- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
How does Dear Esther work for you as a go to title? I played it years ago and was under the impression that the game was done in a few hours with no replay value whatsoever.
What did I miss?
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
New motorcycle, tetraplegia.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
But how is this a sad story? Babies grow so fast that they easily can skip a size… Am I missing the point?
And, wouldn’t this be the real sad story? “For sale, baby shoes, too big”
Implying that the baby died before it could grow into said shoes?
- Comment on My mom's doctor be like 8 months ago:
Doctors still do this, at least in Germany. When you’re a smoker and getting pregnant, your doctor will most likely not try to bully you into quitting, instead they inform you about the risks and recommend you to cut down the smoking to a minimum but they will also acknowledge that you will most likely not overcome your addiction while your body is already under a lot of stress.
- Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago:
Any QoL mods you’d recommend?
I play F4 with Vivid Fallout for better textures, Load Accelerator and the Unofficial patch mod.
What are must have QoL mods that that don’t alter the vanilla experience too much?
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
You’re welcome. I hope I didn’t come across as too pissed off.
“Germany fucked up by shutting down their (last) nuclear power plants” is not only an argument by people outside of Germany but unfortunately is used by german conservatives and the far right as well as libertarians who don’t want to take any steps to fight climate change but try to preserve “the old ways”.
Nuclear in Germany has been more or less dead for a long time. The last (commercial, there are newer reactors used for science) reactor has started building in 1982 and started producing in 1989. People who call for more nuclear power in Germany are at least 35 years too late.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Please stop this nonsense argument about Germany fucking up by shutting down nuclear. Even 20 years ago, nuclear energy wasn’t that significant for our enery mix and shutting it down over the last 20 years didn’t fuck up anything. The last few power plants had a capacity of about 4 to 8 GW and are not missed here.
For the last 20 years, coal consumption declined (could be faster though) and renewable had a steep growth (could be faster of course).
It is true that we started consuming more natural gas, but in the end the change is not about using old nuclear power plants that are unsafe or building new nuclear plants that will be usable in 10 to 20 years but about pushing renewable and improving the grid to solve the distribution problem.
- Comment on Best way to dockerize a static website? 10 months ago:
I’ve read that you’re trying for minimal resource overhead.
Is lighttpd still a thing? Back in the day I used it to deliver very simple static Http pages with minimal resource usage.
I found a docker image with like 4 mb size but being two years old I don’t know how well maintained lighttpd is these days.
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
But that’s far from retirement…?
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
What age do you consider middle aged?
- Comment on What is a simple server solution for Jellyfin and Nextcloud? 11 months ago:
Interesting. Do you know how Cosmos handles storage and especially RAID?
- Comment on What is a simple server solution for Jellyfin and Nextcloud? 11 months ago:
Although the mentioned tools are great I don’t know how your comment applies to OPs problem. They are asking for a tool to manage their server and not for a tool to automate their torrenting.
- Comment on What is a simple server solution for Jellyfin and Nextcloud? 11 months ago:
CasaOS is great for very simple (basic!) container management and easy creation of basic shares but it doesn’t offer any tools for RAID management and is only single user oriented so it doesn’t have any access control built in to it’s Samba shares. These features might come in the future though.
I don’t know Yunohost but I’d recommend you Openmediavault. It’s Debian based, offers tools for managing RAID, Docker, Shares, Users, , Access control Lists, Updates and much more.
It’s actually amazing and in active development.
- Comment on Not there 1 year ago:
Apparently don’t pee on it. Today I learned.
- Comment on Alternative cooling for BKHD 1264 NAS mainboard 1 year ago:
Thanks for your reply! Which board do you have?
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on German Art 1 year ago:
Damn TIL! I didn’t know that and I didn’t know that Hitler was stateless from 1925 till 1932.
- Comment on German Art 1 year ago:
Aktshually he wasn’t even German…
- Comment on Best games that can be completed in under ten hours? 1 year ago:
Eliza: A visual novel by Zachtronics, took me 10 hours to beat
Aviary Attorney: A visual novel / detective/ attorney game with music from Camille Saint-Saens and aer by J.J. Granville. Beat it in 7 hours and had a blast.
Braid: 2D puzzle platformer with time shift mechanic. Finished it in 7 hours.
Tiny Bang story: wimmelpicture point & click. 7 hours.
Call of Cthulhu: Horror walking simulator. 7 hours.
Bastion: Amazing isometric action game by Supergiant Games. Rook me good 6 hours to finish.
Thomas was alone: 2 D platformer with geometric shapes as characters and great narrator. 6 hours.
Whispers of a machine: Noir detective story point & click. 5 hours.
-Homefront: USA gets invaded by Korea first person shooter. Good 4 hours.
INSIDE: Atmospheric 2D puzzler. 4 hours.
LIMBO: Same as INSIDE, same developer, great game, different story. 4 hours.
- Comment on Shitty deal 1 year ago:
Obviously you do as you like but a common way is to put then in as far as you like / as it’s comfortable and pull them out slowly.
- Comment on Exoskeleton pilot project shows positive results 1 year ago:
This is actually a thing:
- Comment on ProtonMail and SimpleLogin emails will be blocked from registering on websites 1 year ago:
Am I the one one thinking this post is blowing the topic way out of proportion?
The post title is clickbait in its purest form: nothing is being blocked (from what even). There is a single issue raised on some obscure filter list… This has no consequences whatsoever. I am wondering why Protonmail even bothers to comment on this issue…
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
I am playing Cyberpunk 2077. Pretty much finished the main story and playing the DLC story line right now.
It’s great fun but when I hit the level cap I got bored regarding my playstyle (SMG and sword) and started experimenting with different weapons and skills. Since you can’t max out every skill I cheated to achieve this.
Now I’m a omnipotent killing machine and should probably increase the difficulty…
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
Is it any good? It’s on my wishlist but is too expensive for my taste.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Everything I heard about cast iron pans was either “This is the hot shit!!” or “They are horrible to maintain and you can’t keep food in them overnight because it destroys the patina you built for weeks”.
Since I am lazy as fuck I’ll pass…
- Comment on Raspberry Pi 5 Benchmarks: Significantly Better Performance, Improved I/O 1 year ago:
I run Jellyfin on a RPi 4. It works for me, but only because I use codecs (h264/265 for video, AAC for audio) that are definitely supported on my players (NVidia Shield TV and android phones). This leads to Jellyfin not touching the files and just providing them to the player. As soon as any codec doesn’t fit my client (for example OPUS audio) Jellyfin starts re-encoding the audio and remixing the stream and the stream just fails.
So yes: RPi4 is generally not able to run Jellyfin unless you have a very specific setup.
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
What you described from your previous workplace sounds amazing, but you must’ve used phase cancellation too, didn’t you?
How is this so much different from what you’ve used back then?