- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
When “this lemon is too sour” is the problem, maybe “here, try this orange” is the solution. Can you imagine responding like “No! People are always talking about oranges! I’m sick of it and won’t try one!” Ridiculous…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Or, just don’t have those IDs by not having accounts. Nobody’s identifying me by my Facebook ID if I don’t have one. Simples
- Comment on How to set up Immich from the files within nextcloud? 1 year ago:
I toyed worth this idea, but the directory structures are completely different, and they both keep their own databases. If one updates images, the other database will be out of sync. IMHO, it’s best to keep them separate
- Comment on Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us? 1 year ago:
Arc Browser is better for USERS. Ad companies are just going to have to figure it out. Sounds like a “them” problem to me
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
KoRn - Dead Bodies Everywhere
This song was a must when playing Quake 2, I’m sure it would do just fine against a MAGA-stacked Supreme Court
- Comment on Google Assistant is now powered by Gemini -- sort of 1 year ago:
They’re probably geo-locking it, too, so it will really be just English in just the US
- Comment on Google and Mozilla don’t like Apple’s new iOS browser rules 1 year ago:
You’re cheering for Apple, which is the highest value company in the world. Maybe check the opponent before rooting against Google
- Comment on The U.S. economy is booming. So why are tech companies laying off workers? 1 year ago:
But you could be ~~fire ~~ a green up-line
- Comment on Gen Z is choosing not to drive 1 year ago:
Nobody today is selling a 9 year old car for $900 or the inflation equivalent unless it was turned into a cube at the scrap yard.
That’s a bit under $1800 by today’s rates and a 30 second search turned this up:…/7709051628.html
Cars are on average more expensive today, new or used. Gas is more expensive, and it’s likely more expensive to insure a young driver, which has always been expensive.
Put in the effort and you can find a good deal. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Buying a new car is a scam, found that one out myself too.
If they choose “don’t drive” over “pour much of what little money I have into propping up a falling apart beater,” that’s still a choice. Why rag on them for it?
Not ragging on the choice, I’m ragging on the rationale. “EverYtHinG iS sO 'sPensive” is just “I don’t want to be seen driving/living in/wearing that” in disguise. There are cheaper choices or ones that are more effort, but they are there.
I do get that prices are way out of control but I just saw a sign at McDonald’s for a starting wage of $15/hr. When I worked there, I made $4.25/hr which would be about $9/hr today. I bought my car to start working there so this shit is not impossible today.
Bring the downvotes z’ers, the truth hurts
- Comment on Gen Z is choosing not to drive 1 year ago:
This is more of a general response to all the “YeaH, cHooSe…” comments
- Comment on "How Google perfected the web" or how google made everything worst 1 year ago:
“Worse” or “the worst”… unless you were going for sausage 🤷
- Comment on Gen Z is choosing not to drive 1 year ago:
My first car cost $900 in the 90’s. It was a '91 bronco 2 that had the driver’s-side door replaced and spray painted the approximate colors of the rest of the car. Bought it from some dude selling it along the road. My theory is that gen z’ers are just too picky to live like we did “back in the day” so they say they can’t afford things like cars when the real problem is that they can’t afford the cars they WANT
- Comment on Devices getting router IP as DNS 1 year ago:
Last time I tried that was… problematic. I suppose I could try again…
I’m kinda just getting started. The goal is to have a media server in addition to my current raspberry pi server that will act as a second dns. If I can’t find a way to keep them synced, I’ll give adguard a try
- Comment on Devices getting router IP as DNS 1 year ago:
I only have one dns field. Apparently, there’s a fork of asus software that provides 2 so my suspicion is that the router is automatically supplying its own IP as dns2
- Comment on Devices getting router IP as DNS 1 year ago:
OK, this seems to be the issue. I have this section but only one field for DNS.
- Comment on Devices getting router IP as DNS 1 year ago:
I have my router as DHCP and I also have the DNS set to the pi-hole which I’m assuming is how the devices are getting it. I’m just not sure why it’s getting my router IP as well.
- Comment on Devices getting router IP as DNS 1 year ago:
The router is running DHCP and is set to hand out the Pi-hole IP as DNS. Interestingly, there’s only one field for this so maybe the router is choosing itself as DNS2? If I go into WAN settings, there are fields for DNS1 & 2 but if I was under the impression that these should be set for upstream DNS.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 16 comments
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
Why would I use anything that runs my homelab traffic through centralized servers? It kinda defeats my whole purpose in “privatizing” my data. They say they don’t collect data blah blah blah but nobody can be 100% sure what goes on in their own servers.
I really like the idea of combining VPN with Syncthing-like connectivity but not at the cost of privacy. If they would just allow an opt-out from using their servers and not requiring signing up for an account I would be all over it.
Unless I’m mistaken, I’ll be sticking with my Wireguard with one port forwarded through my router.
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
I’m thinking that, when I decide to upgrade from my homelab-ish setup, I’ll be going with one of these. I haven’t looked into the software so much but just something a bit more purpose-built than a pi4 with a USB drive 😋
- Comment on Useful apps to self-host 1 year ago:
I’m using wireguard but I hear a lot of good things about tailscale.
- Comment on Useful apps to self-host 1 year ago:
Depends on your router. I have an Asus and it has a free ddns option through their domain. I point my Wireguard client at this address and never think of it again. That way, the only port that’s open on your router is a Wireguard port and they don’t respond to sniffing.
If that’s not a possibility, I had a ddns service before that for like $2/month
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
While I think “sucks” might be a bit of an overstatement, I agree with your point. I’m already running Syncthing as my main method of spreading important files around to different drives so the file sync part of Nextcloud isn’t that important to me.
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
Not planning on having more than 2 users so the enterprise-y type features don’t really apply. Very good points though!
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
Exactly! It’s just so convenient from an app platform standpoint, though… But, it just feels strange to keep a tool around, who’s main job is basically file management, just for an app platform when those apps’ functionality can be found elsewhere. I may just keep Nextcloud around as a testbed for new functionality via its apps, then reproduce that functionality with another service in a separate container if it turns out to be useful.
- Comment on File Browser vs Nextcloud 1 year ago:
This is pretty much what I expected but I didn’t want to assume. Thanks!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 31 comments