- Comment on Why don't humans have paw feet? 6 months ago:
My feet smell like Fritos
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Not if you have a library card!
Unfortunately, this is only true for a (substantial) subset of state parks. I wish they were all participating, but they’re not.
- Comment on Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet 11 months ago:
except Sci-hub hasn’t been adding new papers since 2020. Anna’s Archive is a better bet, because they aggregate both sci-hub and libgen, among others. They also make torrents available for data hoarders. Their torrents total over 600 TB at this point, but include books in addition to articles.
- Comment on Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet 11 months ago:
except Sci-hub hasn’t been adding new papers since 2020. Anna’s Archive is a better bet, because they aggregate both sci-hub and libgen, among others. They also make torrents available for data hoarders.
- Comment on Researcher uncovers one of the biggest password dumps in recent history 1 year ago:
Too bad. I was hoping to get some hot stock tips.
- Comment on Researcher uncovers one of the biggest password dumps in recent history 1 year ago:
23rd century?
- Comment on Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM 1 year ago:
Yeah, but they were testing the waters with this one. The hydra’s going to grow another head eventually. It’ll be interesting to see how/if the media integrity API gets leveraged in the Android Chrome browser. They’re eventually going to attack this problem from a slightly different angle.