- Comment on Which reverse proxy do you use/recommend? 1 week ago:
Honest noob question. I currently connect to my self hosted server using Twingate. How would this be different? can you give me an Eli5 what a proxy manager would make my setup better?
- Comment on James Webb Space Telescope Finds Stunning Evidence for Alternate Theory of Gravity - The Debrief 3 months ago:
That’s awesome! Thanks for the explanation!
- Comment on James Webb Space Telescope Finds Stunning Evidence for Alternate Theory of Gravity - The Debrief 3 months ago:
Can I get an ELI5?
- Comment on 11 pumpkins printed! 3 months ago:
6 witches brewing
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
What are the biggest usenets?
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
Dammit, I was completely asleep. I meant if there was a Lemmy alternative
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
Is there a data alternative?
- Comment on An out-of-warranty battery almost left this paralyzed man’s exoskeleton useless 5 months ago:
Honestly, the law should be that the batteries need to be designed to be replaced by off the shelf options. Basically, add instructions on how to relatively easily to replace the battery cells with the same ones found inside laptop batteries that can be ordered off Amazon or similar places.
- Comment on Horse Head with Articulated ears 5 months ago:
You mean leaving in people’s bed?
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
Cool, one more thing to keep me up at night
- Comment on Elon Musk destroys astronomy 5 months ago:
If he could he would arrange the sattelites to spell his name on the sky
- Comment on Magsafe Steering Wheel! (For racing games) 5 months ago:
Ziplock bag
Google it
We are surrounded by marketing lingo, the thing is if someone says magsafe to me I’ll know exactly what they are talking about, but if they just say “it’s held with magnets”, or “it’s held with a ring of magnets” it will take a bit more explanation of how the magnets are oriented, and more words to describe than just saying magsafe. You and I we don’t like apple, but who cares if magsafe becomes a linguistic term for “ring of magnets that holds and charges a smart phone around the battery”.
- Comment on YSK that you can now delete media you uploaded on lemmy (at least on running v0.19.5) 7 months ago:
Unrelated, but that meme is 100% accurate
- Comment on YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision 7 months ago:
And I hope we all do, all while living our best life
- Comment on Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old 11 months ago:
- Don’t use Chrome
- Use Firefox
- Install unlock origin on android Firefox
- Comment on Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old 11 months ago:
Made me spill my tea
- Comment on Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old 11 months ago:
So what did cern say they where trying to make?
- Comment on What would happen if you moved at the speed of light? 1 year ago:
Maybe I missed this on the article but if somehow a human is moving at 186,000 miles per second they would also escape earth’s gravitational pull (and probabbly the sun’s as well) and within a second find themselves just over halfway to the moon and crashing into it a couple of second or two later with enough force for the impact to be seen with the naked eye from earth.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
You forgot house Black & Decker
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
Give it to ai to confuse the fuck out of it