- Submitted 2 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on how can i self host my music? 4 months ago:
On the topic of SMB. If OP is mostly interested in accessing the music from their phone, a symfonium + SMB server setup may be even easier than setting up navidrome
- Comment on Navidrome client for home speakers 5 months ago:
Oh it definetely is a bit hacky.
At one point I tried using home assistant to automatically turn my tv and stereo on or off depending on the state of the chromecast but that didn’t really work consistently unfortunately.
- Comment on Navidrome client for home speakers 5 months ago:
My solution is far from ideal but it works for me.
I have a Chromecast connected to my TV which outputs to my stereo system. Power to TV and stereo are controlled via smart plugs that I can quickly toggle when I want to stream music.
The good thing: It works.
The bad things:
- You have to connect navidrome to symfonium using the IP address and not a hostname when using a basic chromecast since that one has a hardcoded dns server. The Chromecast with google TV allows setting a dns server yourself but you loose software volume control through your phone.
- No volume control except directly on the stereo system. This wasn’t an issue with the basic chromecast but it is now with the better one…
- For some reason some songs crash the casting to the chromecast. Again this wasn’t an issue on the cheap Chromecast for some stupid reason
- Comment on I wrote a web front end for downloading Youtube videos, and i'd love some feedback 5 months ago:
yt-dlp supports downloading playlists. By using the --archive option it can save all downloaded video ID’s into a text file and will only download videos which are not in that file.
I wrote a docker container with a friend that uses that mechanism to auto download new videos every time it is triggered using cron. The configuration is a bit rough though and there is no gui so if this supports that part as well I might switch.
- Comment on Should every printer have a easy to disconnect toolhead? 6 months ago:
As long as its not a propietary connector I don’t see any problem with it. Bonus points if there are spare connectors for fans, LED lightning or even just spare GPIO pins available to allow for user modification
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
I’m not sure about how this works in kodi but in jellyfin the client might request a different resolution which causes the server to try and reencode the provided file on the fly. In my case my server isn’t fast enough for this which leads to constant buffering
- Comment on LaTeX Master Race 6 months ago:
The only thing I hate is how sometimes a document compiles perfectly fine on one machine only to utterly fail on another. On the two machines were I had this happen I have Texlive installed so that I wouldn’t have to look up missing packages. Maybe this is a version mismatch error? I have no clue
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
I can’t turn it off because none of the lightbulbs in the house would turn on anymore
Personally I try to avoid making anything in my home actually dependant on my server. I have a single lamp that can only be controlled from my phone and that’s only because it’s so rarely used that I didn’t want to put in the effort. Everything else is local first and only gets extended functionality from my server running.
I’ve had a couple issues with my zigbee stuff over the years on the server side and I would be really pissed if I wouldn’t be able to turn my lights on because I haven’t gotten around to fixing my server yet.
- Comment on I liked Fusion 360, I like Onshape - but I'd rather like something that I won't lose over the whims of one company. So, what? 7 months ago:
I recently tried the flatpak this repo has linked and couldn’t get it to work properly. First I had to google for a login workaround because the bottle couldn’t open the browser login link and when I finally got it to “work” the rendering was broken.
- Comment on Is the Sovol SV08 worth it as a Voron 2.4 alternative? 8 months ago:
How would you rate your Voron for regular maintenance and calibration requirements? I got started on an Ender 3 V2 which I have tinkered a lot with. At some point I lost the fun in with the constant tinkering and calibration and simply want a printer that once built is rock solid and relible.
Typically I would say prusa printers fit this requirement but at the same time I really like the amount of options that my klipper installation gives me. Also I kind of want a cube style printer to allow for an enclosure with air filtering which would lock me into the prusa xl as the only choice.
If a Voron is mostly maintenance free it would be a great alternative for my requirements
- Comment on What file format do you store your media in? 9 months ago:
Not all devices can play av1. You will still shoot pictures and videos in 264 or 265. Can you already edit av1? Do you do that? Check that everything you own and do can work with av1. You should prefer 265 over 264 nowadays.
The default windows 10 installation for example can’t even handle h265 -.-
- Comment on [Troubleshooting] Clog Guy is back, and things have completely ceased making sense. 9 months ago:
Maybe I missed a paragraph but did you try a new temperature sensor?
That would seem like a logical error source for me when the reported temperature does not match the actual result. Or maybe there is an issue with the thermistor calibration? Is the thermistor type set correctly in your klipper config file?
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
That’s the fun thing about the Kobo being linux based. Once you get shell access the flood gates are open. I transfer my books over SFTP instead of plugging in USB everytime and then execute the book scan from NickelMenu.
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
Here is the link to the forum post of the autoshelf mod.
It’s a simple to install but unfortunately a bit fiddly in my opinion. When you plug the reader in via usb, a symbol appears on the device screen that you can tap to run autoshelf upon usb disconnect. Unfortunately it only works on books that have already been added to the device, so you have to plug your reader in twice. Once to transfer the books and a second time to run autoshelf on the added books.
I also use NickelMenu in which I added a button to run autoshelf without having the USB plugged in. My script works by pretending the USB was plugged in, thereby showing me the usb screen and allowing me to tap the autoshelf symbol and then waiting for around 10-15 seconds before “unplugging” the USB again which causes the autoshelf to execute.
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
Oh yes, the organization is inconvenient if you sideload stuff. The tolino I had automatically grouprd books in the same folder into a collection.
I managed to get something similar working with the autoshelf mod on the kobo but it is inconvenient that it is not a default feature. On the upside, I can also use the autoshelf mod to parse series information based on the books filename
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
Thanks, that’s interesting to know. Personally I never had an issue with the 16GB but I mainly read epubs so space isn’t that much of a concern for me. I can see why that would be different on a color model which would also be used for comic books.
If you don’t like kobo, which brand do you prefer? My previous reader was a tolino, which nowadays is almost the same hardware as a kobo but android based instead of linux. Personally I much prefer the kobo over that one.
- Comment on I designed a 3D Printable e-reader case for Kobo's newest E-Readers 9 months ago:
Goddammit why did you have to show me that kobo now sells a color e-reader? I just bought the Clara 2E last year. Is that one rebranded now to the Clara BW or is that a new model?
Anyway, how is the color display? I looked into color ereaders a year or so ago and the general consensus was that the tech wasn’t really ready
- Comment on I mean have they seen our stipends 9 months ago:
Economy of scale, right? ;D
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 9 months ago:
My proxmox server is named Atlas. It hosts a Truenas VM called truenas, a ubuntu server lts vm called Poseidon for docker container hosting a homeassistant VM called homeassistant and a second VM for docker containers called Neptune where I want to gradually move and reorganize my services as required.
I also have a raspberry pi as a general testserver called eileithya and a Synology Nas named Hestia
- Comment on brendan was a hottie 10 months ago:
Maybe OP wanted to imply him jerking off after that comment instead of cocking a gun?
- Comment on tremendous 10 months ago:
Just open your smartphone keyboard and keep pressing the recommended word in the middle.
- Comment on Sometimes I want to call malloc, just as a treat 1 year ago:
Can you give some examples of what you consider to be the issues?
My professor said that C++ embedded compilers used to be very buggy but have matured quite a lot as of ~10 years ago while C was stable a lot longer.
Another thing I could think of is the language complexity causing higher resource usage, e.g. by including large libraries though I’m not sure about that since most of the unused stuff should theoretically get optimized out.
I guess if you don’t know roughly how the internals of some C++ data types work it could cause you to accidentally use dynamic memory allocation when using strings or vectors.
On the other side, C++ style casts provide more safety as compared to C style casts and allows for usage of references instead of raw pointers to make the code generally safer.
- Comment on Give me Options or give me death 1 year ago:
You bring back my bad memories of having to implement a server program in rust and all my searches ended up with about 1/3 useful results and the rest being hosting options for rust gameservers
- Comment on Broadcom yanks ESXi Free version, effective immediately 1 year ago:
Just to be sure there isn’t a misunderstanding. With 7th gen I mean any intel iX-7xxx processor or higher.
The first (or first 2) numbers of the second part of the processor name determine the generation of the processor. The number immediately following the i just denotes the performance tier within the processors own generation
- Comment on Why Software Engineers like Woodworking 1 year ago:
With woodworking you actually get to hold your creations.
This is the reason I got interested in embedded software development.
- Comment on Broadcom yanks ESXi Free version, effective immediately 1 year ago:
I run a couple of containers on my lenovo mini pc. I have proxmox installed on bare metal and then one VM for truenas, one for docker containers and one for home assistant OS.
For me the limiting factor is definitely RAM. I have 20GB (because the machine came with a 2x4GB configuration and I bought a single 16GB upgrade stick) and am constantly at ~98% utilization.
To be fair, about half of that is eaten up by TrueNAS alone due to ZFS.
The point I’m trying to make is basically make sure you can put enough RAM into your machine. Some NAS have soldered memory you won’t be able to upgrade. The CPU performance you need highly depends on what you want to do.
In my case the only CPU intensive task I have is media transcoding which can often be offloaded to dedicated bardware like intel quicksync. The only annoying exception is hardware transcoding of x265 media which is apparently only supported from intel 7th gen and upwards processors and I have a 6th gen i5… Or maybe I configured something wrong. No clue
- Comment on Open casting alternative (by Amazon?) 1 year ago:
The company says services like Plex, Pluto TV, Sling TV, Starz, and ZDF will introduce support later this year.
I always had the impression that plex was really slow when it comes to implementing new features. I’m definitely looking forward to a chromecast alternative though. Being locked into googles DNS gives me problems due to it prohibiting streaming from my local server via hostname.
I really hope it will be implemented in Jellyfin as well since I can’t get my installation to work with Chromecast at all (most likely again due to the DNS issue)
- Comment on What are your homelab stats? 1 year ago:
Which program do you mean with this? I’m only familiar eith audiobookshelf