- Comment on Economic inequality leads to democratic erosion, a new study finds. 3 weeks ago:
Depends on the economy. You, the American, should blame corporatocracy and private interests. Other economies may blame government corruption or government enforced inequality. Aparthied South Africa, for example, may want to blame the government for their inequality.
The paper is just “economic inequality begets democratic backsliding” and is not prescriptive about where that inequality and backsliding comes from.
Again, the world is not the US, and going after these authors for discussing the general case and not staying US-focused is pretty dumb.
- Comment on Economic inequality leads to democratic erosion, a new study finds. 3 weeks ago:
Buddy not everything is about the US. They studied multiple economies. Just because the US is devolving into a corporate hellscape doesn’t mean other countries aren’t devolving into an auth-right government hellscape.
It’s not cognitive dissonance if they’re discussing a situation other than your personal perspective and experience.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Eh, I’d have voted for him again over Singh or PPboi but between the blackface thing, the SNC affair, etc. he’s definitely had his fair share of indirectly political scandals over basically his entire tenure.
He didn’t do everything he promised, played some net-zero impact political games but also accomplished some meaningfully positive things (childcare, forced rezoning, carbon tax, etc.) that people seem to totally ignore. My only meaningful complaint with him is the electoral reform and the lack of antitrust action, but I otherwise think he did “fine” over his tenure.
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
My brother in christ you have less than a TB of storage. you’re very far from being a hoarder.
I still have my first 512GB HDD from when I was in high school and I’ve got over 32TB on my latest build, plus my archive of old drives I leave off until I need to access them. Join us, it’s better.
- Comment on Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.'s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump 5 months ago:
Not at all likely, and until then, is still 100% factually accurate.
That still leaves “rapist” as indisputably factually accurate.
- Comment on Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.'s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump 5 months ago:
I mean he has been proven in a court of law to be at least 2 of those, so… you know…
- Comment on I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality? 9 months ago:
Majority of lemmy users are US based, and the overwhelming majority are western. Similarly, the majority of lemmy users are pretty leftist compared to the average citizen.
It shouldn’t be surprising that we’re not hearing much about bad stuff happening in China. And that’s not even accounting for the difficulty in getting trustworthy information out of China.
If you want examples of semi-recent stuff from China that largely got passed over, take a look at the civil unrest regarding the apartment fires during China’s COVID lockdown, the forcible repatriation of Chinese citizens abroad, suicide rates in major manufacturing hubs, the huge economic hits in real estate and public/private transportation infrastructure, etc.
There’s a lot going on that we simply don’t hear about because people tend to share what relates to them.
- Comment on New Escape From Tarkov PvE mode exclusive to pricey Unheard edition despite promises of free DLC 10 months ago:
Sit’s docs are good. Trust them.
- Comment on New Escape From Tarkov PvE mode exclusive to pricey Unheard edition despite promises of free DLC 10 months ago:
Yes I started running a Stay in Tarkov server last night for my friends. Pretty easy setup and while there are some minor bugs, it’s pretty good!
Bye bye BSG, I held off on SPT for a long time to support you… but no more.