- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
I think it’s because it’s an unapologetic vertical mouse. Most others are just slanted mice. Note that the furst couple days might be slow because you have to adjust to using your arm that way. I got this one in uni because my wrist just didn’t like being flat, and I used computers a lot. This one matches my resting position really well, and the wrist rest means I’m not sliding the side of my hand all over the desk.
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
I think the one exception is their money, you definitely need some basic math to use it.
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
I have a couple of these and like them:…/B0759V6FZC
- Comment on Is It Worth The Time? XKCD 1205 updated for open source and shared tools. 1 year ago:
FYI: there is actually an XKCD font if you want to match the original more closely.
- Comment on Lasers reveal ancient settlements hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest 1 year ago:
It takes a while to gather the data, new areas all the time.
- Comment on A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant 1 year ago:
No, the plant is full of primary batteries! 4.2 million AA cells!
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
Yeah, a cement truck is like 45,000 lbs of concrete, which is .002%. Apparently .06% will delay setting by 90 minutes, so it’s more like 30 pounds?
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
I’m surprised no one has mentioned Piwigo yet.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Also, starting in 2018 Google no longer actually searches for the words you entered. Instead, it tries to figure out “what you really mean” and shows results for that. See BERT
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Ah, perhaps my source was off. Thanks for the additional data.
But looking at it another way, nuclear is less than twice coal. Estimating the cost of that georgia plant would put it at $16-17B, so those overruns would be atypical.
But my main point on cost is that government investment has been lacking in nuclear compared to renewables:…/why-is-solar-energy-getting-250-time…
Without investment, it’s going to stay just as expensive. And the main regulating body not having a mandate to develop the technology has just been holding us back.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
A coal power plant is rougly the same cost per GW as solar or wind, doesn’t mean we should build more of them. I agree it’s expensive, but so were solar and wind a couple decades ago. Government investment helped research, development, scaling up - imagine if that had been done in the '80s, we wouldn’t be building natural gas plants right now.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Burying it in the ground with no considerations for leachants is not what nuclear disposal is.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Nuclear is the most regulated one. Start requiring full recycling / disposal of solar or wind and how expensive do they get?
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Hydro is best as a giant battery bank, and pairs quite well with nuclear.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
They’ve had to keep upgrading them - the percentage of nuclear is the same, but no new plants have been built, so that extra power has come from research on how close to the red line they can actually run.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Try breaking it down by county.
- Comment on Shows how out of control inflation is 1 year ago:
But then it states “Today’s prices are about 2.35 times higher than the average prices were in 1990, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
- Comment on Two sides to Korea 1 year ago:
I mean Japan it this way with USA / Korea, and China probably as well? USA doesn’t really learn Asian history enough to get the backstory.
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
No, you get billed X euro per month, which gives you the “right” to print up to X pages each month. Even worse.
- Comment on State flags 1 year ago:
Nor Utah?
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
The cheapest plan is .10 euro a month per page if you only print 10 pages. (.99 euro, max 10 pages). Just pay a library or kinkos at that point!
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
Sesame Seed oil
- Comment on Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" 1 year ago:
Oh, I meant browse to the webpage like you would on a computer. Is there not a browser available? I’ve only got dumb tvs, so sorry I can’t be of more help.
- Comment on Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" 1 year ago:
Can you browse web on your tv? That would work.
- Comment on Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" 1 year ago:
Heads up! Jellyfin is a great alternative!
- Comment on Rebalancing the price to represent the value... 1 year ago:
When I was testing this a couple of years ago it seemed to break every couple of months though, and part of the game was Autodesk was actively detecting Linux installs and borking them. Has that changed?
- Comment on Rebalancing the price to represent the value... 1 year ago:
Onshape is another alternative. Even runs on Linux too!
- Comment on Fake HDMI cable crackdown - Taiwanese police raid suppliers of counterfeit HDMI cables, seize $2.6 million in knockoffs in a single day 1 year ago:
…because they were being sold?
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
Well, the article would seem to add one more giant upside for Jellyfin.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
And I’ll guess I’ll stop arguing with soneone who can’t count, Bonehead.