- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 3 hours ago:
*for the most part.
Some places it does.
- Comment on Kagi search engine now has a Fediverse search option. 8 hours ago:
We learned a lot of lessons from the first one. Here’s hoping we don’t make the same mistakes.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 days ago:
Thank you. Not everything in life is an asset to be leveraged to prop up your own position above those around you.
This psychotic way of thinking has led us to this sorry state. And I don’t just mean the USA.
- Comment on What are some of the things someone permanently relocating away from the US should be aware of? 3 days ago:
I brought 3 cats to the USA from Thailand, with little problem. There was a bunch of tests and paperwork, but compared to human visa and such, it was easy. Idk where you got the idea that it’s not legal to bring pets…?
- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 4 days ago:
The dissatisfaction is in regards to the imperative that you use all forms of tech in all aspects of your life. It is with the fact that all tech is designed around making money, not improving life. If your video games were designed around bringing joy and entertainment, then you would probably like them even more, and get more benefit from them. Instead there are loot boxes and gambling in nearly all large games.
- Comment on I'm Tired of Pretending Tech is Making the World Better 4 days ago:
This is the problem with capitalism. What a sick world view.
- Comment on Buying a $250 Residency Card From a Tropical Island Let Me Bypass U.S. Crypto Laws 5 days ago:
It’s a bit strong to call it selling out. They are fucked already. Like their entire country will likely have to evacuate within the century. I’m not certain about this country but others are building a gov fund to help pay for that. Anything to help really. It’s not like this is the thing that is going to really cement bitcoins. The ship has sailed.
- Comment on Now that Trump is getting real chummy with Putin where does that leave China? 6 days ago:
At least the last years of humanity will be SPICY!
At this point, WW3 can only help the planet. Kill us all quickly to prevent us from destroying the planet any further. Fuck it, guys. Why not?
We are so far behind on even the illusion of progress on climate and this fiasco is only rocketing us away from it.
- Comment on Please god 3 weeks ago:
So a few years ago I was backpacking in Thailand and I met this very nice local girl during the Song Kran festival (country wide water fight in the streets to wash away evils for the new year) and I ended up going back to her house where she lived with her aunt. Looked exactly like that. Toilet flushed with a bucket that you also used to wash your ass. Bed was a thin mattress on concrete. Cockroaches ran around while you slept. They had just enough to get by, but they shared it with me.
Now she’s my wife and lives here in the USA and I gotta say, I miss that little shack. Would be nicer than this shit hole country, at this point.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
He has never founded or invented anything. Every business he owns, he bought from others. In some cases he forced them to refrain from claiming to be founders at all. He’s pathetic scum.
- Comment on unless it’s really really funny 4 weeks ago:
Almost got him, copper!
- Comment on On Mushrooms 3 months ago:
Yes, comrade.
- Comment on DOJ claims Google has “trifecta of monopolies” on Day 1 of ad tech trial 5 months ago:
I swear, the rich are truly buying their own bullshit at this point. They seem to genuinely think that the peasants enjoy being fucked as hard as absolutely possible. They have made these arguments repeatedly about many horrible practices they do.
Finance leaders try to claim that frontrunning users purchases and banking the difference, is somehow beneficial to the customer.
They are all fucking deranged.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
It’s also helpful to remember that water boils at 100C and your body temp is about 36-37C. Helps me when I see the weather or something.
- Comment on Bryony Page 6 months ago:
But with a powerful enough telescope, you just … Like… Fucking LOOK AT the beginning of time. The instant that instants became. There is a lot of theory about why it looks like that (all based on math you could never possibly understand) but it’s not just a bunch of half baked dudes on a couch coming up with “theories” as you seem to use the word.
- Comment on Bryony Page 6 months ago:
[insert article about how ALL OF US are tragically underpaid and most struggle]
- Comment on Secret Service says it ‘disposed of’ cocaine found at White House after report of infighting, DNA hit 6 months ago:
I would have preferred if the bullet that hit him had done its job. He’s a piece of authoritarian Christian trash. The world is only worse for him having lived.
- Comment on Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These 7 months ago:
I’d rather they choke on their own blood thanks.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
They said “some bullshit reason” because the same logic would very clearly not be applied to trump if he were to do the same. Think a bit. It’s ok.
- Comment on As a precaution, houses of worship in New Jersey are getting bleeding control kits 11 months ago:
But you don’t know what god wants from you. That’s the whole point. You are choosing to believe the words of some dudes in the desert 1700 years ago because they make you feel good. You don’t KNOW anything about God because it’s all speculation. Yes I know, that’s what faith is. But that’s not knowledge and to claim it as such is insulting. Every time I hear it.
- Comment on Young adults set an earlier bedtime as they navigate economic fatigue, wellness trends, and a loneliness epidemic 1 year ago:
I don’t like that that feels so relatable.
Although I also say loudly and to anyone who will listen in real life that I wish to chop the heads off of billionaires and burn all of their headquarters to the ground. Hopefully, they resonate with that and we can get this ball rolling.