- Comment on Rock and Stone 4 months ago:
This is goin’ in tha book.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
So when Ukrainians try to push for closer alignment with the EU it’s a Washington-backed color revolution and thus is no different than Russia rolling into the literal tanks.
Like, even if you’re not a Russian troll you’re still adopting a conspiracy theory that completely ignores any agency the Ukrainian people have.
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
But only the specific subset of anarchists that I read about first in my early 20s! All the others are just like those fascists in the Judean People’s Front!
- Comment on Just So 4 months ago:
I think the other important point to add is that evo psych in popular discourse is rarely used to explain alone. Instead it seems to always lead into the naturalistic fallacy as an explanation for why the world can’t or shouldn’t be kinder, more humane, or less authoritarian. Add on to this that the people making these arguments are usually pretty out of touch with the actual archaeological record about their supposed environment of evolutionary adaptiveness and it’s not at all surprising that whatever legitimate insights it may offer are buried under a mountain of bullshit.
- Comment on Just So 4 months ago:
Honestly I think a lot of the worst evo psych takes don’t even get as far as hypothesizing or evidence. They fail at the first hurdle of “identify something about the world”. It’s the classic Freudian error of never once asking “hey wait is everyone like this or is it just me?”
- Comment on Empires fall 5 months ago:
Of course, some months later as fall approached, travellers saw stretched between the ruined pillars a banner proclaiming: Spirit Halloween Now Hiring!
- Comment on Secret calculator hack brings ChatGPT to the TI-84, enabling easy cheating 5 months ago:
Obligatory plug for calcgpt
- Comment on Okay, two issues here... 5 months ago:
I got all the way down on my one knee and nothing short of the second coming is gonna move me from this spot
- Comment on Generative AI creates playable version of Doom game with no code 5 months ago:
Possibly fair. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that exact screenshot used in other articles about Doom, but I’m not enough of a Doom nerd to be sure.
There’s a decent writeup over at Pivot-to-AI that looks at the paper as a whole in more detail.
- Comment on Generative AI creates playable version of Doom game with no code 5 months ago:
Note that the image here isn’t from the AI project, it’s from actual Doom. Their own screenshots have weird glitches including a hit splat that looks like a butt in the image I’ve seen closest to this one.
And when they say they’ve “run the game” they do not mean that there was a playable version that was publicly compared to the original. Rather they released short video clips of alleged gameplay and had their evaluators try to identify if they were from the AI recreation or from actual Doom.
Even by the abysmal standards of generative AI projects this is a hell of a grift.
- Comment on This post 6 months ago:
This is broadly true, though there can be some wiggle room in the exact definitely of “immediate life-saving care” depending on where you end up, though. In particular, a condition like appendicitis that will inevitably lead to a crisis may be turned away until it actually becomes one, even if that makes things riskier and costlier for everyone involved.