- Comment on Entire Mac Lineup Now Finally Starts With at Least 16GB RAM, Ending 8GB Era 4 months ago:
And here I thought that 8GB on Mac was at least as good as 16GB on plebian PCs.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
And it first released a decade ago already (in a couple months)
- Comment on Goat Simulator Remastered just looks like how I remember Goat Simulator looking 4 months ago:
Not every game is for everyone
- Comment on Oakland’s new school buses don’t just reduce pollution — they double as giant batteries 6 months ago:
Pretty easy for something to “double” as a giant battery when it has a giant battery in it
- Comment on Streamyfin, a simple and user-friendly Jellyfin client for iOS and Android 6 months ago:
Supports downloading a server transcoded file? That’s amazing!
- Comment on Hey Reddit lurkers! my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is on Android now 6 months ago:
APKpure is pretty well regarded, but you have to / get to install any updates manually with a new apk download
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
If you can finish the campaign on Master, you’ll be pretty decent in multiplayer too in short order. Also can recommend Frontier Defense, it’s a multiplayer co-op mode that reinforces good multiplayer skills and allows you to get used to the maps
- Comment on Immich v1.109.1 released with optional paid license 7 months ago:
Except that it will taunt you on your dashboard.
- Comment on Immich v1.109.1 released with optional paid license 7 months ago:
Nothing like that is ever acceptable to show up on the dashboard of a service I am self hosting. Will not update Immich anymore unless they remove this garbage.
- Comment on I liked Fusion 360, I like Onshape - but I'd rather like something that I won't lose over the whims of one company. So, what? 8 months ago:
If you can install custom software on those computers, Syncthing is completely free and no account needed
- Comment on TeamViewer got hacked 8 months ago:
Streets ahead
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
I’m not saying you should be reckless, but too often I see people be either uninformed or unwilling to exercise their rights. To be fair, I do write with something of an urban bias, where thankfully those kinds of speeds are much less common.
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
By crossing I mean a crosswalk, some sort of markings on the ground
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
In an uncontrolled crossing the pedestrian always has the right of way. They should almost never ‘wait’ to cross
- Comment on NYT's new TOS binds you to forced arbitration; opt out within 30 days 9 months ago:
Companies only really have one reason to prevent their customers from taking them to court: they intend to break the law or otherwise harm their customers.
- Comment on madlad 10 months ago:
It’s just one equilateral triangle and then two pairs. The specific slots the opposing pairs are in don’t matter. You can see that each sample of the triangle has a gap of 7 slots between each other.
- Comment on Edited in Signal 10 months ago:
It’s bad enough that it’s funny again for me
- Comment on Qualcomm benchmarking controversy: What's happening? 10 months ago:
“Atom” is one step further beyond
- Comment on Home Assistant has a new foundation and a goal to become a consumer brand 10 months ago:
Maybe so, but ease of use is crucial to get regular people to start using private and local alternatives. As long as something like Amazon Echo or Google Home are the only things on the shelf, people that aren’t actively looking for an alternative will never find it.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
They’re not doing a very good job
- Comment on A wonderful day begins 10 months ago:
They are often called “resource officers” and there was at least one in every public school I went to (east coast).
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
Or just have your eclipse glasses handy
- Comment on 12TB for $80 - 10 months ago:
It looks like NAND and therefore SSD pricing is trending up currently due to some supply limitations. If you want to get some large drives it might be best to try to do it soon, or be prepared for a wait/inflated pricing.
- Comment on DIY keyboard 11 months ago:
Wow hand wiring this must have been tedious, impressive! I got a custom board for just a 40% to avoid the hassle
- Comment on World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death 11 months ago:
While I appreciate the sentiment, my whole point was that this action would probably not be an effective solution :D
- Comment on World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death 11 months ago:
Maybe I’m just a cynic but I don’t think mentality has really changed since then. If that were the case we would see more rapid population decrease instead of it just being due to financial pressure
- Comment on World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death 11 months ago:
Without societal change, even a die-off as extreme as half of everyone dying will have absolutely no effect beyond the immediate term. Just look at the Black Death as an example: about half of Europe among others died over its period and yet we are still facing overpopulation issues not 7 centuries later.
- Comment on World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death 11 months ago:
It’s actually called rational thought instead of reproducing like a virus
- Comment on octopi tip - get a Usb-a power blocker 11 months ago:
Might have cut the wrong wire
- Comment on octopi tip - get a Usb-a power blocker 11 months ago:
Even a piece of paper works in a pinch