I started playing Drakar & Demoner (now known as “Dragonbane”) in the 80’s, but after a long abscence from the world of TTRPGs I started playing D&D 5E in 2020. Now I’m exploring Pathfinder 2E, as well as designing my own GURPS-inspired game. My home in the Fediverse is ttrpg-hangout.social.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
So if we can’t completely 100% deal with a problem, we shouldn’t even try? I mean, you’re correct, but we can’t solve all problems at once. If we deal with at least one, then we’ve made progress. Then we can try to deal with the next one.
- Comment on The Curvaceous Period 6 months ago:
Well, it could be argued that Trump is a cold-blooded fossil who looks kind of like that, so I think this has some merit.
- Comment on USA | Police Are Increasingly Encrypting Their Radios to Block Scrutiny by Journalists 6 months ago:
No, it’s not. Anytime I meet someone who says “I’ve done nothing wrong, so I have nothing to hide,” I respond with “Okay, drop your pants then.”
Everybody wants and deserves privacy. There is nothing wrong with having sex, but most of us hide when we do it.
- Comment on Ecuador's youngest mayor Brigitte García shot dead 11 months ago:
Not sure how legalizing it would “take it away”, though? I mean, if it was legalized it would still need to be produced by someone, right? And these people have the experience, the infrastructure, etc…
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
It’s the only one that I’ve found that has Smart Play. I’m not sure why not all podcast players have this, it’s such a great feature. Going back to something without it, would feel like going back to the stone age.
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
Exactly. Good example.
- Comment on Elon Musk on X antisemitism controversy: “Don’t advertise. Go f*** yourself” 1 year ago:
Elon un-suspended him.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
Welcome! So far, in my experience, this is a much friendlier community that… many of the alternatives.
- Comment on Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.” 1 year ago:
It’s not that simple. There’s also the issue of paying rent for offices which also feeds into shareholder (although possibly different shareholders) profits, etc. I’m no expert, but I have a feeling this is all very complicated.
- Comment on Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf 1 year ago:
Yeah. These people largely couldn’t be bothered to get vaccinated for their fellow Americans, something tells me they’re not gonna go get themselves shot by the US military for their fellow Americans either to any significant degree.
- Comment on New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer 1 year ago:
unregulated weapons made from kids
By god I hope they mean “for” kids or “by” kids. If people are making guns from kids, we really have a problem.