- Comment on Foot Fungus 3 months ago:
Coprinus Footis
- Comment on Biden stumbles through event, refers to former Rep. Giffords in past tense: 'nothing wrong with me' 4 months ago:
Trump can’t even forum coherence sentences:
Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down. You know, I was somebody — we had, Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka, was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue.
"But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about — that, because look, child care is child care, couldn’t — you know, there’s something — you have to have it in this country. You have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to. But they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re going to have — I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country.
"Because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care. But those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just — that I just told you about. We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars. And as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers will be taking in.
"We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people. And then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about make America great again. We have to do it because right now, we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.”
- Comment on Do PhDs HAVE to use Dr? 4 months ago:
I see, that’s interesting. I didn’t know that.
- Comment on Do PhDs HAVE to use Dr? 4 months ago:
I would hope that you have the freedom to use whatever title you want to.
- Comment on Do PhDs HAVE to use Dr? 4 months ago:
I don’t know for sure but for me, if I spent 10 years in college, and two or three years in an internship, working 15 hours a day, sometimes 20 or 30 hours straight with no sleep, I would think that having the doctor title is something I worked hard to earn.
- Comment on How would I find my phone if I didn't have a phone to find my phone with? 4 months ago:
That’s a cool idea
- Comment on I'm a reasonably well educated human living on Earth. What's to stop me from replicating starship parts until I can make my own Starfleet? 4 months ago:
I would assume you might have trouble since most of the planets are part of the federation and they have already communicated with them and so they would be wondering who the heck you are.
- Comment on Obvious bias in AI-generated content might actually be useful (if used wisely) 4 months ago:
Apparently so
- Comment on Obvious bias in AI-generated content might actually be useful (if used wisely) 4 months ago:
I once asked Copilot why the US supports Israel. I then asked Copilot why the US doesn’t support Palestine. In the first instance it gave me a detailed output. In the second instance and said that it didn’t want to talk about it.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
That’s a funny comic, I like it.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I have not heard of sea lioning either. I learn something new every day. I wonder how sea lions got associated with trolling. I’m going to have to look up the etymology of that; it’s an interesting phrase.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Mark Twain said, there are lies, damn lies and statistics.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
The peasants are revolting… They certainly are!
-Monty Python
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
I’ve never understood “pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” which is impossible. No matter how hard you pull, you can’t, say, jump a fence. The rich are inadvertently telling poor people that becoming rich by working hard is impossible.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
They use sensationalism to make things sound worse than they are.
They selectively report information, leaving out details that don’t fit their agenda.
They use misleading headlines, knowing that people often only read the headlines. They use words like “horrifying,” “catastrophic,” and “viral.”
They manipulate charts, graphs, statistics, and photographs.
Balanced reporting isn’t balanced if it pits a scientist against a conspiracy theorist.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Massive corporations own the media along with the likes of Rupert Murdoch. If you don’t dig deeper, you will only believe what they want you to believe. The talking heads on TV are not journalists; they are paid actors reading whatever they are paid to read. Modern news is entertainment no better than the National Enquirer.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
I will remember survivorship bias. If hard work led to success, then a poor person working three jobs should be rich. I’ve noticed that a lot of these stories are closer to “from rich to richer.” Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because his family could support his “hobby.” He didn’t have to work three jobs to pay rent, but he is set up as a rags-to-riches story, using elbow grease and grit to become the mogul he is.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Work sets you free. Something like that.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Fair enough
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Wouldn’t want a class war brewing.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 70 comments
- Comment on When the sign says dear next 5 miles, do the deer know that? 5 months ago:
Yeah, I like those Sheepdogs. I can’t remember if they were in a union.
- Comment on When the sign says dear next 5 miles, do the deer know that? 5 months ago:
Maybe we should give the deer glasses
- Comment on When the sign says dear next 5 miles, do the deer know that? 5 months ago:
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Pharmaceutical Commercials (sound on!) 5 months ago:
They should add a bunch of people who can’t dance dancing around like idiots.
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
That’s why I do dispersed camping far away from other humans. I don’t use campfires, I checked the forest regulations to see if there’s any current fire restrictions in place, I pick up trash if I see it and I don’t leave any of my own trash.
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
A lot of people who desire to help others don’t really do so because they want a better world; they do it for the sake of their own fee fees, because they want to *feel* like a good person who helps others out.
–Here you’re saying that they are being disingenuous and glorifying themselves which means you probably think they don’t really want to help people at all.
As such, they’re willing to violate the others’ agency and consent and force their “help” down your throat, even if they aren’t actually helping jack shit but being just a burden; and they get really pissy when you correctly highlight that they are not helping and impose some boundaries. (inb4 “but I have good intentions” - go pave Hell with them dammit.
–Here you seem to be saying that they’re forceful and arrogant and should probably go to hell
That is not just social workers, mind you. You see people like this in all professions and environments. However, I believe that there’s a disproportionate large amount of those among social workers due to the nature of their job, simply because social work is all about helping others out.
–You see this across the board in similar professions and bureaucracies which could be true, I’ll admit
Couple that with bureaucracy. There’s a high chance that your info is in some database as “refused help”. Guess how someone who, unlike you, needs and wants help but declines it due to pride would get into that database? “Refused help”. So the next social worker checking your entry will see it as someone who potentially might want and need help.
–Here you say that I probably could be put on some blacklist and every time I open my mouth they’re going to come shove it down my throat again.
Now, I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, I just don’t think I would have put it so bluntly.
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
Thanks, I appreciate that
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 5 months ago:
Good point. And I might have come across a little defensive, as someone else mentioned. My next strategy is simply not to ever bring it up again. It’s apparently not a fun topic of conversation when it comes to doctors and hospitals.