- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 1 day ago:
There was a time when we thought the movie Iron Sky was a satirical comedy. We may end up with Nazis colonizing space after all…
- Comment on Riding the Ambien walrus 4 days ago:
When was the second coming of Yoshi prophesied in the holy texts?
- Comment on i feel like a fictional character is right there, am i going insane? 1 week ago:
Have you felt this way before? Are you stressed or tired? The short of it is you probably want to mention it to your doctor. You might be starting to show signs of a couple issues, including schizophrenia.
Here’s the google ai answer about possible causes, so take this with a grain of salt: “Feeling a presence in the room” is commonly referred to as a “felt presence” in psychology, which means experiencing the sensation that someone else is in the room with you, even though there is no physical evidence of another person being present; it’s essentially a psychological phenomenon where you feel like someone is there without seeing or hearing them.
Key points about felt presence:
Not a hallucination:
While it might feel like a hallucination, a felt presence isn’t considered one because it’s not experienced through the five senses, but rather as a general feeling.
Possible causes:
- Stress or anxiety: Extreme stress or anxiety can trigger the feeling of a presence.
- Grief or bereavement: People often report feeling a presence of a deceased loved one.
- Sleep deprivation: When falling asleep or waking up, the brain can sometimes create this sensation.
- Neurological conditions: Certain neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease or epilepsy can also lead to felt presence experiences.
- Mental health conditions: Individuals with psychosis or schizophrenia may experience frequent felt presences.
What to do if you experience a felt presence:
Assess your mental state:
Consider if you are under significant stress, experiencing grief, or having sleep disturbances which could be contributing to the feeling.
Relaxation techniques:
Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to manage anxiety.
Seek professional help:
If the feeling is persistent, distressing, or accompanied by other symptoms, consult a mental health professional to explore potential underlying causes.
- Comment on Meta’s AI Profiles Are Already Polluting Instagram and Facebook With Slop 2 months ago:
All I can think of is one of Mr. Lovenstein’s comics… we’re finally free now!
- Comment on Graphic Design Is My Passion 2 months ago:
Checkmate designers!
- Comment on Happy New Year! Thought I'd share my new year's resolution to the people here 2 months ago:
8k is a screen resolution, so his New Year’s resolution is 8k as though maybe they just upgraded their tv/monitor (or they’re just rubbing it in as 8k is a higher res than most people have), where normally a New Year’s resolution is something where someone is trying to improve themselves in the new year (such as walking 10k steps every day, losing 10lbs, eating out less often, or learning a new skill, etc)
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
What’s the opposite of the False Consensus Effect, where you feel like no one probably agrees with you?
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
God, I hate how often my CEO says this
- Comment on Peanuts - A community for posting about the Peanuts comic by Charles M. Schulz 4 months ago:
Thanks for doing this! I’ve really enjoyed the early comics so far!
- Comment on Maybe all this AI bullshit might finally push people to touch grass and interact face to face some more 4 months ago:
Not to mention, there’s also a lot of human slop.
- Comment on No further questions your honour 5 months ago:
Why is the changing her life part (losing weight and getting a divorce after seeing Bigfoot) relevant? Did she leave her husband to try to get with Bigfoot and is suing the state because they claim her new beau doesn’t exist? Wild!
- Comment on never 5 months ago:
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
In that case, does it become a weed box? Is a bread box still a “bread box” if it doesn’t contain bread?
- Comment on How did marking corrections with the astrisk originate? 5 months ago:
Noting a correction is part of a larger scope of annotating something. From Wikipedia:
There is also a two-thousand-year-old character used by Aristarchus of Samothrace called the asteriskos, ※, which he used when proofreading Homeric poetry to mark lines that were duplicated. Origen is known to have also used the asteriskos to mark missing Hebrew lines from his Hexapla. The asterisk evolved in shape over time, but its meaning as a symbol used to correct defects remained.
In the Middle Ages, the asterisk was used to emphasize a particular part of text, often linking those parts of the text to a marginal comment. However, an asterisk was not always used.
Aristarchus of Samothrace was from c. 220 – c. 143 BC, so it’s been used to notation since at least then!