- Comment on Every Country That Has Their Own Lemmy Instance 6 days ago:
Yeap, I’m aware of the Denmark and Greenland situation but I was curious if Greenland had their own instance
- Comment on Every Country That Has Their Own Lemmy Instance 6 days ago:
Is there a instance for Greenland or is it covered by the danish instance?
- Comment on CHONKUS 3 months ago:
- Comment on Garter snakes 3 months ago:
This comment is good. I up vote good comments. Therefore I up voted this post
- Comment on Mandibles 3 months ago:
I’m getting very mixed answers here (someone else said that’s it’s legs
- Comment on Mandibles 3 months ago:
Can they actually bite using those things or are there just there to look scary?
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 4 months ago:
Okay, guess that’s one explanatio n. It just doesn’t fit with what I see (as someone whose studied English for ~6 years). People in my class still confuse “you’re” and “your” quite frequently.
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 4 months ago:
What makes you think that?
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 4 months ago:
Please remember that everyone here isn’t a native English speaker and neither does everyone use English in professional writing.
- Comment on 10001 4 months ago:
It’s even worse considering that they only have five boards. They expect at least one accident every month
- Comment on Multiplayer shooters should get "pure" healers that can't shoot 5 months ago:
I feel like there’s already lots of things in lot’s of games that violate a variety of conventions
- Comment on MIT develops recyclable 3D-printed glass blocks for construction 5 months ago:
I have a lot of questions. Why 3D print if everything is just going to be the same shape? And how do pieces shaped like 8ts snap together?
- Comment on Google outlines plans to help you sort real images from fake 5 months ago:
Is this system trust based, just hoping that all software start tagging images with AI tags? Can’t those tags just be removed then, if you want something to not be tagged as AI?
- Comment on As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe? 5 months ago:
Also, check the number of contributors to a project. All of those people do (probably) trust the project and have also (probably) read at least parts of the source code for it
- Comment on Big af but sideways 5 months ago:
John dillerman (a Danish TV show for kids, look it up)
- Comment on An informative martial arts infographic 6 months ago:
Don’t you guys not Kung fu fight on boats in the ocean??? I thought everyone did that!
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
The problem is with electric cars that can be driven with one pedal most of the time
- Comment on X plans to more deeply integrate Grok's AI, app researcher finds 7 months ago:
What is a “app researcher”?
- Comment on When a non-binary person uses a computer 8 months ago:
Or an analog computer
- Comment on Amazon Is Investigating Perplexity Over Claims of Scraping Abuse 8 months ago:
And It’s Not Made Any Better By The Fact That The Headline Is For Some Reason Written In Cammel Case
- Comment on They got him now 8 months ago:
The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.
From Wikipedia - the free Encyclopedia
Just a clarification for anyone like me that thought you were postning fake news
- Comment on Also, you have been turned into a worm. 8 months ago:
“one must imagine Sisyphus happy”, a quote from the last sentence in Albert Camus book the myth of Sisyphus (original title; “Le mythe de Sisyphe”)
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
Thanks, you solved the problem
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
The problem with washing it is more with trying to scrub it then just submerging it in water. But as you pointed out it probably gets very brittle further out so you might hurt it if you try to scrub it
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
Judging by the image the centaura shrink with about a factor of two so the entire creature should be either infinitely long or just very very long.
- Comment on Science memes 8 months ago:
I have so many questions about that freaking creature. Can it partially unfold to reach anything arbitrarily far away? And how would it go about washing itself?
- Comment on BLOOD IS BLOOD 8 months ago:
All I see is the smiles 0-:
- Comment on London court rules WikiLeaks founder Assange can appeal against an extradition order to the US 9 months ago:
That’s good news I guess? But it’s not the end of this story, right?
- Comment on Classic litterature 9 months ago:
lliks [T]issue
- Comment on Is this too soon? 9 months ago:
What’s up with the wonky language?