- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
No, it’s cooler than that - all these vegetables are cultivars of the same species (Brassica oleracea). Citrus trees are different species with common origins.
- Comment on Every time there's a new type of "prove you're not a robot" gate put up on a website, I don't have to figure out the human answer, I have to figure out what a robot thinks is the human answer. 4 weeks ago:
Ah yes, the US Food, Drink, and Drug Association (FDDA).
No harm intended, just poking fun.
- Comment on Bottling that vaporlock blowing batch of Grand Cru 1 month ago:
It’s been a while since I’ve had a Corona. The worst bottles I ever used were these:,_Inc.#Lionsh…
Not only are they twist off, but the glass is so thin some would break when sealing the cap.
- Comment on Bottling that vaporlock blowing batch of Grand Cru 1 month ago:
Looks awesome.
Are those Corona bottles twist-off? I remember having issues in the past with keeping a good seal on twist-off bottles.
- Comment on my new portrait painting session in Krita 1 month ago:
Something about the painting almost makes it look as if it’s shifting as I look at it. Very cool.
- Comment on Do you reckon a choice subscription is worth it before making more expensive purchases? 2 months ago:
I just checked their website (you can look at what they’ve reviewed without a membership, just not the ratings or reviews) - there are 43 reviews for Fisher & Paykel and 45 for Westinghouse.
I’m in US so can’t speak more generally for Australian brands, but I have had good luck with CR (my library account gets me free access).
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Actually, software developers cause autism
- Comment on Live your best life 8 months ago:
Not only that, but they are the same species (different cultivars):
- Comment on Top post in the conservative subreddit: Being unable to work at a "woke" company 8 months ago:
Did you also know there’s no talking crab in the original story by Hans Christian Andersen? Since we’re being faithful to the original.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
How do you transfer the food from the cutting board to the measuring cup?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
You keep saying that, but it’s not an extra step. Weighing the food is in place of the volume measurement, not in addition.
Using volume measurement: start cutting broccoli. Add to a measuring cup until you get the right amount.
Using weight measurement: cut broccoli. Add to scale until you have the right amount (actually I would usually weigh out a single large piece, then chop it all at once - same amount of effort).
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Or you place your bowl etc. on the scale and tare after each addition. Doesn’t work in all situations (e.g. pan on the stove) but is great for baking.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
If your cup measurements are not the same you need new measuring cups.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
In the US, sticks of butter have tablespoon measurements printed on the label, like this:…/butter-sticks.jpg
Most people leave the sticks of butter in the fridge with the labels on. If you want X tablespoons of butter, you cut through the label and butter at the right mark.
I’m not saying it’s an ideal system (I also prefer recipes that use weights) but it works.
- Comment on Do bike tires increase pressure in summerm 11 months ago:
Just a small note: the pressures in this chart are absolute, not gauge. In everyday usage (like talking about tire pressure) we mean gauge pressure - that is, the difference in pressure from atmospheric pressure.
Your overall point is well taken (the change in temperature doesn’t matter much), but the numbers will be slightly different. For example, a tire filled to 100 psig (gauge) will reach 106.496 psig at 100 deg F, versus 105.663 in the original chart (assuming 14.7 psia atmospheric pressure).
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
I can’t tell if these crypto people (comparing the energy use of banking to Bitcoin) are dumb, or if they think everyone else is.
- Comment on Second hand disks? 1 year ago:
I guess Freud was right
- Comment on Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin 1 year ago:
Fair enough - thanks
- Comment on Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin 1 year ago:
Does your client allow sorting by controversial/score/down votes? I haven’t seen that option, which on one hand I’m happy for (one of my self-destructive reddit habits) but is also sometimes is so satisfying.
- Comment on Six months after the initial reddit surge (graphs) 1 year ago:
The most intuitive analogy to federation to me is email. You may have an account with one provider ( in the example of email, or in the example of Lemmy) but you can send emails to other providers (email example) or post messages to other instances (Lemmy).
Just like with email providers, a Lemmy instance may decide not to allow communication with another instance - this is “defederation.” Instances that allow communication are “federated.”
Just like email, you don’t normally need to worry much about whether you are on the same instance as a particular community or user - it just works.
This is a simplification, but for me is a good working model.
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
No, you need to include the height of the cylinder (a). Imagine a deep dish pizza (big a) versus a thin crust (small a) - the sides of the deep dish pizza have more area. Your formula returns the circumference of the pizza.
If you’re interested in dimensional analysis (and why wouldn’t you be?) the formula you proposed doesn’t have enough length units. It would return a value of length (like inches, or cm) not area (like square inches or square cm).
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
Sorry, the surface area of the “vertical” side of the crust, not including the top or bottom surfaces.
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
That would be the surface area of the crust, not the volume
- Comment on Tesla Recalls 2 Million Cars to Fix Autopilot Safety Flaws 1 year ago:
As another user said, it sounds like this is a NHTSA term:
- Comment on Gigantic Wave in Pacific Ocean Was Most Extreme 'Rogue Wave' on Record 1 year ago:
The article is careful to say “most extreme” wave, not biggest. They’re defining that as the wave’s height in comparison to the other waves around it.
“Scientists define a rogue wave as any wave more than twice the height of the waves surrounding it. The Draupner wave, for instance, was 25.6 meters tall, while its neighbors were only 12 meters tall.
In comparison, the Ucluelet wave was nearly three times the size of its peers.
“Proportionally, the Ucluelet wave is likely the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded,” physicist Johannes Gemmrich from the University of Victoria in 2022.”
- Comment on When a place is called " Heights", what does "heights" mean/refer to? 1 year ago:
Fair enough - I spent a few weeks there for work. People were friendly.
- Comment on When a place is called " Heights", what does "heights" mean/refer to? 1 year ago:
Terre Haute has federal death row, Rose-Hulman, and Square Donuts. Am I missing anything?
- Comment on maybe I should have racked my cider 1 year ago:
I think that’s fine for primary. I might rack off of secondary every month or so. Maybe less often after the first time. It’s probably overkill, but I’d hate to ruin another batch.
- Comment on maybe I should have racked my cider 1 year ago:
I’ve ruined more than one batch myself by leaving it too long on the lees - in either primary or secondary.