Foreign minister says China denied request for prosecutor to investigate onboard Yi Peng 3, which sailed over cables
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Submitted 2 months ago by to
Foreign minister says China denied request for prosecutor to investigate onboard Yi Peng 3, which sailed over cables
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The Chinese get it; never talk to cops.
Funny that they think they ultimately have a say in the matter. Maybe they should ride Putin’s dick even harder and start a trade war. If both Eu & Us pull for the same team, china won’t be abke to get rid of their subpar crap anywhere.
Deeply unserious comment
Has any of these wanna be detective Clouseaus articulated a plausible reason for China to do this? It’s means and motive, right? Cause I can’t for the life of me imagine one.
This whole thing is giving “what if the Taliban attack our small town in Ohio” vibes. Just pure paranoia and reactionary brainworms.
The ship did damage a pipeline and a fibre optic cable by dragging their anchor for no reason in the middle of the sea.
Most of the investigation is against the company and the ship in particular, not China as a whole. They need to look over their routines if nothing else.
“Just a bunch of wild sharks damaging stuff, nothing to see here.” 2 months ago
The ship had been anchored in international waters for weeks, pending a diplomatic resolution. They didn’t have to do that, the ship had every right to continue it’s journey and Nordic authorities had no right to stop it. However, China decided to show good will and negotiate a resolution.
The agreement between China and the Nordic countries was clear: Chinese authorities would inspect the ship and talk to crew with Nordic representatives being invited as inspectors but not allowed to take investigative steps. China didn’t have to do this but did it as a show of good will.
And then the Swedes shows up with a prosecutor and think they can play cops and do as they please. And now they’re miffed about having to follow the terms they agreed to themselves mere hours before. The patience and restraint of China continues to amaze me. 2 months ago
Lol you got reported for being a “tankie” 2 months ago
Guilty as charged shrug-outta-hecks 2 months ago
A tankie is someone who thinks China can have boats