- Comment on Do you think the Creality K2 Plus is worth waiting for? 6 months ago:
Start to spread into your friends/parents/kids place and send them virtual files to print :p
- Comment on Do you think the Creality K2 Plus is worth waiting for? 6 months ago:
Two printers will always beat one printer. Upgrading your ender 3 will be a money pit if you want something that does same as last generations printers.
An designed enclosed printer will let you use ABS that is to my mind one of the best plastics I use.
I don’t know for Creality K1/K2 though.
- Comment on How do you handle family requests that you disagree with? 9 months ago:
Would probably do this, but also rip it in very poor quality to be sure it does not take too much space :D
- Comment on In search of software for managing like a helpdesk but in a lite format 10 months ago:
Something like Notion or Coda would not fit the bill? You need to do some work to fit your usage (configuring tables/views)
- Comment on My creality 4.2.7 board just crapped out. Suggestions for an upgrade? 11 months ago:
That’s a great answer too.
- Comment on My creality 4.2.7 board just crapped out. Suggestions for an upgrade? 11 months ago:
Hi there Paf,
You are totally right, when using klipper, the board doesn’t do any processing anymore. It becomes dumb and transfert the input signals to the pi and output signals to the motors etc…
A board not powerful enough for anything can do evrything under klipper if compatible. (some cpu was not compatible last time I checked 2 years ago, it may have changed). The awesome thing with klipper is that it can be compatible with the original motherboard and you can add resonance compensation just by plugging a pi. But that’s not OP problem as he needs a new board.
For me, Klipper had been a great discovery and I can’t think to go back simply due to the easy way of changing the config files compared to recompiling everything in Marlin.
- Comment on My creality 4.2.7 board just crapped out. Suggestions for an upgrade? 11 months ago:
Hahahaha, sorry about that.
The board you chose will limit what you can do due to memory space limitations or raw power.
The original ender 5 board didn’t had enough memory to activate auto bed leveling without removing other things.
In this world we have 3 firmware usable I know of:
- Marlin: firmware of original ender5
- klipper: must run on a raspberry pi linked to a motherboard (or tweaks with cm4 and compatible boards)
- Duet3d (reprap) firmware.
The board you choose will limit the firmware you will use that will limit what you can do with it.
Take a look to what resonance compensation is by example. I’m not sure it’s available on Marlin due to lack of raw power of the boards.
But with kipper firmware offloaded to the pi, with a compatible board, you can unlock resonance compensation that gives a way better finish to your prints and easier config changes like Reprap (duet3d)
As you can see it’s a rabbit hole 😁
- Comment on My creality 4.2.7 board just crapped out. Suggestions for an upgrade? 11 months ago:
It depends what you want:
You are fine with the current options you had with the creality board, maybe activate auto-bed levelling Go the SKR way as other have mentionned
You want to get the most of your printer with Resonance Compensation (the next best thing for surface quality) Go check klipper I have it on all my machine. You’d need a board like @emilie mentions or a basic board + a full raspi (Zero 2 if no cam) Duet3D may be doing it too but I’m not knowledgeable on their solutions.
- Comment on Previously paid Nintendo DS emulator app on Android goes free (DraStic DS) 11 months ago:
Well, can’t find it and they talk about open-sourcing since 2019. Not sure it’s still on the works.
- Comment on Apple Is Lobbying Against Right to Repair Six Months After Supporting Right to Repair 1 year ago:
I don’t have this optimism 😅
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
Paying for spotify, was google music before. Current “experience” is bad, I hate pop-ups to try to upsell me something I don’t want or features I don’t care. It happens too much and I’m considering switching to self host.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
If you have an android phone you can look to NewPipe.