- Comment on Germany's Merz assures Netanyahu can visit country and not be arrested under ICC warrant 1 week ago:
The executive tends to lean right in any given country. If anything they are motivated to oblige and let that fuckwit in. On red carpet no less.
- Comment on A scientific discovery 2 months ago:
But do they understand the gravity of that discovery?
- Comment on If media corporations worked together to convince you that a half decent politician is evil incarnate but the politician that helps corporations extort the people is good, what would it look like? 3 months ago:
I mean… Just look at the news. We don’t have to imagine it because that is what is going on.
- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "nonsense.ReputableBank.com" 3 months ago:
There were some rather in detail answers already to which I could add. But instead I am going with a more simple answer that is hopefully also good.
Basically, bad actors want to stay undetected if possible. Like staying in dark places with dark clothing and not making noise. trying to get your own subdomain is more like wearing a high Vis jacket, having Christmas lights on you and broadcasting your presence with a loudspeaker with something like “catch me if you can!” on repeat.
Or even simpler: getting detected is bad for bad actors, doing that is one great way to get detected, they know that so they don’t do that.
Or metaphorically: a drop of water in the ocean won’t get noticed, rain in the desert will.
At the end of the day it’s not about what you can do but if you should do that.
- Comment on Classic shooters Unreal and Unreal Tournament are now free and preserved on the Internet Archive 3 months ago:
I distinctly remember buying both unreal and unreal tournament from GoG on sale when it was still listed there. So yeah, people did buy those.
- Comment on Spotify’s Plans For AI Generated Music, Podcasts, and Recommendations, According To Its Co-President, CTO, and CPO Gustav Söderström 3 months ago:
Right. AI music? Hopefully not, it is likely going to lead to generic slop that may infringe on other artists copyright. AI Podcasts? OH GOD NO! factual news isn’t working with AI and you guys think that opinions with AI is a good idea? Are you crazy?
Now music recommendations? That might just work given that algorithms are already doing a decent job at presenting new ( to the particular user, not by actual age) music that the user may enjoy. The question really is if that is actually better than what we already have. And there is only one way to find out, which is by testing it and then being honest about it.
- Comment on 'It even breaks my heart a bit': Denuvo pushes back on its haters, says Steam forums are a 'very toxic, very hostile environment' 4 months ago:
To be fair. The Steam forums are actually pretty bad in general and could do with better moderation.
Having said that, there is a reason why some corporations have the reputation that they have. Might want to fix the thing that is causing that reputation instead of blaming everyone else for your bad reputation. But that would be the harder thing to do that takes time and effort and no one likes to put effort in.
- Comment on Can U.S. Tech Giants Deliver on the Promise of Nuclear Power? 4 months ago:
Come on… Shitty safety measures have never, ever, in the history of mankind led to catastrophic events with a lasting fallout. -some government that collapsed
After all after some point safety is just pure waste of money. -some dead CEO
It doesn’t take enshittification for something real bad to happen. All it takes is time. Add the mentioned enshittification and corner cutting and we know for sure what will happen…
Or how the saying in EvE online goes : it’s not a question on if your ship gets blown up but a question of when it gets blown up.
- Comment on You're going outside for decoration! 4 months ago:
He’s so boned… Done goofed up now!
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on Lemmy.ml ? 4 months ago:
Blocked instance… They can figure their stuff out without me because I don’t want anything to do with them.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
Now that’s one shit experiment to figure something specific out.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
Why not both?
- Comment on Sid Meier's Civilization VII gets Windows system requirements with Linux and macOS details later 5 months ago:
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 5 months ago:
I would argue that it’s a handheld PC since it’s not locked down to heck and back. It would also be the one thing I would buy but I have no use case for it so I don’t.
- Comment on PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off 5 months ago:
Crazy stuff… Ads everywhere. Makes my choice to not buy any console this generation seem a lot better. It saved me money and I don’t get ads forced on me. I call that a win win.
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
While I have not played overwatch myself, I have heard about a few things with it. From my point of view overwatch had it’s own problems including characters that did only one thing but that one thing really, really well. Which is frustrating. It also didn’t help that they tried to force things instead of actually working with what they had. IMHO it’s a master class of what not to do with a game unless you want to to fail.
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
You have to balance that. A pure healer would need to be so strong that it would become the primary target at all times. Which would be frustrating for both sides. For players playing against it because they can’t really play the game anymore. For the pure healers because they would be under tons of pressure.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) we (should) design games around a core audience. Chances are that if your ( r my) hypothetical friend isn’t enjoying the competitive part of the game at all, that she (or he) is going to get frustrated at that game at some point anyways. And there are probably games that suit both your needs better to start with. Competitive games may just not be the right choice. Don’t ruin the game feel of those games for those that enjoy them for the sake of non competitive players because that will just create a game that no one actually wants to play.
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
I enjoy playing support classes, you want me to stop Playing support classes? Make it so that they are utterly defenseless and rely solely on others to stay alive.
Ultimately, it will play absolutely terribly if all you can do is run away unless you are playing with a well organized team. And then you may find that all your team mates get to have all the fun in the game while you get stuck with only the boring stuff.
No thank you.
- Comment on Earth will get a second "mini-moon" for 2 months this year 5 months ago:
Too small to even see with anything but super expensive professional tools. Unfortunate.
- Comment on Amazon starts testing ads in its Rufus chatbot 5 months ago:
Ads… Ads everywhere, constantly, forever. Soon in all white with black letters and nothing else. Containing messages like “consume” “obey” “sleep”
- Comment on Ubisoft are adding offline modes to The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest after getting savaged over junking The Crew 5 months ago:
Now would you look at that… Still a good idea to keep going with stop killing games.
- Comment on I'll have a Number 9, a Number 9 large, a Number 6 with extra dip, two Number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda. 6 months ago:
That’s not impressive. 120 in a 30 or there about is. Yes someone did that around here. As for the how? High powered car and a lead foot mixed with a need for speed or a death wish.
- Comment on dues ex and disco elysium : and ps plus catalog discussion 6 months ago:
I can only speak for Deus ex: mankind divided since I have played that myself.
It is technically a sequel in the sense that there are other Deus ex games that came before it with the original Deus ex, invisible war and human revolution. That said every single one of those games has it’s own self contained story with only some overlap between them. Mankind divided features the same main character to play from the previous game but everything else is different. From the location to the characters barring one which isn’t an issue for reasons… And is also otherwise completely isolated from the first two games maybe with one Hommage that you might miss If you don’t know the first game but then it’s just a great character instead of the thing it’s supposed to be.
Long story short, IMHO you can just pick that one up and play it without worrying about missing a ton.