- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
oh look another triggered mayonnaise-skinned MRA type. ho-hum.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
only white men can read an anecdote about a woman being tired of having her own field mansplained to her, and turn it into “…and that’s why this is bigoted against me, actually”. Holy fucking shit dude.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
oh now your other comment makes sense, you think “reverse racism” is real and you don’t like people calling you out on complete bullshit like “Should there be a black woman asking the question, this wouldn’t be mentioned”. fuck you, your performative respectability games, and your shithead nazi kin.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
boo-hoo someone was mean to the racist troll, and everyone’s usually so nice on here! gimme a break
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
ITT people baww at the mere mention of race and gender in a context they find disagreeable, and proceed to behave as if the problem is other people being too sensitive about race and gender.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Why is ‘race’ relevant here?
Because it’s extremely relevant in American culture. Every culture really, we’re just somewhat ahead on not lying to ourselves about it.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans and how did they become so astonishingly self flagellating.
Nothing and we’re not, you’re an irate ignoramus with a chip on your shoulder having an imaginary dick measuring contest because you’re super duper sensitive about race.
Just on the insecure posture of this tweet, I’m prepared to bet cold hard cash that he asked her for clarity or something with a informational challenge “but does x not come from y?” Or whatever and she manufactured his reasoning and the rest to feel good. She doesn’t seem to know what et al means either.
He was literally telling her to go read her own work. The “et al” part is very fucking clearly taking the piss, do they not have humor over there in Stuckupistan?
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 11 months ago:
As a Linux user whose first distro was Arch, I heartily endorse this advice. Arch is a terrible place to start.
- Comment on Anime pfps rise up 11 months ago:
this is news to all of us greymuzzles with multiple decades invested in the fandom
- Comment on be like 11 months ago:
it sounds like you’re not only deeply insecure but unwilling to better yourself out of a misguided sense of spite
- Comment on The extension shingami eyes is back. 1 year ago:
the internet is just stuff on various computers, most of which are privately owned - imagine someone complaining that their free speech rights override your right to control your property, because you took down a note stuck to your door. “dystopic tool for social control” dude go meet your neighbors and make some connections that matter instead of worrying about forcing yourself onto as many strangers’ screens as possible. so fuckin dramatic.
- Comment on Please form an orderly line if you want to beat this dead horse 1 year ago:
while i also feel private jets are bad in general this is a conservative-media-led dogpile meant to smear her as punishment for telling her fans to vote or somesuch. there’s more productive things to do with that drive and energy than parrot literally decades-old Fox News smears. why are we playing their game?
- Comment on The extension shingami eyes is back. 1 year ago:
i don’t think it even rises to the bar of a free speech issue, honestly. it’s akin to throwing a tantrum because someone took your jerkass note off the corkboard, it was a courtesy to let it stay there in the first place.
- Comment on Please form an orderly line if you want to beat this dead horse 1 year ago:
Fox news pulled out the old “rich liberal having a private jet makes them a hypocrite because emissions” nugget they’ve been falling back on since the 2000 election (if not longer, that was the year i started following politics) and now it’s getting astroturfed everywhere. more meaningless culture war shit, basically.
- Comment on The extension shingami eyes is back. 1 year ago:
ITT people worry their hate speech won’t be seen
- Comment on Taylor swift got electrolytes too you know 1 year ago:
political memes in 2024 be like:
octogenarian with laser eyes
reskinned voldemort vs dumbledore memes
recycled memes from 20 years ago that used to be about Al Gore
weird tribalist overreactions to said recycled memes because we stan billionaires as long as the correct people put on a show of hating them, apparently.
- Comment on What’s a “sovereign citizen “? 1 year ago:
chemistry is an evolution of alchemy, because they strived in that way. Whereas Sovcit belief is a degenerate form of practicing law, more like a cargo cult imo.
- Comment on Palworld embroiled in AI and Pokémon ‘plagiarism’ controversy 1 year ago:
what an awful article. some people on twitter speculated about some things. journalism!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
if we’re gonna randomly pedant on people it’s “anglicization”. not that anyone cares.
- Comment on *ducks and runs* 1 year ago:
jesus i feel old…
- Comment on *ducks and runs* 1 year ago:
TIL these aren’t used anymore some places. These are on every bag of buns at my local stores.
- Comment on Carrot 1 year ago:
I’d like to add that anyone messing around with anything in that area should be aware that the airbag is very much capable of taking your head off and throwing it into the back seat so make damn sure you know what you’re doing.