- Comment on Star Entertainment close to collapse with casino group set to run out of cash before the weekend 4 days ago:
Guys, please pray for Star
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 4 weeks ago:
You’re right. You can’t have a hodgepodge of cycling infrastructure that doesn’t lead anywhere and blame people for not using it. Cycle paths need to have planning and purpose and then you’ll see some actual uptake
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 4 weeks ago:
I remember seeing some numbers that every kilometre driven actually costs the EU money in terms of maintenance and the environment, whereas ever kilometre cycled was a net gain
- Comment on Australia spends $714 per person on roads every year – but just 90 cents goes to walking, wheeling and cycling 4 weeks ago:
I live 15km from work and public transport doesn’t put you anywhere near it and there are no convenient bicycle paths. One of the most direct routes requires crossing the same road like 3 times or sharing the road with a 70km speed limit.
It could be such an easy ride but the considerations have not been put in place to make cycling a serious option for people that live nearby
- Comment on Australia bans DeepSeek on government devices over security risk 4 weeks ago:
We got an email at work not to use DeepSeek. And yeah, it’s funny how all the western malware is completely fine
- Comment on Are you a Coles patriot. Or are you a Woolies nationalist? 5 weeks ago:
Woolworths for online and Coles because it’s closest. There’s no IGA or Aldi conveniently nearby and I don’t have time to do the runaround sourcing things from everywhere else
- Comment on Private health insurance is a dud. That’s why a majority of Australians don’t have it | Grogonomics 2 months ago:
I’ll see if I can find something cheaper than my monthly repayments for my last tax bill. The repayments will add up if I don’t do anything as I can stretched it out to go over 24 months
- Comment on Private health insurance is a dud. That’s why a majority of Australians don’t have it | Grogonomics 2 months ago:
I looked into this at an old job. I could contribute $500 a month to super and only take home $250 less a month. I’ll definitely do this if I can pick up some side work again as that’s 6 grand a year in one of the safest investment vehicles you can use
- Comment on Private health insurance is a dud. That’s why a majority of Australians don’t have it | Grogonomics 2 months ago:
I’m over 31 and make enough to get hit with the Medicare levy surcharge. I don’t really want private health insurance but is there something I can get to cut down on how much I’d get stung for the surcharge every financial year?
- Comment on Australian bosses on notice as 'deliberate' wage theft becomes a crime 2 months ago:
Crazy wage theft has only been a civil matter up until now and not criminal. In the US wage theft outpaces theft from stores for value taken from people, I imagine it would be much the same here
- Comment on Australian families switching to cycling as car-running costs rise - ABC News 5 months ago:
It sucks people feel the need to ride their bike out of necessity. But riding is the best way to get around when the infrastructure is there.
Riding feels so good when you’re on a nice path with a flat run. You get the same connection with the world around you as walking, but you move faster without the hassle of traffic
- Comment on Old theme ABC news link 6 months ago:
Could they at least give it a dark mode with all that empty space?
- Comment on Booktopia to begin trading again after sale to online store digiDirect 6 months ago:
Kids books would be a big part of the market too. You need to have the physical books out on displayso kids can look at them and grab them.
I’d try go independent either book stores or toy shops first but Booktopia would be the next place to look after that for kids books
- Comment on Booktopia to begin trading again after sale to online store digiDirect 6 months ago:
I’ve bought from digiDirect before and it seems like they’re doing the right thing by Booktopia’s old employees.
I’ll keep buying from them if they make it possible to browse the website with some privacy extensions running
- Comment on Young Australians falling down a 'rabbit hole of hate', ASIO boss warns 6 months ago:
Thank you, all fixed now
- Comment on Young Australians falling down a 'rabbit hole of hate', ASIO boss warns 6 months ago:
Violence of the state: OK Economic violence of corporations: OK Violence of extremist groups whose interest aligns with capital: OK Minority groups looking to defend themselves and enact change: hold on there, buddy, you just might be doing a terrorism
- Comment on Bruce Lehrmann to stand trial on rape charges 8 months ago:
This motherfucker…
- Comment on Fake job ads waste applicants' time and harm their wellbeing. So why are companies posting them? 8 months ago:
I’ve been through this as well. I went through a stage where I could have multiple job interviews in a week, sometimes on the same day.
I could tell it was the end of the month because recruiters would start calling, and even in the middle of the month after job ads had been up for two weeks.
Then when you do progress a step employers want you to jump through more hoops than ever now. And they’re surprised when you push back because you either still have work or other things going on. I’m not going to give a business free labour on the off chance they hire me, I’ll do your exercises for you when I’m getting paid.
And all the platforms you need to sign up for. I use a password manager and some software shares the same URL, but accounts are separate. You either use a bunch of different passwords and can never tell which is which, or compromise yourself by using the same one over and over.
I know the applicant tracking platforms by look now, and I can tell which I can apply through easily and which will have problems with the way my resume is formatted. Some of the worst software I’ve ever used, the industry as a whole.
- Comment on Scam Awareness Thread 8 months ago:
Here’s a handy PDF:…/the-little-black-book-of-scams
Two tips I can think of are:
- financial institutions never include links in emails. They ask you to search for their website and login there
- Push back against any time pressure callers make. The police are never on their way during a call with the ATO. Stay calm and say you’ll call them back. That’s the last thing scammers want because you’ll call the real ATO and the problem won’t exist.
I’ve been thinking of something for more scam conscious people as well; you’d never say a lock can’t be broken or some software can’t be hacked, we should take the same approach and think we could be scammed at any time ourselves. It’s not that we’re immune to scams, it’s that we haven’t encountered one good enough to fool us yet
- Comment on Yes, Australia’s big supermarkets have been price gouging. But fixing the problem won’t be easy 9 months ago:
I saw the thoughtslime video on loblaws and they did one earlier on the telecom situation in Canada. It should be a warning on how bad things can get herr
- Comment on Why are Australia's unemployment payments so inadequate? Experts say they have been deteriorating for decades 9 months ago:
Love this line:
“For some reason, it released the report on the Friday between Anzac Day and the weekend, so it didn’t get much media coverage.”
Can’t be seen helping poor people. Can’t admit you’re not helping them either.
- Comment on 'I don't think it's that hard': The former cop who says he knows how to save more domestic violence victims 10 months ago:
Good to see a cop advocating for extra funding to community and mental health services.
Let’s hope its taken on board and the politicians do more to boost quality of life for people as well. It might help with more than just domestic violence
- Comment on How many of you 9-5s have been given work from home forever ? 10 months ago:
Where I work went Work From Anywhere during Covid. I joined after the decision was made. They recently acquired a place in New Zealand and went about shutting down the head office to do the same over there.
They say there are no plans to get people back into an office but I wonder about that. There have been questionable business decisions up top that have affected my team and others, so I wonder if they’ll start getting people back in for the sake of ‘productivity’
- Comment on Victoria’s Robinsons Bookshop apologises after owner’s call for more ‘white kids’ on book covers 1 year ago:
Looks like I’m not shopping there anymore.
This is extra funny considering I bought Piketty’s Time For Socialism from a Robinson’s.