“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”
- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations
- Comment on My Attempt at Jellico circa 2381 17 hours ago:
Ironically, the Cerritos is on 4 shifts, based in the existance of delta shift.
- Submitted 18 hours ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Has Anyone Else Noticed Jellico's Face Constantly Changes in Prodigy? 20 hours ago:
Note: In a few of these, I have multiple images of what I consider to be the main variants, which I would say are S1 E15 version, S1 E19 version, S2 E5/E9 version, and S2 E14 onward.
- Submitted 21 hours ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Which shows are worth watching? 22 hours ago:
Some of the early episodes are important in my opinion but a little rough at times.
Once you hit season 2, there is rarely a bad episode - they’re all at the very least funny, except for “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”, which is just the most brutal form of torture and an experiment in anti-storytelling. .
- Comment on Which shows are worth watching? 1 day ago:
Not totally right. Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy are all decent. TOS is also worth a watch with an episode list, and TAS has a few good ones as well.
Discovery, in my opinion, isn’t as bad some say either. It’s hardly peak Star Trek, but I’ve found I enjoy it sometimes.
As others have set, Lower Decks is not the first show you should watch though - it’s more enjoyable after watching everything. Also, both Lower Decks and Prodigy, I’d recommend watching through the first 10 or so episodes before making a judgement - the first few episodes aren’t their best. Lower Decks is often funny and at least once a season (from season 2) puts out a masterpiece that belong with the best of Trek. I’d say the top/my favorite LD episodes are (in no particular order):
- S1 E8 "Veritas"
- S2 E5 “An Embarrassment of Dooplers” (I hate the Dooplers, but everything else about that episode is solid)
- S2 E9 "Wej Duj"
- S2 E10 "First Contact"
- S3 E1 "Grounded"
- S3 E5 "Reflections"
- S3 E6 "Hear All, Trust Nothing"
- S3 E8 "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"
- S4 E4 "Something Borrowed, Something Green"
- S4 E6 "Parth Ferengi’s Heart Palace"
- S4 E9 "The Inner Fight"
- S4 E10 "Old Friends, New Planets"
- S5 E2 "Shades of Green"
- S5 E4 "A Farewell to Farms"
- S5 E6 "Of Gods and Angles"
- S5 E7 “Fully Dilated” (I think there were some things I wish this episode did better, but I still enjofed it.)
- S5 E9 “Fissure Quest”
- Comment on Sokath, his browser’s eyes wide open 1 day ago:
As long as it’s in Debian, I’ll use it.
- Submitted 3 days ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Don't Worry, guys! I've Gone Trek in a They Might Be Giants board as well! 4 days ago:
Honestly, I’m tempted to move This Might Be Lemmy from lemmy.sorld, considering federation issues.
- Submitted 4 days ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered... Charting the unknown possibilities of existence. 5 days ago:
Actually, Mirror Chakotay was depicted in Prodigy (along with mirror Janeway). He likes to torture people like any good Terrain boi.
- Comment on William Shatner Confirms Talks for Star Trek Return at 93 Years Old 5 days ago:
By Beta canon or otherwise, it’s heavily implied he doesn’t live that long in most timelines.
- Comment on Oh, are we doing 90s music references now? 6 days ago:
Excuse me. “Boss of Me” is early 2000’s music, thank you very much. 😑😂
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 0 comments
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on William Shatner Confirms Talks for Star Trek Return at 93 Years Old 1 week ago:
Honestly, I kind of want Kirk to stay dead.
- Comment on chat is this real 🤔 2 weeks ago:
I like OpenStreetMaps’s solution. (Though you’ll have to dig a little - they don’t show names for large bodies of water like that by default.)
- Comment on I'm finally going to the 🪩DISCO🪩 2 weeks ago:
I do admit that while I found the plot ridiculous, I did find the character’s story interesting. It’s hard to go wrong with holodeck episodes, honestly.
I though of an interesting story based on that where from childhood, someone accidentally lives an entire simulated life based on the real world 20-40 years in the past and becomes a Starfleet officer in the simulation (down to a fake 4 years at the Academy, maybe with holo Boothby). The holodeck then gets shut off by real Starfleet officers. Besides the obvious emotional story, it would also be interesting if the simulation was accurate enough that the person’s experience made the captain decide to make them a provisional officer at the end of the episode.
- Comment on Master Replicas Reveals New Line of Star Trek Action Figures 2 weeks ago:
I guess you can always remember the skin balloon from Doctor Who… unless you’ve never watched Doctor Who, in which case forget I ever said anything.
- Comment on Master Replicas Reveals New Line of Star Trek Action Figures 2 weeks ago:
If you go to their website, there is a picture of a Tendi, but it is mildly terrifying. You have been warned.
- Comment on I'm finally going to the 🪩DISCO🪩 2 weeks ago:
I would agree season 3 is a great season.
I agree that the species was doomed, but I still feel like repeating a grief story was a bit insane.
- Comment on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Season 1 Wraps Filming 2 weeks ago:
I just wish there were no mysterious threats…
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 10 comments
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 2 weeks ago:
They’ve said it’s coming in early this year - there’s literally a clip of it out:…. It definitely looks near done.
Also, season 4 seems to already be in pre-production.
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 2 weeks ago:
I agree in some senses with the stand-alone part, but not necessarily the animated part. I feel like it would just need to be marketed right. Executives are convinced for the most part that animation is either only for kids or for irreverent adult comedies, when it really should be viewed as a general medium.
I think Infinity Train is the best evidence of my point (look it up if you don’t know); it really transcends the typical bounds assigned to animation. Book 3 especially is truly just a great fantasy/sci-fi drama. However, it was basically killed by executives who wanted a tax write-off and couldn’t see its potential outside a “kids show”. Now some of the series is purchasable on various online storefronts, but the only legal way to watch all of Book 3 is to pirate it.
If executives and people alike would liberate themselves from the stigma of animation, I feel like you could pull off high-quality, TNG-length seasons that allow less rushed charater development for a reasonable budget compared to an expensive live action streaming show. In some ways, Prodigy was an example of this - I felt like I got more time with the characters than almost any other modern Trek (granted SNW is still going on).
I’ve never met a person where I mentioned Star Trek and they went, “Ew, Discovery. I’m never watching any Star Trek ever again”; I think Discovery had its flaws (and strengths), but it made little impact on franchise popularity.
Usually (which you touch on), it’s more like they’re just bamboozled by the cannon. Like, I was watching DS9 once, and my roommate asked if it was the original, which then brought a long and complicated explanation from me. I think you’re right that it’d be very nice to have a Star Trek show that one could show to people where when old lore is brought in, it’s delivered in such a way that people can pick it up as they go.
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 2 weeks ago:
Un-cancel Lower Decks. 😉
Honestly, though, I feel like most media groups in general forget why the streaming model worked in the first place. They want Office-level hits, but forget that The Office wasn’t immediately successful. Not immediately killing it just because of that gave it time to find a fandom.
Most shows should automatically get 2-3 seasons, and they often aren’t getting that.
As for the whole “none of them knew what Star Trek was” anecdote - I find that a bit exaggerated. I’m a college student, and I wore a Boimler costume for Halloween- most could identify that I was something Star Trek. Around other people my age, they can at least think of Spock or Patrick Stewart.
- Comment on Sam Whited on Mastodon: "I gave myself a dedicated "Picard" button that I can reach over and hit any time a company tries to make me use their new LLM." 2 weeks ago:
I feel like the marketing for Artificial Idiocy comes down to three words: “Resistance is futile.”
As put aptly by one text (which I have yet to read): “When you trick somebody into participating in a small-time fraud, it’s called a ‘scam’. But when the scam is so big that people have no choice but to participate, it’s called ‘economics.’”
Man, I swear in DS9:“Bar Association” that Rom had the 2016 DC Flintstones comic pulled up on his PADD while doing research.
P.S Like the person in the video, I too use Linux.
- Comment on Warp Five: The Lower Decks Cast on the Cerritos' Future 2 weeks ago:
I really wish we’d gotten more T’Lyn time. She needed at least one more episode focused on her.
- Comment on Warp Five: The Lower Decks Cast on the Cerritos' Future 2 weeks ago:
Amateurs. (I think I’ve watched almost every episode 3 times at least. The main exceptions are a few random season 1 episodes and “A Mathematically Perfect Redemption”.)
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 2 comments