- Comment on Melbourne start-up launches 'biological computer' made of human brain cells 4 days ago:
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Can’t weight!
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 4 weeks ago:
Subbed to find out what your month understanding will be
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Why did you reply to my comment to restate the first part of what I said?
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Yeah, that’s what the comment you replied to starts with.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
Your comment makes sense in the frame of “ugly people are allowed to make music,” my comment refers to the “music was better” part of the post.
The ugly people you mentioned don’t support your comment’s argument against the original assertion because their music is terrible, not “better.”
Some music sucked in the boomer’s days, made by ugly and pretty people alike.
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
But the contention is about music being better, and that’s some bad music.
- Comment on longcat 6 months ago:
this is true and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t
- Comment on E-e-eat the rich? 8 months ago:
Can I get a witness?!
- Comment on Landlords Now Using AI to Harass You for Rent and Refuse to Fix Your Appliances 8 months ago:
Let’s break landlord’s appliances and strike when they want them fixed
- Comment on The fine art of negotiation 8 months ago:
Not to mention her luxury room and board, the shopping sprees, and the jewelry gifts.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Did I ask you to continue providing studies? Agenda? Good luck, friend.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
I just told you why the study you linked is invalid for this conversation. Do you want me to quote the comment you just replied to so you can reread it?
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Oh honey, your stealth edit shows that you don’t understand. I’ll explain it to you: the study you keep linking doesn’t differentiate between those foods in that “range of ultra-processed foods (UPF),” so that means data coming from “sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks, confectionery” is getting all mixed in with the data of the “‘plant-sourced’ sausages, nuggets, and burgers,” which unfortunately renders the conclusions of the study rather meaningless when we’re talking about the CVD outcomes of just one of the data sets.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Link a study showing what?
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Low-effort repost of your specious use of a study with nebulous conclusions for this conversation; I’ll quote the user above:
that category contains “soft drinks, sweet or savoury packaged snacks, confectionery; packaged breads and buns; reconstituted meat products and pre-prepared frozen or shelf-stable dishes.” This gives you no information on Impossible burgers’ impact on cardiovascular disease, it only gives you a trend among people who eat all of the above. I would suspect the reality is Impossible meat contributes to CVD slightly more than straight-up vegetables and significantly less than red meat.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Impossible has more salt than beef, but less saturated fat.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Your wikipedia links don’t make an assertion. The one on UPF does remind you, though, that
Some authors have criticised the concept of “ultra-processed foods” as poorly defined
The crux of this learning moment for you shouldn’t be about definitions, but the relative “healthiness” of vegan food products.
It’s clear you began with a preference to paint with a broad brush these meat substitute products as “junk food,” and you have the opportunity to recognize they aren’t as obviously unhealthy as you first thought.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
No, it does not.
The definition by The Global Panel on Agrigulture and Food Systems for Nutrition of “Ultra-Processed Foods” is contingient on those foods being depleted in dietary fiber, protein, various micronutrients, and other bioactive compounds.
While the oreos you’re using in other examples would probably fit that definition, the alternative meats we’re discussing don’t, as they are “processed” to include those constituents.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Unfortunately, a lot of people are not well-informed about what “processed” food constitutes, to begin with.
According to the Department of Agriculture, processed food are any raw agricultural commodities that have been washed, cleaned, milled, cut, chopped, heated, pasteurized, blanched, cooked, canned, frozen, dried, dehydrated, mixed or packaged.
As such, most of our diet is processed food, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If there are particular ingredients that have been added in the processing of any consumer product that are themselves bad for your health, I would definitely encourage abstinence from that product.
While vaping is monumentally safer for one’s health than cigarette smoking, both are still a needless introduction of potential harm to one’s health, I agree.
But we must eat food, and the harm from that food being vaguely “processed” versus the harm from it containing ingredients certainly known to contribute to stroke, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes just isn’t a worthwhile comparison.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
They have more protein, fiber, and iron than beef.
Red meat consumption has been shown to increase risks of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, full stop.
I don’t know what a “health food” would be, but I would probably classify them as foods that are healthier alternatives to foods that are proven bad for your health. Which is what “Impossible” etc. are.
- Comment on C O L O N I Z E 11 months ago:
It was an episode of “Hannibal” - episode S01E02 “Amuse-Bouche.”
- Comment on Wonderful holiday scents 1 year ago:
I came to the comments just for this, thank you.