- Comment on EA pledge another 23 accessibility patents for public royalty-free use 2 months ago:
EA is a cancer on the gaming landscape
All EA cares about is getting into your wallet
- Comment on The midlife crisis is not universal: Study of thousands of people in rural communities shows that many do not experience a slump in well-being during their forties and fifties. 4 months ago:
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 4 months ago:
Best comment on this thread
Also, amazing life
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 4 months ago:
Different point of view on your “source”, which is a mass market paperback made to sell and be consumed, not for serious scientific inquiry.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 4 months ago:
Which tribes that you often see?
- Comment on The midlife crisis is not universal: Study of thousands of people in rural communities shows that many do not experience a slump in well-being during their forties and fifties. 4 months ago:
I’ll take an industrialized society over an agrarian almost hunter-gatherer society anyday, even with a mid-life crisis
Romanticizing a society without antibiotics and modern healthcare, with a life expectancy of 40 is the height of stupidity
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
It’s not my definition. It is the definition that is being used in context in the article. Read it before commenting
The definition being used is proper and common in modern usage.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
That is correct. They might work, but in context they are not “working people”
Here “working people” is synonymous with “working class”. Thus, not landlords and shareholders obviously
- Comment on Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at Paris airport: report 6 months ago:
The French are hypocrites
Liberté, égalité, fraternité my ass
The French want a back door into Telegram. Facists
- Comment on Meta just closed a vital online research tool. It’s bad news for the fight against misinformation. 6 months ago:
Easy. Stop using Meta
It is trash
- Comment on USA | Biden Administration Sending 6,500 Munitions to Israel, Despite Ongoing Killing Of Civilians in Gaza 6 months ago:
You got to keep them lobby dollars flowing
- Comment on Disney has “earned” latest streaming price hike, CFO says 6 months ago:
What is this mysterious “other service”
Friend’s wife wants to know. We’re bored in bed
- Comment on Kamala Harris' running mate Tim Walz is not 'normal,' CNN contributor says 6 months ago:
Should be called the Central Nothing Network
- Comment on Romanian oligarch hired Hunter Biden to influence US policy, special counsel says 6 months ago:
That Romanian oligarch needs to get a new HR department if he thinks Hunter will influence anything other than a bottle of Scotch and straw in his nostril
- Comment on US border agents must get warrant before cell phone searches, federal court rules 7 months ago:
Even a stopped clock is right once a day
- Comment on Amazon workers narrowly reject union in historic vote 7 months ago:
The vote did not pass and Amazon is laying off workers at every level. Automation is coming faster due to unions
Whose the clown? 🤡
- Comment on Amazon workers narrowly reject union in historic vote 7 months ago:
Unions hurt productivity and in the long term make companies and countries less competitive.
A system where labor benefits from increased productivity needs to be found. Unions are not and have never been the answer
Also, unions are regularly linked to criminal activity, strong arming, and organized crime
Lots of people that blindly support the perceived short term benefits of unionization in Lemmy. But, this are facts whether you like them or not
Long term, unions are bad for everyone