- Comment on ChartDB (v1.7.0) - open-source database diagram visualization tool 4 weeks ago:
Hey thanks for the detailed explanations.
Regarding SSO my concern is not the ChartDB team having my email, that I was planning to give anyway, but SSO provider knowing I’m using this tool. It’s a personal paranoia than anything else. I know it’s much safer and easier to have 3rd party SSO than managing your own authentication service. Done that, hated it. So not really that annoyed about it.
The Mac only part really annoyed me to the core. Then I received an email telling about Buckle, which amplified it. I think the problem is you advertise it as ‘ChartDB 2.0’ and then suddenly it becomes ‘Buckle’. I can understand the thought process behind such presentations, but really don’t like it. TBH I would not be this mad if a similar tactic was used by a large corporation. But being an open source tool I have some ethical issues with these practices.
Again, I know these are just some inconveniences, and not a scandal. So not really complaining, but just sharing how I felt. Apologies if that has been rude.
- Comment on ChartDB (v1.7.0) - open-source database diagram visualization tool 4 weeks ago:
Only one suggestion. Need to be more clear and less annoying about ChartDB v2.0.
So this is shown as some big rework, so I signed up. Only then it said only MacOS would support it initially. This was a huge disappointment and I felt kind of deceived into giving my email id I don’t remember seeing it’s only mac at the beginning on the sign up page. May be I missed.
Another thing is it looks like a different product altogether with the name ‘Buckle’. Again I didn’t see it in the sign up section. Why a new product name? Are you switching to freemium model?
Last but most importantly, why does a third party sign up for it? If you just want to inform the user when things are ready, just take the email and use it. No need to have access to my Google or GitHub account.
Apart from this terrible experience, I love the tool and how it visualises it.
I have a doubt. When I visualised my postgres db it also showed the views I had, apart from the tables. But I could not find an option to add a new view from the interface, so that I can use it as a more capable design tool. Is it a feature in the pipeline?
Also I could not find an option to set the length of Type: varchar. I remember seeing this feature in other design tools.
- Comment on Caddy and forgejo 5 months ago:
It works but I don’t think Forgejo plans to support it in the future. Projects started to diverge and the documentation regarding docker is somewhat in a deprecated state.
- Comment on Snow Leopard 5 months ago:
Come on… Don’t mislead them. Why are you trolling like this. Just look at where the clock handle at 8 will be.
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
I think this meme is about the old story of calling 911 and pretending to order a pizza. This was a viral story almost a decade back and stayed in social media platforms are a real thing. However this widespread social media publicity actually helped a victim. Details are in the previous link. This worked only because the operator was aware about the internet lore and was able to connect it.
In summary don’t do it. Operators will disregard your call.
- Comment on Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me 7 months ago:
Hey I understood what you meant. The result that you are trying to achieve is very close to the browser caching normally present is what I meant. When you zoom in it will only load that area. And I don’t think you can specify the number of tiles to be a specific number, since the zoom levels are not linear.
The offline leaflet I shared in the previous comment actually does the same thing you want to achieve. The difference is the offline mode is discarded immediately when the system is back online. So that library must be adaptable to incorporate the time dependency and users visiting a point again I specified in the last comment.
Regarding OSM data, there are zip files available for downloading. Geofabrik and are examples. Another tool is Protomaps, where you can download by drawing a polygon. But these are not going to be the ideal solution for a product like Immich.
By the way I saw your update. Great job on following up and providing a fix for others. I really really appreciate it.
- Comment on Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me 7 months ago:
If you are asking about vector maps, I am not really sure, because I have no experience with it. So can’t really comment on that. On raster maps, as you already know every tile is a PNG. The behaviour you described is very similar to the client side caching that usually happens in the browser. Depending on the coordinates in the viewport and zoom level the server provides the tiles.
Usually to save the map most offline map making tools will ask you to draw a rectangle and select the required zoom levels. In an interactive map, the rectangle is the viewport of the device. So there can be a feature which will download and store the tiles around a specific gps location for a fixed geographical area. That should be doable without much issue. But in this case that may not be a good idea.
If you visualise all zoom levels stacked over each other, the images need to be retrieved when the user zooms into a point the geographical area will not stay the same. Smaller geographical area is only needed with higher zoom levels. If we only take all the tiles that get downloaded in every layer, it may produce a shape similar to an inverted pyramid. So saving the images as a user zooms in for the first time, may be the best idea.
Then the saved tiles need to be used again when users zoom in the same area. Also these tiles need not be updated frequently and maybe even once in every 3 months might be enough, that too only when the user zooms in again in that area.
This can be a little tricky as almost all the tools that create offline maps do it for a fixed area and selected zoom levels, every point in that area gets equal priority. But in this case the point is the important element. The area nearby may not be relevant at all. So that is the part that needs some exploration.
- Comment on Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me 7 months ago:
I read through your comments and the reply from devs regarding OSM. I will add a few points that can be part of the feature request. I have some experience dealing with maps, and my understanding is you can set up an offline version of OSM, which will get updated only when required.
leaflet.offline is a library which provides a similar functionality. I think with some modifications this can be implemented to significantly reduce the load on OSM that using it directly.
Even with a very large zoom level say 11 to 15, a large area of maps takes like a few hundred MBs. We once cached the entire region of California with all the details and it was around 240 MB IIRC. But Immich does not need this much details and it is possible to restrict zoom levels to be included.
For someone self hosting several hundreds of GBs of photos, this should be doable without using too much storage. I think the problem will be that this is a huge engineering effort. Depending on the priority of the feature it may not be easy to do this.
There is a site called Switch2OSM which details almost everything you need to know. The previous link is on how to serve map tiles on your own. Again it is a daunting task and not suitable for everyone.
If anyone needs a live update of OSM as things get added, look into the commercial offerings.
In conclusion, it is possible to include a highly optimised version of OSM, instead of putting their servers under huge load. The catch is, it is not easy and will need a huge engineering effort. I think developers should take a call on this.
- Comment on Mildred 8 months ago:
Since I am not from the western hemisphere, I find it difficult to understand what is wrong with the name. Is it just that it sounds bad? Or any other reason?
- Comment on The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites 8 months ago:
The site is Sansec. They uncovered it.
- Comment on Cloudflare is bad. Youre right. 8 months ago:
Actually you can… I do that with my setup. Just point your domain to the new ip assigned by tailscale to your server. Thats all. Recently they started supporting the https certificate also… Even though it’s not needed, for internal only communication.
- Comment on remote assistance software suggestions 9 months ago:
If you have used AnyDesk in the past, this gives the same experience. Recently used it and has a lot of features, including unattended access.
They recommend self hosting an instance for better performance.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
The song has been sung…
- Comment on Looking to build my first PC in almost 30 years; What should I be on the look out for? 1 year ago:
I went through the comments briefly and didn’t see anything about cases. I highly recommend spending some money on a good case with good cable management slots. It may not look important but it will make life so much easier. Fractal cases are good budget friendly ones. I usually prefer large bulky cases (I like ATX), to ensure good ventilation and easiness to assemble things. Having plenty of space to move around helps a lot while cleaning also.
Another thing, you will see a lot of articles about positive pressure or negative pressure fan arrangement and all. TBH, I really don’t think that matters a lot. Just regular cleaning with a cheap rocket air blower will do. And more than 4 fans are not really needed. The gain is negligible. But ensure you have a good dedicated fan/water cooling for CPU cooling. I recommend Noctua for air cooling.
Oh regarding backing up your data, make sure you plug in your SSD once in a while, to avoid charge depletion. Nowadays the claim is SSDs have better retention and you don’t need to keep it active, but I’m not really sure.
- Comment on USB-PD is a de-facto low-power DC voltage standard, with USB-C being the universal plug. Hurray! 1 year ago:
I had to order a charger from another country since the model for our country has been out of stock for months.