- Comment on Elden Ring Nightreign releases May 30th 3 weeks ago:
Hello. I live under rock. What is Nightreign?
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Fucking FDA and big Pharma having a stranglehold on vitamins, exercise and su-…and …sunshine…
- Comment on pump up the jamz 4 months ago:
Cheri Cheri lady, living in devotion!
- Comment on Whenever I see someone walking around in clothes with big, visible branding, I can’t help but think they paid a fortune to wear an advertisement. 4 months ago:
We accept and validate you, OP!
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Actually He started with lead. All life comes from lead. Praise the lead. It’s not lead poisoning, it’s lead salvation! Also Led Zeppelin is Christian rock and spreading the gospel.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
Nice try trying to make me fold queen jack on the turn
- Comment on A decline in arable land 4 months ago:
Okay Mark Watney, let’s see you try!
- Comment on A decline in arable land 4 months ago:
You try growing avocados in the mountains
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
Racisto? Europians? What an absolutely outrageous accusation. Badgers on
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
That sounds like America’s problem. Big portion of western eu, especially non-boomer and non-french, comprehend English
verywell, so I dunno why you’d just dismiss it in a post about us-defaultism when almost everything is text based - Comment on Is there a difference in meaning between the words *people* and *persons*? 5 months ago:
I think I saw him say your pants are stupid too. Fkn get’im!
- Comment on Karaoke place 5 months ago:
Ye, going full under is understandably taken very seriously, and is used less where they think it can be avoided. It’s not common at all to be put under if removing wisdom teeth for instance, unless completely medically necessary, and I think they also do it with severe dentist fright. One time during a colonoscopy I didn’t even get any sedation until like midway through when I started twisting in pain and all I managed to say was “can I have…”
Good times.
- Comment on Karaoke place 5 months ago:
Probably just different practices, I’m not in the us. I’ve had like 7 of them, and it’s just the nurses at the gastrolab who inject me with the funny juice, but it doesn’t knock me out. Might’ve been an anesthesiologist there to give a nod of approval, but I doubt it. Anywho, seems like you know more about the medicine part of it, so I defer to you Dr. Daddy
- Comment on Karaoke place 5 months ago:
Said fentanyl on the receipt, but fuck if I know. Muscle relaxer and mind relaxer is what the doc said
- Comment on Karaoke place 5 months ago:
Best part of a colonoscopy is the fentanyl they give you
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
That was the joke, only worse
- Comment on the lamarcube 6 months ago:
Blacksmith got jacked by crankin his shaft-shaped horn.
- Comment on On Ash Wednesday many people look like they have an Iron Cross on their forehead. That's a bad look. 1 year ago:
How so?
- Comment on On Ash Wednesday many people look like they have an Iron Cross on their forehead. That's a bad look. 1 year ago:
Why is that a bad or worse look than whatever it’s supposed to symbolize?
- Comment on Reblog if youre american 1 year ago:
How else?