- Comment on Those damn democRATS are just a bunch of SNOWFLAKES 1 week ago:
Please don’t think of the children. Please.
Sure, if you live in La La Land. But if you live in reality, thinking of the children is a must.
- Comment on Those damn democRATS are just a bunch of SNOWFLAKES 1 week ago:
To be fair, teachers sneaking up on people’s children at school and telling them that they might be trans is something to be very concerned about.
I don’t even think this is a right-vs-left issue, but common sense.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 1 week ago:
I’ve heard that there are disputed verses in the King James Bible as well (not this one). But at the same time this Bible is quite well established, and as such indicates what the consensus of Christians is (or has been).
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 1 week ago:
I bet you also answer the question, “can you drink a glass of water?”, with “no, you can’t drink glass”.
- Comment on They seem to turn a blind eye to many things as long as you have a (R) next to your name and promise to hurt the right people. Must have missed that bible verse 1 week ago:
Indirectly. By affirming the old testament, Jesus of the Bible condemned the act of sodomy (the act perpetrated by the people of Sodom and Gomorrah).
- Comment on I made this today 5 weeks ago:
That’s actually pretty cool!
- Comment on 🍖🍖🍖 7 months ago:
Reality dictates that when having collected wood for a fire, we need to put some effort to light the wood up.
Anime teaches us that the pile of wood will self-ignite and that there is no effort needed from our part to light it up.
If we follow anime in real life, we will end up making the mistake of not preparing a lighter when we intend to light fires.
- Comment on Mhhhh 7 months ago:
Does she like to ride horses too?
- Comment on 10 months ago:
I don’t want to say “I told you so”, but I told you so.
- Comment on Biden 'doesn't understand the Catholic faith,' bishop says: 'I'm not angry at him, he's just stupid' 10 months ago:
Biden took $10M from AIPAC. He may be stupid, but he’s making a bank.
- Comment on It's a vibe 1 year ago:
That’s the correct attitude, but not the attitude you like apparently.
- Comment on It's a vibe 1 year ago:
Yes, I’m shameless like that.
- Comment on It's a vibe 1 year ago:
Bro, just work on yourself and you will be more fulfilled than trying to become the object of your desires.
- Comment on It's a vibe 1 year ago:
Fantasy (becoming an anime girl) vs Reality (censored)
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
…Never seen someone just straight up admit that they were bullshitting. Props to you. >Just to be clear - you do realise that the thing that “happens every time” is people >claiming not to be married to the idea of society being led by an individual, then >going on to argue that this is the only way?
I don’t mind power structures, not only that, I believe that they are necessary. As long as those given power do not abuse it, there are no problems.
Secondly, the only one here bullshitting is you, and I will tell you why.
Citation needed.
So you are telling me, that as an employee, you can do whatever you want at work or not even show up at all, because you have no authorities above you? Or even better, maybe you think that when you are fulfilling your duties at work, you do so purely because you are interested in doing so. Not because you have to earn your salary, which you then must use to pay for your home and put food on the table in order to live.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
nice marketing though
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
Happens every time. Yes, we can say that it happens almost every time. You are arguing against a very obvious fact of life. A father is a leader to his family. A teacher has authority in the classroom. An employer has authority in the workspace. When you want to efficiently combat criminals, you need commanders (detectives), like in the police. In general, you are going to have disputes between people regarding choice A or choice B. Leadership can resolve such disputes efficiently.
I am not limited to conceptions that require a leader. How about several leader? Because you are not going to escape leadership completely. If you are a functioning member of society, you will have a leadership role over someone, and you yourself will have leaders. It does not mean that you worship them or that you are worshiped, nor does it mean that they have to be tyrants who take other people’s rights, or that you take other people’s rights.
I’m telling you this because you seem to have a very skewed idea of what leadership is supposed to be. You seem to think that it is nothing more than imposition of one’s own will over others.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
I don’t think like that. I’m just saying that if a revolution is executed by bad people, they will just move the power to another tyrant. Revolts and revolutions have their place, but that does not mean that they always work. Look at Communist China or Russia. Look at the Arab Spring. Look at Libya, Gadafi was a really bad guy, a rapist even. But what happened after people revolted? Just more corruption, crime and foreign powers taking advantage of the situation.
This is why when people with a certain political leaning in the West say that they want to eat the rich, without having any further plan or clue what that would entail, look like dangerous retards. Excuse my French. Most people are pissed that they are litarelly being robbed every day by their governments, some have even been attacked physically or imprisoned unjustly. These are all legitimate grievences I do not inted to downplay at all. However, when people destroy order, leave everyone vulnerable to internal and external threats, will that make the situation better or worse? Are you willing to take that risk? What is the probability that your country will survive and prosper after such an event? Ask yourself that.
Lastly, my previous statement holds, people will automatically rearrange themselves into power structures, even after a theoretical reset. That’s human nature. Of course there are degrees to this, but power structures will be there nontheless. You and many others don’t seem to have a clue if a revolution will lead to less totalitarianism, or more totalitarianism, you just assume that it would lead to a better state. Sorry to say, that’s a bit naive.
- Comment on The guillotine song 1 year ago:
There is always going to be an elite.
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
To gain power of an entire country like China, Mao had to be very intelligent. Him not being informed of the consequences of his policies is highly unlikely. It is dangerous to say that he was ignorant, because it gives you an excuse to absolve him of some of his guilt. You are downplaying how bad he really was. This is not fair. Mao ruled China for 33 years and has caused more destruction in his own country than most rulers (if not all) in recorded history.
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
For the imbecile that down-voted me, it is estimated that Mao was responsible for several times as many deaths as Hitler. Estimates range all the way from 40 million to 100 million people.
You don’t have to be a Nazi to see that ~100 million people dead because of Mao is worse than ~20 millions dead because of Hitler.
Unless you value Chinese lives less than European lives.
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
To be fair, Mao should be in the center.
- Comment on Windoze 1 year ago:
This is actually funny.
- Comment on It's never too late to pursue your dreams 1 year ago:
This demon got his head shopped off and impaled outside of Istanbul.
In 1476, while marching to yet another battle with the Ottomans, Vlad and a small vanguard of soldiers were ambushed, and Vlad was killed and beheaded — by most reports, his head was delivered to Mehmed II in Constantinople as a trophy to be displayed above the city’s gates.…/vlad-impaler-real-dracula-was-a…
He got what was coming to him.