- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 1 month ago:
I’m sure all those old European royal families are going, “Yeah, yeah, it’s those tiny middle of nowhere American towns where the inbreeding happens. Not here. Never here.”
- Comment on In general, people on Lemmy don't want high effort or high quality posts that take longer than 30 seconds to digest. 3 months ago:
OP is conflating effort and quality. Seems they think just because they put effort into something it should be accepted as good quality, so they deserve worthless upvotes.
They aren’t getting that so it’s everybody else’s fault. - Comment on Why is the price of real estate rising so dramatically? 3 months ago:
I like that the line you quoted from the article is pretty much a bait and switch.
- Comment on Myanmar rebels take the road to Mandalay 4 months ago:
The news has been barely covering this, even since the outbreak. I forgot it was happening and am surprised and happy the rebels are still fighting.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
I’m curious how old OP is. I still keep a book in the bathroom. It’s where I do most of my reading.
- Comment on How did people poop before smartphones were invented? 5 months ago:
That seems, I’m not sure the word, but not correct. You can find a doctor (any professional) to say anything.
I bring my phone and keep a book in the bathroom because I’m NOT straining. I sit down, and while gravity is doing its thing to my guts, I read a chapter. I’m not rushing or pushing or popping hemorrhoids because I’m on my phone writing a stupid comment about pooping while pooping.
I don’t think Dr Greg knows how people are using their phones in the bathroom. People aren’t reading the back of shampoo bottles because they’re in a hurry.
- Comment on Diversity 6 months ago:
His videos used to be super good. Charlie was a great addition. But after Thumb EAS’ed from the Air Force they started going downhill; trending in the ways you’ve already mentioned.
- Comment on ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings) 8 months ago:
There was a time where the tag line for Dark Souls was “Prepare to Die”
That’s a neat fun fact, but I didn’t buy Dark Souls, known for its difficulty, I bought Elden Ring, notable for its beautiful open world and complex meandering story.
Beating Malenia’s ducky dance or chasing the Elden Beast around the arena for half an hour is not as interesting as all the questions created by the multiple stories and characters in the world. Or how Marika has betrayed or been betrayed. How Godfrey was cast aside only to be recalled when The Order needed protecting. Or how Godwyn pollutes the world above his carcass.
No part of the story will be diminished if the player is given a slight edge in combat. The combat often isn’t even that fuckin good, it’s just pattern memorization.
Some of you try hards are just, ugh, go back and sit down on your shit bucket. The rest of us are trying to have fun with our video games. - Comment on Even wealthy Americans are struggling to make ends meet 8 months ago:
Hmm… there’s a big difference struggling to make ends meat and > A significant share of wealthier Americans are coping with financial pressure by cutting spending, including dialing back restaurant visits and entertainment.
That’s not struggling, it’s being irresponsible. I make over 6 figures and live in Southern California, and my only hard ships are self induced… motorcycles, motorcycle parts (I don’t need three motorcycles), gun parts, car parts, going out to eat, driving an old truck, new tools and beers ain’t buying themselves.
You cannot make me sympathetic for the wealthy with stupid headlines. - Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Last time I tried a taxi was because and Uber or Lyft was going to take 20 minutes to get to us (waiting? Gross.) I’m close to the air port, 15 minute ride home. Uber or Lyft would have been $30. The taxi was going to cost me $140. For a 15 minute drive? Get fucked. Dude is driving for almost $600 an hour?
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
And good bait at that. You’ve snagged us all.
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
My first thought was, “this post brought to you by not mechanics.” Otherwise they’d recognize the superiority of hex and torx over Philips and especially flat. But then I realized this is, in fact, a very shit post.
- Comment on Jeffrey Epstein's Island Visitors Exposed by Data Broker 11 months ago:
It’s odd that much of this traffic to the island happened AFTER Epstein’s conviction and “suicide.” Though, I would be wary of mishandling this data: just like not everyone who attends catholic church is a child molester, maybe not everyone who visited that island had nefarious machinations.
- Comment on Gaslighting 11 months ago:
No it doesn’t. How does it prove Deckard is a replicant versus proving Tyrell Corps had become just that good at replicating life. In both Blade Runner movies to prove something was replicant they had to get electron microscope close to find printing on cells. Perhaps Rachael was just that human. Unless it was explained somewhere I missed.