- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
you can make a custom filter with ublock. I’m not seeing anything with the words trump, biden, us, texas, etc, including us politics related acronyms I have no idea about and that kept popping up 😅
- Comment on Something from the old days 8 months ago:
I recently tried Aoe II definitive edition. they managed to massacre the UI so much it hurts my eyes… that alone made me issue a refund also £15 for a 25 year old game. you’d expect it to be better in every aspect at the very least
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
malicious compliance: getting your team to wear this and stay as still as possible at the office Image
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
Apple products are basically jewelry, you choose Apple products largely to be seen with them
that’s usually the take of someone who has never actually used them. I’m far from an Apple fanboy - I actually use all OS because I understood a while ago that each has its strengths.
my main machine is a Mac and the reason for that is that it is very reliable. I feel like I can count on it to take somewhere and have it just work and not get stuck in a boot loop, or locked out in the login screen (things I faced with linux distros) or stuck in a surprise update screen with Windows.
of course it’s a locked down system with little flexibility and could be expensive, but it pays off in reliability imo. when I want to do some more tricky shenanigans I have a machine with linux, and windows is for… well it’s only really worth to play games with for me hehe
tldr I wish all jewellery was that useful
- Comment on Wave Particle Duality 10 months ago:
it’s really annoying how bad this experiment is explained to the general public. the wording generally used is so poor it implies there’s something supernatural about the phenomenon
I’m not a physicist, but as far as I understand the principle, any human actively looking at the experiment changes absolutely nothing. what it really postulates is that light behaves as a wave until it is interacted with. at that point, the wave “collapses” and it starts to behave as a particle, positioned somewhere within the probability zone described by the wave initially. when you measure it in any way, using some measuring tool, it inevitably interacts with it
- Comment on EPIC personality test. Which personality are you?!? 10 months ago:
interestingly, anedoctaly, I’m an absolute skeptic about almost everything, including astrology, religion and the such, but this test was so on spot from me I had a real hard time being convinced it was pseudoscience
- Comment on It's always gets sloppy after the bars close 10 months ago:
dirty mike n the boys