- Comment on Panama formally exits China’s Belt and Road Initiative as US claims ‘victory’ 4 weeks ago:
Obviously, its in the name. Checkmate
- Comment on Sweden starts building 100,000 year storage site for spent nuclear fuel 1 month ago:
But is that enough? I rarely trust industry standards.
- Comment on Sweden says China denied request for prosecutors to board ship linked to severed cables 2 months ago:
The Chinese get it; never talk to cops.
- Comment on Why some book fans are leaving Amazon-owned Goodreads in wake of the U.S. election 3 months ago:
I enjoy using it. Its not too flashy and lets me keep a list of books I have, want, am reading, and have read. Its searchable and has some graphing functions
- Comment on USA | Trump threatens to impose sweeping new tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China on first day in office 3 months ago:
Sounds like Mexico, Canada, and China should write their own trade deal
- Comment on Is it worth it?? 3 months ago:
Physicists abhor a black box. So long as it is an option, most will choose not to use AI to any great extent, and will chastise those who do.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Yeah, imagine if the air brakes failed on a transport truck and instead of them defaulting to on, they no longer worked…
Or if your Anti-lock braking system defaulted to no brakes instead of brakes without Anti-lock
Or if the power goes out an elevator just falls to the ground
Or if…
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
Fyi, your seatbelt buckle should be able to smash a window in an emergency
- Comment on South Korea exam sees record number of re-takes after medical reforms 3 months ago:
Much more likely to be because their wages will be less artificially inflated once the number of doctors increases. Its the same in Canada. We limit the number of seats, rather than admitting all those who qualify to be doctors, and we have need for.
Gotta love bringing everything into the market…
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago:
The real question is if you slapped hard enough to raise the temperature to 74C (undergrad clearly doesn’t cook), what would the temperature of your hand be? And for the engineers: how far up your arm would you have to measure before the temperature returning to normal body temperature? And for the bio/kin/nursing/premed students: how much would need to be amputated?
- Comment on Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of force 8 months ago:
Bruh so funny. I’m not sure I could have come up with a quip so succinct, yet so useless.
There is a worrying amount of Nazi sympathy among Ukrainian forces
The Russian economy is doing surprisingly well (signalling that the west no longer holds complete control over world trade)
Fuck Russia for invading a sovereign nation
Fuck the west for blocking peace talks
Good luck to all peoples in their fights of liberation from their oppressors. The leadership of the west and it’s oligarchs, the Russian oligarchs, and all leaders sympathetic to the American empire would be better used as pig feed.
None of us are free unless we are all free.
There. Now that you know where I stand, it should be easier to construct an intelligent response.
- Comment on Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of force 8 months ago:
Work where? The war crimes division of Nazi HQ?
Relax buddy, people are allowed to work together. Even if you don’t like a particular country.