- Comment on ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online 2 weeks ago:
Well of course I am. Lots of sensible folks are posting negative things about ICE online. ICE are a bunch of assholes.
- Comment on New No Man's Sky update adds walkable gas giants among "trillions" of new planets, just in case you were running out 4 weeks ago:
If it’s walkable, then it would be a solid giant, not a gas giant. What were they smoking?
- Comment on Forbidden Gummies 4 months ago:
I stand corrected. Learn something new every day.
- Comment on Forbidden Gummies 4 months ago:
Yes, figs are visited by wasps in the region figs are native to, but only in the same way that flowers are visited by bees. This picture is very much not what that would look like. This is, I’m certain, literally just a wasp nest.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
Yeah, a little of column A, a little from column B.
- Comment on No further questions your honour 4 months ago:
Right, those are relevant because they show the value of that inspiration. Inspiration that could have brought many more valuable changes to her life if she still had it, but sadly the park service stole that inspiration from her, along with many potential benefits it could have brought her if they’d just let her remain blissfully ignorant of the true identity of the inspiring bigfoot she thought she saw.
- Comment on Square! 5 months ago:
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
Ties are worn around the base of the neck, and the neck is the flexible thin part that connects the head. I see position A as being well below the flex point, which would be like wearing the tie low on the shoulders. That’s why I would prefer it at the bottom end of the joint. One could reasonably argue that anything above where the body narrows down towards the neck is part of the neck, in which case A would make sense.
Semantics on where a neck starts aside, position B is clearly at the top of the neck and is therefore just nonsense not even worth considering.
- Comment on Square! 5 months ago:
A square? A square?! Wake up sheeple! That things not even a rombus! Don’t you see the lies? Look at the lines! Look! Not all rhombuses are squares, but all squares are rhombuses! All squares are rhombuses and look at this thing they try to call a square. Where are the parallel lines? There’s got to be parallel lines, don’t you see, or then it’s not a rombus and all squares are rhombuses. Don’t forget that, don’t let them take that fact from you and perpetuate their geometric lies. Does no one even remember what a rombus is? This is, this is basic geometry here that you should have learned in middle school or elementary school, but then you just forget it, and let people trick you with these misleading definitions and fancy diagrams but you have to remember that a Square. Is. A. Rombus.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
I’d bet money it’s scitsophrenia, so no this person has no idea how crazy they look. They’re just doing their part to fight back against whatever the hell they think is happening.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
Now I’ve never met this person and neither am I in any way qualified to make a psychological diagnosis, but that dude has scitsophrenia.
- Comment on Trump wanted to drain the swamp to make it easier for the swamp creatures to get around 8 months ago:
If the politicians and bureaucrats that Trump and friends pushed out are like murky swamp water, then the one he brought in are like raw sewage, so I always said that he only wanted to drain the swamp water so he’d have room to pump in said raw sewage.
- Comment on Tea Time 8 months ago:
Teas are not boiled, but steeped in hot water that was boiling a moment ago. I was going to say that cowboy coffee is boiled, but then I looked it up, and even then, the pot is pulled off the heat before adding the grounds.
- Comment on It must confuse English learners to hear phrases like, "I'm home", instead of "I am at home." We don't say I'm school, or I'm post office. 10 months ago:
This is it exactly. “I am at home” describes your location. “I am home” describes your current state.
- Comment on Maybe Lovecraft wasn't as talented as people think? 1 year ago:
I can’t help but think of this from the wizard’s point of view as a 4chan green text.
be me, an edgy young wizard. Want to pick a really cool wizard name and come up with “Charles LeSorcier.”
mfw the older wizards all make fun of my name.
get in an argument with a local noble and lose my temper. claim I put a curse on his whole family line that they will each die when they are 30.
remember I haven’t learned how to do it. go home and try to figure out how to cast a blood line curse. it’s too complicated, I can’t figure it out. Can’t ask the other wizards now because they already heard about the curse and they’d just make fun of me more.
spend the next 10 years stuck in my lab trying to figure it out. still fail. time’s up, he turned 30. if the noble doesn’t die they’ll all know I lied. finally give up and just break into his house and murder him. make it look like an accident.
mfw the other wizards fall for it. they all think I’m cool now. maybe they will forget about the bloodline thing by the time the noble’s kid is 30.
the bloodline thing is all they want to talk about. 18 years later I have to murder the next one. the other wizards are super hyped I pulled it off, want to be my friend now.
mfw I’m stuck for the next few centuries hiding in a noble’s basement and murdering them ever couple decades to cover my lie.
- Comment on What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app? 1 year ago:
The board’s job is to hire the CEO and demand good value for shareholders. The CEO’s job is to make the big decisions to achieve that goal quickly and then usually leave before their short term thinking falls apart. The manager’s job is to enforce whatever decisions the CEO makes, even if it is stupid or cruel. And the employee’s job is to suffer so that each layer above can look good to the layer above them.
Not to say there’s no good people in the system. My manager for most of my time there was actually a good manager who felt that his primary job was to deflect away the shit that rolled down from above so we could focus on our work, but then he got laid off along with half my coworkers.
I do miss writing software, but I really don’t miss working in the corporate world.