- Comment on OpenAI: Our models are more persuasive than 82% of Reddit users 4 weeks ago:
- Make up a challenge.
- Have your AI win that challenge.
- Report „My AI is the best AI at this challenge!
- Watch your stocks go up.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
Mad mobile drawing!!
- Comment on sampling bias 3 months ago:
The MNAR crowd knows what’s going on in that survey amiright?
- Comment on No Google Cloud for 12 hours due to power outage. 4 months ago:
Highly misleading headline and article. The headline claims that all of GCP went down for 12h. The article claims that „services in Frankfurt“ were unavailable. Both is wrong.
In reality, the europe-west3-c zone experienced a 12h outage source.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
That‘s cool and I respect that, more power to you!
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
I see you, hang in there buddy!
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Yo this comment section is a dumpster fire 🔥
- Comment on Starlink kit found amid wreckage of Russian drone 5 months ago:
Carnegie chose to do good things with his money, as did Gates and Boros. Now, it’s easy to criticize all three of them for an arbitrary number of bad things they are responsible for. Which is entirely beside my point:
There is obviously a scale of good and bad things oligarchs decide to do with their money. Musk, Thiel and Sachs are on the “huge asshole” end of that scale. And other oligarchs are not. Assuming Gates was as bad as Musk because somereason fails to see this and ultimately leads to letting the true assholes off the hook.
- Comment on Starlink kit found amid wreckage of Russian drone 5 months ago:
They’re clearly not all on the same team. Some are decent human being that choose to use their money for the betterment of humankind.
It’s just that a couple, e.g. Musk, Thiel, David Sachs and others, decided to be huge assholes. They would end democracy any day to become richer and more powerful.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
I disagree. If you need to keep your coworkers in front of a webcam for half a day to make sure they work, then I think your workplace’s culture is messed up and you’re part of an unhealthy dynamic. I believe supervision is something different.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
If people don’t work when you’re not around, then I’m afraid your workplace has a bad culture. And chances are you are part of a dynamic that makes others not work when you’re not there, even though that’s not your intention.
Check the literature on “employee empowerment “, here’s a link to get started:…/5-strategies-to-empower-employees-to-ma…
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
I… kinda like lemmy the way it is I guess? Sure, I wish some niche-communities were a bit more active (looking at you, /c/malefashionadvice). But then again on Lemmy I actually feel motivated to contribute actively. Because I know my content won’t be monetized by some corporate behemoth. So maybe this is just fine the way it is?