the rest.
- Comment on The future of Android as an Open Source project 2 months ago:
i think it would probably go the other way. google has closed down so much of the android core system that they would probably respond to the court by opening those parts back up.