- Comment on ‘It’s got nasty’: the battle to build the US’s biggest solar power farm 10 months ago:
You literally called me ignorant, how wouldn’t someone be offended by that?
- Comment on ‘It’s got nasty’: the battle to build the US’s biggest solar power farm 10 months ago:
Seriously, calling me ignorant when I’m literally asking questions. When I’m genuinely curious if this would cause a similar issue.
So fucking sick of how toxic this platform is. No leeway to have an actual discussion or curiosity. Always people looking for a fight and acting superior.
- Comment on I hate the band, I hate the song, and yet... 10 months ago:
Huh. I love the band and song lol
- Comment on spite 10 months ago:
Right, they had me at hyena, lost me at parasites lol
- Comment on ‘It’s got nasty’: the battle to build the US’s biggest solar power farm 10 months ago:
I feel like that’s too many in one area? Don’t you have to be worried about the refraction from these? I remember a story of birds getting fried flying over a solar field in the desert, not sure if that would be the same case
- Comment on YSK there is a condition that makes your armpits smell worse called trichobacteriosis that is common and easy to treat 10 months ago:
All the women I know get ingrown hairs lol
- Comment on showerthoughts is just a place for people who don't have microblogging social media to dump their random thoughts 10 months ago:
Ain’t no one said it was, pitchforks down
- Comment on YSK there is a condition that makes your armpits smell worse called trichobacteriosis that is common and easy to treat 10 months ago:
If I have a particular stinky few days, I will soap the heck out of my pits in the shower, then let it sit there while I do the rest of my body. That works for me (:
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
That’s too bad, it saved me from a few toxic work places
- Comment on So this is what my upstairs neighbor has been doing all morning 11 months ago:
New fear… no, additional fear of what happens when those pop
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
I can read it fine thanks
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Wtf was that dumbest posting about? He never learned about CFCs in 8th grade high school? Embarrassing
- Comment on Don't tell me what to do! 11 months ago:
This should be in everyone’s front yard ;)
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
No, it’s not clickbait, sorry :/ I just paid $800 for a mole removal ontop of my $150 monthly bill and premiums. Emergency care is scary expensive, and for the love of God don’t use an ambulance.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
That was an appalling wrong turn at the end there.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Wait I thought the chemical imbalance was why Robin Williams let go…
- Comment on Finally joined the "work was throwing it out" club 1 year ago:
I thought we shifted away from fullscreen!
- Comment on Cat 6 hurricanes have arrived 1 year ago:
Sad laughs
- Comment on How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected? 1 year ago:
Super tired and defeated from your daily grind
- Comment on Mark Zuckerberg says Apple and Google should manage parental consent for apps, not Meta 1 year ago:
I’m out of the loop, what is going on that children are seeing that’s not okay?
Don’t they have to be 13 for facebook anyway? And there’s already a Google safesearch. Isn’t it the parents job to monitor the kids? I really dont get what this fuss is about.
- Comment on Wack job 1 year ago:
This is like a crappy edgy tattoo a bad rapper gets lmao. Who let grandpa out without supervision!
- Comment on Test Yourself: Which Faces Were Made by A.I.? 1 year ago:
I gave up after the 2nd heavily edited photo. What’s the point if the games rigged. Are either real faces? No.
- Comment on How can I find why certain apps are draining my battery (when they are not in use)? 1 year ago:
Can you go into the apps settings and turn off background usage? That’s the only drain I ever get from apps I’m not actively using
- Comment on Time for some yoga 1 year ago:
Hahah omg they really do have another for farting… Yoga with Bird? I’m not taking yoga directions from a fuckin’ bird Image
- Comment on Time for some yoga 1 year ago:
Jeez. I had put this in my pocket and accidentally clicked on this pic. I thought, oh Adriene has a new video out?? Wait a minute. This is kinda weird, but okay I guess.
I was legit ready to watch and do this video ahahaha.
- Comment on Honda announces a new line of electric cars, the Honda 0 1 year ago:
Wow I really like the interior layout of the Space-Hub. Like, why haven’t people done this before? Unless it makes it somehow more dangerous not having seats in the traditional layout, hmm.
- Comment on Amazon lays off 500 Twitch employees, hundreds more at MGM and Prime Video 1 year ago:
Fun reminder: Jeff Bezos makes $9.6 billion a year :)
- Comment on Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff 1 year ago:
If only Amazon had enough money to keep these employees. Like maybe some extra revenue from ads added onto Prime Video or something.
- Comment on Amazon Video Ad Push Seen Generating Extra $5 Billion in Revenue 1 year ago:
Because Bezos really needed more money