- Comment on If you want to learn how to work from home make sure you learn from an expert 2 days ago:
You can buy them. Henry the hoover. Really popular UK brand usually in commercial buildings.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 2 weeks ago:
Don’t get stuck in the hinterlands. Leave as soon as the game lets you. I came back to DAI recently after putting it down on my initial play through because I was being completionist in the hinterlands and that area is massive and full of dull quests.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 2 weeks ago:
That game is soo good. Scary as hell I agree. I love the motion tracker, boop… boop… Boop. Boop boop boop. Then suddenly there’s an alien tail sticking out your chest. Great at building tension. I found it easiest to just crouch walk most of the time and to keep the alien in sight and stay behind it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Aside from telling your parents you probably need to change your toilet habits and diet. You should spend less than a couple of minutes on the loo to open your bowels. Lots of water and a high fiber diet will help. Most people spend way too long straining on the toilet and that’s how you get haemorrhoids. Don’t be embarrassed though it’s a really common problem your parents likely have them themselves or know people who struggle with them.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 3 weeks ago:
It’s definitely worth a go. I’m properly sucked back in.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 4 weeks ago:
I asked, I’m loving the new mechanics. It’s great having mechs around the base helping with construction and cleaning. I’m about to make my first scyther cuz I desperately need another melee blocker as my poor cleaner bot keeps dying every raid.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve gotten back into Rimworld, I just got the BioTech dlc and I’m really enjoying it.
I love getting a little colony going and then almost inevitably seeing it slowly fall to pieces because of something stupid I did a few hours ago. For example not having my power production behind walls so raiders keep setting them in fire. So now my base is in the dark and everyone is injured following 2 raids in a row.
- Comment on Anything tempting you? 1 month ago:
Less temptation and more gave in already. I got myself the ultimate edition of stalker 2. The first ones were some of my all time favourite games and I’m so glad the sequel got made I felt like they deserved my money. Have to say I’m very happy with my purchase and I look forward to the dlc in the future. The atmosphere is great and the gameplay is fun. I strongly recommend it.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Humans have a really good digestive tract for getting nutrients out of food. So you take a lot of the mass of the food you eat and use it in your body as energy or building material. As such your poop has significantly smaller mass because it’s made up of all the stuff you’re body can’t use after it’s pulled out so the good bits.
As for dogs my understanding is they have a shorter digestive tract to allow them to eat the nasty stuff does seem to like without getting sick so they are probably less efficient at removing nutrients and poop more proportionally to what they eat.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
Gris is such a beautiful game. It’s up there with Journey and Sayonara wild hearts for me in the games I can easily hold up as art category.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
Love slay the spire, one of my favourite rogue likes. I love how many viable builds it has, just a little knowledge and you can make most runs viable.
- Comment on Years later, I finally completed Kingdom Come Deliverance 3 months ago:
I absolutely loved it until the game forced you into a monastery and totally killed the pacing and my interest. I should maybe go back and try to get past that bit.
- Comment on Bi-weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 3 months ago:
The remake is soo good. They really nailed it. Kept the good bits and updated the bad. They even fixed the asteroids turret section, it’s actually really fun in the remake.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what is your favorite Prince of Persia game and why? 3 months ago:
I loved warrior within because it hit at exactly the right time for my dark teenager phase so the dark and broody prince and the dark and broody plot were perfect for me. Sands of time was so well done. I remember thinking how cool it was that the princess outfit changed as he went through the game.
- Comment on Grr Windows 4 months ago:
I had one back in the vista days (I had the pro version it wasn’t totally terrible) that bricked my laptop and I had to do a clean install from bios to get it working again. That was fun.
- Comment on Can non-airborne viruses become airborne through mutation? 6 months ago:
Yes I’m theory but it’s very difficult / unlikely to happen.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 6 months ago:
Snap I’m about to go to the innermost zone. Really enjoying it so far. The vibes are great. It’s mostly chill with some intense oh god I’m going to die moments mixed in.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 7 months ago:
Of course it would be rude not to.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 7 months ago:
I’ll add it to my wishlist and keep an eye out.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 7 months ago:
Ooo, colour me intrigued. I loved the Dungeon keeper games back in the day. Are we talking spiritual successor or just invokes some of the same feelings?
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 7 months ago:
I’ve spent so long on Noita, I love it and it treats me so badly. I’m really not very good at it. I’ve barely scratched the surface and largely stopped after I had a successful (basic no secrets) run. I still go back to nuke myself into oblivion every now and then. I do love setting everything on fire.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I don’t feel I’ve given them a pass. I feel like I’ve set boundaries where I can tolerate/ enjoy their presence without being subjected to their hateful or stupid beliefs. It was a difficult decision for me and I seriously considered not having a relationship with them at all for a long time. But I’d miss out on time with my baby nephew, my elderly gran and my siblings who all live near my parents (the main culprits) and I decided that the relationships were more important to me than winning an argument.
To continue your addict analogy, you might agree to hang out with your addict friend on the condition they come sober and don’t take drugs whilst you’re together. Rather than just saying you take drugs so we aren’t friends now.
The world is rarely black and white.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Yup this is where I got to with them. Either I compromise my values to continue having a relationship or we eventually stop talking entirely as I continue to argue with their bullshit. The arguing doesn’t work, even appeals to emotion didn’t make a difference. I struggled for a long time with how these people who I held in such high regard could fall so far. They are just people at the end of the day and fell for the hateful propaganda on social media.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I know where your coming from. My parents feel right down the racist conspiracy theory rabbit hole during Brexit and COVID. I was working in the hospital watching people and colleagues die regularly and my dad was telling me it’s just flu and all a hoax to scare people, they convinced my 90 year old grandma to not get the vaccine. We had a lot of fights. Eventually after a lot of reflecting I decided that having a relationship with my family was more important than winning an argument so now we just have a selection of topics I refuse to engage with, just say let’s move on and change the topic. I found it really hard to see the people who raised me fall into racist rhetoric and conspiracy theory thinking, these people taught me to be a good person and now have some glaring holes in their compassion for others. I struggled with that for a long time.
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
Wasps usually kill other bugs. So you might end up with more of the biting bugs without them.