- Comment on I'm looking to buy something like a reverse wheelbarrow, what do I call that? 1 day ago:
In my country we have these:
This is a dvoukolák (lit. twowheeler). According to the internet it can carry up-to 240 kg. Dvoukoláks often have bigger wheels and they’re not collapsible.
I looked on American Amazon and on Walmart’s website and I couldn’t find anything like it. Bike trailers seem to be closest to a dvoukolák.
- Comment on Cubic Odyssey announced as a fusion of Minecraft and No Man's Sky 1 month ago:
It’s the blocks! (I never felt like I could create good looking buildings using the walls-stick-to-the-floor building system that NMS and other games use.)
- Comment on Day 38 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Minecraft 1.5) 6 months ago:
Beta 1.5 did not have hunger. That was added in beta 1.8!
- Comment on Slay the Spire 2 - Reveal Trailer 10 months ago:
I dropped out from uni because of the first game. Don’t do this to me!
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
Disclaimer: I haven’t played TOTK. I only played a bit of BOTW.
It’s all about expectations. I never thought of Zelda as a game with a story, so BOTW not having one doesn’t bother me. Harry Potter, on the other hand, I’ve always associated with memorable characters and a bonkers world. HL translates this bonkers world into a game quite well, but its story doesn’t (in my opinion) fit that world nor does it have memorable characters. (Some of the characters look and feel like Lidl versions of the characters from the original books.)
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
The story of HL is also one of its weaknesses. It’s a generic chosen one story with unmemorable characters.