- Comment on Heh 1 week ago:
Its an older meme, but it checks out
- Comment on What do you use for notes? 4 weeks ago:
Thanks, I’ll have a look!
- Comment on What do you use for notes? 4 weeks ago:
I currently have some notes in Nextcloud notes which I quite like. I don’t need anything too fancy. Markdown is nice to have, but not required if there is some ui way to make checkboxes. If I remember correctly, in the nextcloud notes app you have to set the folder that it uses. Which makes shared notes impractical, if not impossible.
Because of this, I still have several notes shared with my wife in Google keep for things like shopping lists. I’m tempted to test out the shopping list function in home assistant, but not sure if it will fit the needs. Would be nice to find something that covers all my use cases in one app.
- Comment on Grr Windows 3 months ago:
Pop has been great. I feel like I own my computer again.
- Comment on Concerns Raised Over Bitwarden Moving Further Away From Open-Source 4 months ago:
Keepass? No cross device support, you need to manage that yourself through something like Google Drive…
- Comment on What a musical genius 4 months ago:
Uncle Vanny was Vanilla Ice this whole time?!
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Well, thank you for that. That’s a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn’t mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
I’m running the recognize app on nextcloud which I think requires at least 4-5 GB RAM, so I have 6 dedicated to that VM. I’m pretty sure the recommendation for Ubuntu in general was 2 GB RAM so I gave my pihole half that. Home assistant wanted 4 GB, but I gave it 2. I think my Jellyfin server has like 6 and I have another VM with like 4. So that’s a total of like 19gb RAM provisioned. Plus I have a 2 TB zfs pool for my nextcloud VM. When I go into proxmox it tells me I’m using like 29.5 GB.
I suspect if someone was using docker or some other sort of containerization one could expect better performance than what I am getting with VMs.
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
I recently upgraded my homelab/self-hosting server from an old Dell T410 with dual X5650’s (2 - 6 core/12 thread CPU) and 24 GB ram to an old Dell Optiplex (7020 I think) with an i5-4590 (4 core/4 thread) and 32 GB ram. Its barely enough for a proxmox host with 5 VMs; but way faster than the old T410.
If you are offering some sort of self-hosting box, would it be bundled with some sort of software for someone to easily spin up whatever services they want?
Are you going to be able to make money at the $150 mark with all this hardware and configuration? If you are targeting people who are new to self-hosting, it will need to be a complete package (will need to have ram and storage installed).
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
I’m currently hosting like 5 vms on a proxmox host (mostly ubuntu vms- pihole, nextcloud, home assistant, etc), which is an i5 4590 with 32 gb ram and I’m running up against the limits of how much ram I can provision and if 2 or more of my vms are doing something intensive at the same time I’m pinning the CPU. I don’t think my use-case is that crazy for someone doing a little self-hosting.
- Comment on Dining 5 months ago:
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
Dual Core ARM Cortex-A7 processor running at 1GHz
1GB DDR3 RAM memory
Doesn’t seem like you could self-host a whole lot with that…
- Comment on Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware? 5 months ago:
I admire the thought of lowering the barrier to entry to start self-hosting for “normies”. Not sure where you are located, but where I am, this price point is not realistic even for used equipment, not including RAM or storage. I’m not really sure what value add you are bringing to the table that one wouldn’t get from just buying used hardware from an office surplus and if one is very inexperienced in self-hostong, looking into something like LTT is partnered with like Hexos.
- Comment on Telegram will allow users to report illegal content in private chats 5 months ago:
Especially copyright
- Comment on or instructions? 6 months ago:
What is jellystat?
- Comment on Small VPN Access Device? 6 months ago:
Plus one for the router. I’ve got the Beryl AX and it’s great. Ended up going with a wireguard VPN rather than tailscale, but either would work.
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
Ive been pretty happy so far with roku and blocking stuff with pihole, but every day I am more and more tempted to build a media pc…
- Comment on Welcome, visitor. 7 months ago:
Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.
- Comment on Make new friends today! 7 months ago:
Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons.
- Comment on Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext on desktop app 7 months ago:
Maybe its time to rethink desktop security. I realize that there is credential manager on windows, keychain on mac, and similar on gnu/linux; even with that it seems for a lot of services “all” you need to do is steal a cookie and all of a sudden you are someone else.
- Comment on Sony won't phase out Blu-ray movie and game discs, only ceasing production on consumer BD-R 7 months ago:
For now.
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
You will own nothing and you will be happy.
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
hard drives and SSDs don’t count as physical
When was the last time you walked into any store and bought a feature length film or tv show on hard drive or SSD?
Even on a streaming service, the files are stored physically somewhere.
What is your plan when the licence agreement for your favorite series expires on your chosen streaming service and no other streaming service picks up the show?
All media is still, technically, physical media
No one is arguing this. You’re making the strawman arguement. The not-so-subtle undertone of the article is clear.
Quoting the article:
The planned job cuts come amid a decline in demand for traditional storage formats such as Blu-ray discs, with streaming services now the norm.
The electronics and entertainment conglomerate will also gradually cease production of optical disc storage media products, including Blu-ray discs, according to the sources.
You will not be allowed to legally own tv shows or films and you should learn to like it. As I can tell from many of the other comments here, not many of us are fans of that idea.
- Comment on Roku OS home screen is getting video ads for the first time 9 months ago:
The apple tv looks good. But can I put software of my choosing on it and will I be able to do everything on the apple tv if I dont have other apple devices?
- Comment on Oregon Passes 'Right to Repair' Law With Extra Cojones: Oregon’s “right to repair” bill, which now only needs the governor’s signature before it becomes law, has teeth not found in similar legislation 11 months ago:
Absolutely. Hugh Jefferies on youtube has done a number of videos over the years demonstrating this.
- Comment on Apple Terminated Epic’s Developer Account 11 months ago:
No company is your friend.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
Best alternative to plexamp I’ve found is Symfonium. It supports plex, jellyfin, subsonic and possibly others.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
The best thing you can do to increase efficiency and save money is learn to replace the cells.
As long as they didn’t design the BMS to brick itself when you disconnect the cells, like future motion did with the One Wheel, allegedly.
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
The snap version of nextcloud has been pretty solid for me, except for the time that I installed the nextcloud backup app.
- Comment on Well now I'm disappointed too! 1 year ago: