- Comment on If everyone goes to baseball games by car and everyone gets wasted like Randy Marsh, how do people get home? 3 days ago:
When I visited Netherlands it was nice to not have to think about this while going out.
For your question, most people don’t get drunk. An average adult man can process about 1 drink an hour, so 2-3 standard drinks or less spread out over a game should be fine. You also kinda coordinate with your group to make sure someone’s good to drive.
If you’re all planning on getting drunk, you take Ubers. You can also come back in the morning for your car if it was unplanned
- Comment on 79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care 2 months ago:
Wtf kind of article is this. This is sponsored content for Apple Vacations. Their name is mentioned four times in the article and they paid for this survey to show that Americans need more vacation
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
I’m a developer at the biggest one of these systems in America. It is stupid expensive. But we support full electronic patient communication. And most of our competitors do too. I’m sorry you’re stuck with one of the few who doesn’t have that option or are choosing not to use it.
Hopefully they come around in the next decade!
- Comment on Health management platforms have to be the biggest waste of money I've ever seen 5 months ago:
FHIR baby!
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Maybe there are better ways but I tapered down to the lowest dose and then just pushed through for a couple weeks.
It helped that each day was noticeably better than the last like at first it was every 10-15 minutes and a couple days later it was every hour or two
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 11 months ago:
Let me tell you son. Back in the day, headphones used to have a wire