- Comment on Brother has now succumbed to temptation, and is starting to fuck up your printer on purpose if you use third party ink 3 days ago:
Please note that this is based on a Reddit post from three years ago. It’s a YouTuber that stokes drama for money doing what he does best.
- Comment on When Lemmy got named did no one think that the "lemming" association might alienate people? 3 days ago:
Scare us away? Some of us are on instances that make the connection more obvious.
- Comment on What was your favorite shareware game? 3 days ago:
Want a fun piece of trivia? Epic Pinball launched Digital Extremes, the developer behind Warframe.
- Comment on How is Arcane the series based upon League of Legends, a tower defense game? 1 week ago:
The game prints enough money that they could afford to have a writing staff and illustration team. I think the idea is that building character depth will make a subset of players more connected to them. This keeps them playing and also increases the odds of them buying a skin for the character.
It’s similar to the Meet The ______ videos from TF2 and the comics that built on them.
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 2 weeks ago:
Google removed “Don’t be evil”
Still parading that lie around? It’s easily verified as false. Their code of conduct ends with:
And remember… don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
Labeling it the beginning of winter is a cultural thing.
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
Notch worked at King before, so MC is directly related to one of the companies on the list.
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Review Thread 4 months ago:
Part of the issue is that modern games are usually getting fixes right up to release. Pre-release reviews tend to focus on things that aren’t likely to ever change significantly, like design and writing.
It would be nice if they gave a summary of issues they saw with a disclaimer that they may get fixed instead of omitting that information entirely.
- Comment on 75 sickened as McDonald's severe E. Coli outbreak expands 4 months ago:
Gotta love the McD hate in this case.
The problem item is onions from a major processor. Burger King had a SKU recalled too, along with most of the processed onions from both Sysco and US Foods, which supply most restaurants. It goes way beyond McD.
- Comment on How do I plug this in? Old Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer. 5 months ago:
Isn’t that just a normal North America plug? Most lawn equipment was set up to use standard extension cords so that cables didn’t have to be unique.
- Comment on Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first 5 months ago:
Expanse does too, though it isn’t common in that world.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
It gets called that everywhere. Most people never need to know the actual specs for a screw, so language diverges from the classification system.
I usually keep the corrections to myself, but when somebody else is already correcting someone and they say the wrong thing too it becomes hard.
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Flathead is a description of the head profile, like panhead. Slotted is the screwdriver type that is just a single slot.
- Comment on LaTeX Master Race 6 months ago:
It might make me smarter, but it makes me feel dumb.
- Comment on Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer) 7 months ago:
I’ve been playing Gamedle recently. I tend to discover interesting games both as answers and while researching the info I have.
- Comment on Day 11 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
More biomes don’t fix the fundamental flaw in the design. It treats planets the same way Raft treats islands. They become purely a resource hunt for the player, no matter what skin they have.
Raft gets away with it by having your base travel with you, being incredibly hostile, and being short enough that the loop doesn’t get tiring.
- Comment on Day 11 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
NMS and Starbound struggle from the same issues. Infinite tiered worlds end up feeling the same, but also remove all meaning from the exploration. In Minecraft or Terraria you aren’t going to be flying to a totally new place in five minutes, so you want to get to know your surroundings and put down some roots.
Travel time and not having tiered world progression makes the player care about where they are at instead of seeing it as a stepping stone.
- Comment on A picture is worth 1000 words 7 months ago:
There are various methods, but from a practical standpoint it is gone regardless.
- Comment on A picture is worth 1000 words 7 months ago:
They are trans.
- Comment on Do people still sculpt? Any sculptors here on Lemmy? 7 months ago:
People still sculpt. Go look up Bobby Fingers on YouTube to get an idea of what sculpting looks like.
There are a variety of clays. From what I hear, most sculptors use some form of air-dry, not firing clay like pottery would use.
Nobody ever sculpted in marble. You would sculpt in clay, make a plaster mold, fine-tune the design, then meticulously transfer it to marble.
- Comment on These Linksys routers are likely transmitting cleartext passwords 7 months ago:
They are predicting the pixel layout of the user’s screen, prerendering the passwords, and then transmitting them as images?!
That’s commitment to crisp text rendering!
- Comment on The Amiga Is Getting A Dune II Remaster From One Of The Original Developers | Time Extension 8 months ago:
Windows has OpenRA, which is a modern open-source engine that runs Dune II, C&C, and RA. It also has WIP support for TibSun and RA2, though they can’t distribute the content for those as easily.
- Comment on These racing game players are 11 days into an exhausting race to climb a deadly tower 9 months ago:
What’s almost more crazy is that a few of the tiny number of people who finished the first one went on to speed run it. Skipping entire sections with crazy shortcuts, nailing insane maneuvers over and over.
A shocking amount of the difficulty is in knowledge.
- Comment on FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote 10 months ago:
The regulatory agency is pretty large, but it’s headed by a 5-member commission.
- Comment on How does Assassin's Creed 2 hold today? 10 months ago:
The first game has a weird gameplay loop where you get to a city that is very similar to the previous one, have to do a some filler missions (often with no story at all) to unlock the story mission, then do the story mission and move on.
2-Syndicate are much more continuously story-driven. They all have quite a few collectables, but they aren’t important to experiencing the game.
The 2 family is mostly set inside cities, while 3 and after have more world around the cities. They also lose some focus on stealth over time, though it still exists in all of them.
Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla become much more RPG-lite, combat focused, and require you to do quite a bit to keep up with enemy level scaling.
Looping back to the root of your question, the 2 family is often seen as the peak of the core series, with 4 (Black Flag) being up with it but different.
The only downside of the 2 family is that there isn’t much evolution between the three games to make moving to the next game feel like a jump to a new game, but progression is lost each time. It feels like one massive game with weird break points.
- Comment on What is a "tax write off"? 1 year ago:
My understanding is that amortization is the confusing part of the situation OP is asking about. When you have an asset, the cost of it is deducted from income over the useful life. By declaring that it will never be released, the useful life is reduced to zero, allowing them to take the whole tax deduction at once.
They still would have been better off never spending the money. Since they already have, if they have so little cash that they can’t afford their tax bill, it might make sense to throw away future income to stay afloat now.
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 1 year ago:
It was the subtitles font in Avatar. It had to be read quickly on changing backgrounds.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Lingo. It tickles my brain in wonderful ways. I’m currently working through the custom level Liduongo, sequel to an earlier map named Duolingo, and I continue to be surprised, delighted, and utterly perplexed.
It’s a rules-based puzzler that doesn’t tell you the rules buried in a confusing labyrinth. The only downside is that it requires a strong grasp of English, limiting its audience.