- Comment on One Piece will survive next generation too. 3 days ago:
And even Z ended up way before Naruto and Bleach, they are not contemporary
- Comment on WHAT IF 😮 3 days ago:
I cannot get over the fact that that is not how whatsapp looks when someone sends multiple messages. This is the chat list screen that shows your recent chats. This image is like multiple contacts with the same name and image (but different phone number) sending the same message.
And it would be so simple if it was the correct chat screen with multiple messages from the person with each its own time stamp and stuff
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 2 weeks ago:
Oh the irony, they are almost there. Trying to appeal to empathy and humanity of a corporation in the same breath that they acknowledge the lack of it.
There is no humane nature intrinsic in corporations. People need to stop humanizing it. Treat it like It is, know that you are being taken advantage of, you are being squeased, extracted of every value you can give and then discarted.
- Comment on Man who lost $780 million in Bitcoin in a landfill now wants to buy the entire dump before city closes the site 2 weeks ago:
I mean, if you notice that you had and lost 700 millions you have to have a really strong mind to not go crazy. If it was me I think I would go crazy.
- Comment on Meta tells Brazil it's only axing fact checkers in USA 1 month ago:
Zstd was Facebook developed. And is really good, almost unfortunately. And is getting pretty widespread so we will always have a small, cursed piece of Facebook in our Linux systems :(
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
Sorry if it was kinda hambly, I wrote it yesterday but then step away from the PC before finishing or proofreading it and today I kinda just hit send 😅
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
It is OK, word-building, the aesthetics and overall visual and architecture are the strongest points. I cannot comprehend the people who call it one of the best games ever and etc.
I never played the 1.x versions, I just picked it up last year (or beginning of this year) and steams says I put up 123 hours in it. So I love the background, the cyberpunk of it all, love that the city really feels vertical and you can constantly be in aww looking at it. It so good that I constantly decides to walk from one place to the other so you can get more of the environment. The conversations you here from the NPCs are great, the backstory of side quests are great, many very memorable, a lot of it very sad, specially the NCPD scanner quests because you learn stuff from dead bodies. I cannot say much of the main quests because I am an idiot and decided to clean up all NCPD scanner and gigs because I could not ignore the calls while going from place to place in the city, but I suspect It is good since the NCPD scanner, the most filler of filler quests had a bunch of nice writing in it.
And all that good makes it much more sad all the shortcomings. Like someone else mentioned you can clearly see the leftovers off all the things that were never finished. For the gameplay systems and mechanics it is the classic wide and shallow, there is so much stuff that just means nothing. For example, during quests and at your home and some places you can stack up in ammo, but you actually is never in any danger to be short on ammo, like, never never. So it is just clutter. On the leftover thing, The other comment mentioned clothes, it is so much clothes but 99% of them do nothing and the ones that do are like almost irrelevant. All clothes have levels/rarity but it means nothing, um can have the same shirt in all rarities for example. You can open the hood and trunk of all cars but there is never anything in them, it is just an interactive thing that does nothing. IT is specially weird because you have vans with cargo and etc and except when it is a quest item there is never any loot in the cago of the vans. Weapons upgrades are pointless, must of the mods does not even makes sense for a weapon to have. The thing that you cannot reuse a mod from one weapon to the other or that you cannot change the scope from a sniper makes no sense in a world that you can literally change your cybernetic eyes. The customization on weapons are so minimal that they might as well not having them. You have stuff like silences can only be put on pistols and one type of assault rifle/smg (I am not good with names of types of weapons). You have sniper rifles but they (with one exception) all makes sound and attract the enemy so using them in the way you see in movies is kinda pointless. Enemies always know exactly were you are when you fire a gun, it would be one thing to use a sniper and everyone on the place be in high alert or looking for you, but no, you can be as far away as you like if you use a sniper they you immediately start firing in your direction.
You can see in the level design of the gigs that you can approach a quest with multiple options, like stealth or go head first our using other non-violent means, which is great, but much of it was not fleshed out, for start the outcome is 99% of the time the same so there is no incentive to really do one over the other even in any build that you choose. I made the mistake to make the classic stealth-archer and It is almost the same difficult to get it blasting gun. I call it a mistake because it is super easy. Of the non fleshed out options it jumps to attention the stealth ones, There is a lot of places to hide bodies, things that you can remote activate to kill enemies, to distract them, etc, but they are never in the correct place, so they mean nothing almost, and there is almost never a reason to hide the bodies. You have like ducts to crawl to get to place without being noticed, but if you just crouch and kill everyone. There is no reward to not kill everyone with some rare exception, which makes all the level design to make it possible to sneak in a base or den useless. You can also take down enemies without killing them but them again, there is no benefit nor drawback. They are as good as dead.
I think the graphics looks great, but I don´t play many games and specially AAA games so I don´t have much to compare, my friend saw I playing and said they are like average, not bad but just what you would expect of a modern game, nothing exceptional. But even if the graphics are not special what they do with it is great, all the architecture and stuff.
There attention to the world is so great yet you meet the same NPC model like 3 times in the same place, it is so repetitive, it is weird. Like, not only the same exact body but the same clothes. Why not randomize a little more? If they at least put an in-universe reason, like people can modify themself to looklike some predefined avatars. It is worst for the children, for some time I even didn´t think there were children in the game. which would be better in my opinion, but you see the same like 3 models everywhere.
I could go on on the missing stuff, like the public transportation (later half-assed included in the 2.x) or any type of flying transportation. That it is thing, you see a lot of flying vehicles, but you cannot drive or get in any of them. Similarly, there is a lot of motocycles but they are always parked. You never see them in transit.
I mentioned that the backstory of the gigs and NCPD scanner quests are awesome but the quests itself all look the same, they have more or less 3 types and that is it. Also it is very much bullshit that in a cyberpunk game you are basically pro-cop without option of otherwise. You can help the NCPD with the scanner quest but you have no benefit in going against the cops, they don´t even drop loot. At least you can steal some of their cars sometimes. You are literally a criminal and there is no positive aspect in going against cops, which is specially weird because the game you wand your allys are always talking bad of the cops like in the movies like “I never talk to a pig” style of things, but the gameplay does not reflect that. If in the game the cops were somehow some moral/ethical beacon, but it is cyberpunk, the cops in the game are terrible, a lot of them very corrupt and such.
There is so much more, annoying bugs like the one that does not show correctly if your gun has silencer in it or not. Some of it can be mitigated with mods, wich is nice, but you should not need a bunch of mods to play the game without getting frustrated.
With all that said, it is a fun game, I think the story, wordbuilding an visuals are enough to warrant a play trough I guess.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
The way this watermarks are usually done is to put like white text on white background so for a visually impaired person the text2speak would read it just fine. I think depending on the word processor you probably can mark text to use with or without accessibility tools, but even in this case I don’t know how a student copy-paste from one place to the other, if he just retype what he is listen then it would not affect. The whole thing works on the assumption on the student selecting all the text without paying much attention, maybe with a swoop of the mouse or Ctrl-a the text, because the selection highlight will show an invisible text being select. Or… If you can upload the whole PDF/doc file them it is different. I am not sure how chatGPT accepts inputs.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
People will look at one aspect and say that the job sucks. Truth is, there is no perfect job and only you can tell that it balances out. The way you talk about it really feels like a nice place to work, with the exception of the headphones thing, that is weird. And if you like to chat with coworkers a full remote Job may be kinda hell, it is really easy to feel isolated and not connect with people because it takes more effort like going to audio or video calls to hangout or having to chat over text more
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
My friend likes this 3hours podcast of bunch of people in a table just chatting and talking over each other and I can’t stand It, I like a 20min podcast that has a script, is edited and transmit a coherent message. Them he told me he likes to listen like in the background while working (we are programmers) and then it all makes sense. I can’t listen to the type of podcasts that I like because I have to pay attention. Music is better I can tune out the music while focusing on writing code (and maybe reading code) but I can’t do it while I am reading documentation and researching.
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
Are you heating your plastic piercings?
- Comment on DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb 9 months ago:
It is sad that so much of technological advancement is not freeing people from labor has the opposite effect, making people fight to pay rent and necessities everyday and never having free time to live. There is so much to like in these new Ai technologies but they being wielded by capitalists to extract a little more money. I highly doubt that visual arts is a big expensive in movies and films since usually half the budget is marketing and another big chuck to secure big stars to the project.
In any case everyone already lost and the Internet is a little bit worst. Reading about this class actions I think no good will come out of it, or the draconian copyright laws will be even worst and small artists will already have lost to the prior models using their content or a “fair use” exception will be made but only for big companies AI and not help small artists and content creators that battle with DMCA abuse taking down fair use vídeos from YouTube and content from over the net anyway.
- Comment on best anime to start on 10 months ago:
I have this rule: The quality of an anime is inverse of the number of episodes it has.
Of course it is not always true but It is a good rule of thumb. Without knowing what you like, read some sinopses of the classics and see if any sparkle your interest.
You are already in a good track with movies, you can watch Akira or the first Ghost in the Shell for some good action sci-fi.
I personally didn’t watch yet, so is not quite a recommendation but any Satoshi Kon movie is always very well received, like Perfect Blue.
There is some anthology movies, each with 3-4 short stories, that seems to be quite Good. I watched and liked alot Memories, and heard about Neo Tokio and Robot Carnival. All of them have one section done by Katsuhiro Ótimo, the author of Akira.
You can look up some OVA that are 1 to 6 EPS long like Read or Die, Bastard (the original one) and Blood: The last Vampire (the original one)
Some TV series that are 13 to 26 episodes long I really liked is Samurai Champloo. I also like the Netflix’s Castlevania (the first one) and I cannot vouch for it because I didn’t finish yet but Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was pretty good.
The next two are quite controversial but I think quite good are Kite and Mezzo Forte, both are 1 or 2 ep OVA. They are controversial because they are a mix of action anime and some hardcore hentai, but there are some cuts without the sex stuff (that is also completely unnecessary if I remember correctly). The action scenes are really good.
- Comment on Having a bad day? Try this 1 tip 1 year ago:
I don’t know, they look all terrified.