- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
This is the whole “gluten is poison” (for people not actually intolerant to gluten) all over again. Those people also had no idea that it was just wheat protein.
- Comment on the mad hatter 2 months ago:
Oh really cool, thank you!
- Comment on the mad hatter 2 months ago:
Yeah, fair. Maybe it’s just like that lizard that squirts blood out of its eyes and predators just go “EESH WTF”
- Comment on the mad hatter 2 months ago:
It’s possible. Seems like it would at least change visibility to predators though. Or make it harder for the caterpillar to hide. Interesting!
- Comment on the mad hatter 2 months ago:
That doesn’t make sense, caterpillars don’t mate. So why have a display like this? Or does this scare off predators somehow?
- Comment on Kermit :) 3 months ago:
And the Hitler beetle.
- Comment on Kermit :) 3 months ago:
Clothing?? Why would he wear only one piece of clothing, barely covering his frog body, in the same color as his skin?
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
And then go get some coffee while my containers rebuild
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
docker system prune -a docker compose up —build
- Comment on Lifestyles of the Bronze Age Famous 3 months ago:
Ok well that’s more than acceptable.
- Comment on Lifestyles of the Bronze Age Famous 3 months ago:
But what do you store it in? A vase with an octopus on it?
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Bullug Gegbug Ibgabiug Gixcure Dagabciea Fuic by Keygen Church because the universe deserves to hear the gospel. Praise the code. m.youtube.com/watch?v=iJtVDEx2HSk
- Comment on DING DONG 4 months ago:
Right, and the original had proper lyrics, also for the altos.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Being on time doesn’t require effort? How’s the weather in Neurotypia?
- Comment on Delectable 5 months ago:
In Poland, they also have sweet pierogi (filled with berries) for dessert. It’s great, especially when you can’t get enough of pierogi, and want to eat a sweet pierogi dessert after your pierogi meal. The ingredients are basically the same: boiled dough and berries. I could see this being tasty.
This stupid “Nobody: “ meme needs to finally die, though.
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 5 months ago:
I’m really glad to have found a fitness app made by someone with the exact same opinion as me on app monetization. I’ve been using the app since March and will happily pay for the subscription. I’m really happy to see this openness, and the fact that you still repeat this promise.
- Comment on "REM sleep is the next AI" 5 months ago:
That was one of the (many) things that mad me go “Yes! That’s what it was like! That’s what the internet was really like in 1999!” And those download accelerators, which we then recklessly installed on the family computer and gave it virusses.
- Comment on "REM sleep is the next AI" 5 months ago:
Glad to see I’m not the only person on earth who has played it. Such a remarkable, funny and weird game. Still trying to get that damned Seepage song out of my head.
- Comment on Use Zotero 6 months ago:
Jesus. Does he work by candlelight too?
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
The inside of your urethra is delicate and sensitive. Have you ever seen a kidney stone? They’re sharp and spikey, like crystals. Imagine that, and it should help you cut this addiction.
- Comment on Co-kee 6 months ago:
I sometimes use coqui frog sound recordings to sleep. Such a nice sound.
- Comment on Twitter 7 months ago:
He has a transgender daughter, whom he still calls by her old, male name. Calling a trans person by their old name that they no longer use, is called deadnaming.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
That exists. My great-aunt had one of these for her incontinence problems.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
So many injuries and fires every year, aside from all the noise and pollution. My friend’s house (old farm) burned down because a firework landed on the roof :(
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
I agree. The Daily Mail no doubt uses this as a way to say “legally changing your gender should be harder”, but that’s fixing the wrong problem. Gender fluidity isn’t the problem, gender inequality is.
Gender should be as unimportant as eye color in most things in life. If your system breaks from someone changing their gender, you need to fix your system.
- Comment on Just Jorking 9 months ago:
MS Paint
- Comment on Maths 9 months ago:
I think that person just misremembered the author of the quote.
- Comment on Leila is a dreamy puzzle adventure with shades of Gorogoa 9 months ago:
Looks cool. Wishlisted. I loved Gorogoa.
- Comment on imagine 9 months ago:
I’ve given HEALTH a listen since this made me curious. I fail to see the metal part, just sounds like emo to me?