- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 days ago:
Even children know that the sun isn’t the center of the universe - it’s Earth. Duh!
- Comment on No, the Chinese Have Not Broken Modern Encryption Systems with a Quantum Computer - Schneier on Security 3 months ago:
The original article smelled wrong when they claimed to have broken AES. Thankfully, Bruce Schneier is far more authoritative than I ever will be and gives a short and succinct list of links to debunkings of this.
- No, the Chinese Have Not Broken Modern Encryption Systems with a Quantum Computer - Schneier on ↗Submitted 3 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on ? 4 months ago:
Yes. I’ll read the content, but I try to avoid interacting.
Mind you, db0 himself is a tankie, although he doesn’t seem to insist on imposing that on the users or communities on his instance.
- Comment on Equinunerous Sets 4 months ago:
Gotcha. So all horses are purple?
- Comment on Israel drops 'depleted uranium bombs' inside Beirut: Official 4 months ago:
Plausible yes. Painting it as if it were doctrine is not.
DU is toxic and radioactive, but the radioactivity is stopped by a literal sheet of paper. So the article is just panic inducing propaganda intended for people who want yet another reason to hate on Israel
EU source regarding the radioactivity of DU munitions:…/index.htm
- Comment on "Would U.S. tech workers join a union?" survey average: 67% likely 4 months ago:
Only on signup
- Comment on "Would U.S. tech workers join a union?" survey average: 67% likely 4 months ago:
Anything using Blind as a “verified industry source” is going to be skewed to the type of person who uses Blind. Beyond that, it’s low sample size, and there are suspiciously round fractions for some of the larger companies. Worse, because Blind is blind - this doesn’t represent current employees, but merely people who worked at some point in the past at those companies.
Not saying it’s not good - just saying not to get overly excited over a badly done survey
- Comment on Expanded Steam gaming compatibility likely coming to Arm chips with hundreds of Windows games — Valve testing ARM64 Proton compatibility layer 5 months ago:
That makes a lot of sense - I wonder if they also do the SIGSEGV trick like HotSpot to know when they need to JIT the next chunk of instructions
- Comment on Expanded Steam gaming compatibility likely coming to Arm chips with hundreds of Windows games — Valve testing ARM64 Proton compatibility layer 5 months ago:
But does it run Doom? Using CMOV instructions only?
- Comment on Expanded Steam gaming compatibility likely coming to Arm chips with hundreds of Windows games — Valve testing ARM64 Proton compatibility layer 5 months ago:
I thought FAT binaries don’t work like that - they included multiple instruction sets with a header pointing to the sections (68k, PPC, and x86)
Rosetta to the best of my understanding did something similar - but relied on some custom microcode support that isn’t rooted in ARM instructions. Do you have a link that explains a bit more in depth on how they did that?
- Comment on Expanded Steam gaming compatibility likely coming to Arm chips with hundreds of Windows games — Valve testing ARM64 Proton compatibility layer 5 months ago:
From what I’ve understood of this - it’s transpiling the x86 code to ARM on the fly. I honestly would have thought it wasn’t possible but hearing that they’re doing it - it will be a monumental effort, but very feasible. The best part is that once they’ve gotten CRT and cdecl instructions working - actual application support won’t be far behind. The biggest challenge will likely be inserting memory barriers correctly - a spinlock implemented in x86 assembly is highly unlikely to work correctly without a lot of effort to recognize and transpile that specific structure as a whole.
- Comment on Excel 5 months ago:
All images are stacked bar charts if you try hard enough
- Comment on madlad 9 months ago:
Centrifuges spin really fast, so you need to balance out the things they’re spinning, otherwise it can fall catastrophically.
Stick everything on one side and it will effectively explode.
- Comment on Seeking a name, from the mists of the past 10 months ago:
Got it. From this list:
408-336-3134 Ben Lomond, CA Pyrzqxgl (1986-1987) Tané Tachyon Pyrzqxgl tree-structured discussion BBS software
I can see why you called it pretzel
- Comment on Seeking a name, from the mists of the past 10 months ago:
Plover-net perhaps?
Do you remember the area code?
- Comment on Israel grants Intel $3.2 billion for new $25 billion chip plant 1 year ago:
Intel, whose investment will be over five years, will pay a corporate tax rate of 7.5% instead of 5% previously. The normal tax rate is 23%, but under Israel’s law to encourage investment in development areas, companies receive large benefits.
Usually these types of grants are never a good investment but the increased corporate tax rate alone covers a third of the grant (9b yearly taxable revenue at 2.5% over 5 years comes out to 1.125b).
- Comment on xkcd #2867: DateTime 1 year ago:
Here’s the shortlist of horrors I’ve had to deal with in my career:
- Mixed US/ROW short date formats - DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY
- mixed timezones in the same column
- the wrong timezone (marked as PDT but actually UTC, or sometimes the other way around)
- clock drift
- timezones again…because timezones suck
- historical timezones
- NTP configurations
Things I’ve read about but haven’t needed to deal with personally:
- leap seconds
- clock slew vs skip
- hardware clocks
- Comment on Italy rallies to condemn violence against women draw huge crowds 1 year ago:
In a statement marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Sergio Mattarella said: "Dramatic news stories have shaken the country’s conscience.
Data from the Italian interior ministry shows that 106 women have so far been killed in the country this year, 55 of them allegedly by a partner or ex-partner.
The protests take place amid a backdrop of public anger and soul-searching over the murder of Ms Cecchettin, a 22-year-old biomedical engineering student who had been due to graduate from the University of Padua last week.
- Comment on Come ride me. 1 year ago:
You clearly haven’t watched your forklift safety video. Warning: blood starts a few minutes in.
- Comment on Mathematician warns US spies may be weakening next-gen encryption 1 year ago:
It is indeed one and the same. This is the post that triggered this article (warning: it’s long and not well organized):
Credit where credit is due, DJB is usually correct even if he could communicate it better.
- Comment on Just imagining it running the obstacle has me giggling 1 year ago:
It’s a tribble. Give it some food and in a few minutes you’ll need to make it double
- Comment on Microsoft announces Python formulas in Excel... which have to get sent to the cloud 1 year ago:
So this is basically a native version of xlwings that requires exposing your excel data?