- Comment on I've never had such good prints. Replaced my warped ass Ender3S1 bed with a mirror. 4 months ago:
When I went to glass it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize I needed to up my bed temp by 10° if I wanted good adhesion
- Comment on I've never had such good prints. Replaced my warped ass Ender3S1 bed with a mirror. 4 months ago:
I swapped to glass a few years ago and the things I have learned since are that glass that’s too thick will cause you issues with bed temperature, and you can print PETG on it so long as you can guarantee you’ll be there when the print finishes to release it with IPA or you’ll have chunks of glass missing from your build plate. I got a G10 build plate 2 days ago and sofar I’m liking it more than glass
- Comment on shapez 2 is a huge success selling over 270,000 in the first month, future plans detailed 4 months ago:
I saw a video on it from let’s game it out and bought it about 2 minutes later because I knew it would suck me in. 280 hours later I’m in the top 0.009% worldwide. I don’t have a problem, you have a problem.
- Comment on Eureka 4 months ago:
I’m gonna go ahead and be that guy and point out the fact that in the panels showing himat his desk from the inside, th window is to his right and there’s no wall right next to him, while the one from the outside has the window directly in line with him and it’s breaking me
- Comment on U.S. is seeing a boom in clean energy jobs 5 months ago:
Is it weird I immediately recognize this guy because he competed in the electrician games or whatever it was called? Me and a tradie friend sat and shat on everything they did because working on a jobiste after the electricians and the plumbers means you’re cleaning up their mess and fixing everything they did wrong, or at least pointing it out for them to fix it.
- Comment on Which height should I choose for a ring? 6 months ago:
I would refer to that as thickness, but I’m not a jeweller. My advice stays the same though, try some on and see what you like.
- Comment on Which height should I choose for a ring? 6 months ago:
My wedding band is ~8 mm and i’ve never worn a ring less than 4 at its narrowest point. I would say just find something you like the look of, and see if you can find something at a jeweller that’s similar you can try on if you’re that worried about the fit.