- Comment on Slay The Princess gets three new chapters and more when The Pristine Cut releases 24th October 5 months ago:
I bought it blind on gog when it was on sale, visual novels aren’t my thing usually, but it did not have the anime look so I thought I gave it a try and drop it after half an hour.
Turns out it was one of the most impressive games I played these last years. What a mindfuck!
And the ending warmed my cold heart!
So I wanted to watch a review on YouTube, and what! The! Fuck! I had no idea how different (and gruesome) this game could get! Soon it’s holiday time, and it’s on my top list of things to do! Let’s see how I can fuck things up!
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Nonono, that’s it!!! I totally missed the link :)
After fiddling with my original CDs back two years I gave up and installed these! Wide-screen, stable, high resolutions, perfect! I was so happy fans decided to get them running again!
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
A friendly reminder to everyone: there is a fan project, part 1 and 2 updated to run on modern systems. They have their own page, the full games can be downloaded from there, and they just work. Just Google the title and fan update.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
If you are a European Citizen, sign it. It takes a minute of your time. Not more.
- Comment on Gothic, Risen, and Elex Dev "Piranha Bytes" Reportedly the Latest Embracer Studio to Shut Down 7 months ago:
Oh man, I hope so!
I prefer their games over anything Bethesda/Diablo/whatever stuff.
Their games, as clunky and weird they sometimes are, have soul and passion. I’m playing Risen 2 at the moment, and I just love the world. So much too see, every corner has something to find, even if it’s just a bottle of Rum.
- Comment on How do i move or better yet REMOVE those three dots? They are creating a large problem for me. 10 months ago:
If anyone can tell me how to get rid of the bar at the bottom, that would be nice. I don’t need a taskbar or a line, it’s a fucking tablet.
I takes a few millimetres of real estate, it sucks.
- Comment on literally me 11 months ago:
Same. The moment you don’t understand the dialogue then it’s not important, that moment it’s about atmosphere. Worked great for me. I enjoyed the sound mixing in this movie!
- Comment on Thoughts on a few recent games 11 months ago:
I replayed Mirror’s Edge a few days ago, with modern hardware in 4k, it still feels stunning! It has aged exceptionally well, thanks to the art style.
The only thing I did not like were the fights. They slow the gameplay just felt tacked on as an afterthought, thankfully many fights can be avoided by simply running past the enemy.
Highly recommended!
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago:
This German ad for Quake is awesome too!
- Comment on Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones’ $70 price despite its live service leanings, calls it ‘quadruple-A’ 1 year ago:
They make The Crew unplayable in a month, without any chance to ever play it again.
And they expect me to pay 70 € for this? What?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, oh, no, you won’t!
- Comment on Spec Ops: The Line permanently removed from Steam and other digital stores 1 year ago:
I bought it on gog, yay for DRM free purchases.
- Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed 1 year ago:
Sadly I do non of my gaming through steam. But someone else might find this answer useful!
- Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed 1 year ago:
May I ask a question out of curiosity? If my system dies on a hardware level, and I have to save my hard drive, how can I access it then if I can’t put it in another system?
- Comment on RIP Microsoft WordPad. You Will Be Missed 1 year ago:
Up to XP I used several dos versions, win3.1, 95, 98, 98SE, and then XP. From there I skipped one version, so 7, then 10. Worked out pretty well so far. So my next windows will hopefully also be 12, and I hope it will have a better UI than 11.
Linux is also interesting, but I like gaming without fiddling too much with my operating system, I just don’t want to commit my rare spare time to that. I want install -> play.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Days Gone, since it just released on gog and I wanted to give a triple a title another shot. It turned out to be pretty good, fun driving and gameplay, and the hordes were terrifying.
Also I was amazed how well this game was running, 4k 144hz butter smooth on a 4070. Kudos to the developers!
- Comment on The Making of Lemmings - How DMA Design created a classic, and what happened next 1 year ago:
I sometimes forget I’m a dying breed. I wanted to write “Thank you Mr. Obvious”, but you are right, I guess not many know this studio name anymore.
- Comment on Eh, I don't see it. 1 year ago:
Is this a reference to HAL? Otherwise I’m a little lost…
- Comment on The Beverly Hillbillies [MS DOS] Some Music on IBM PC Speaker 1 year ago:
The graphics look great, I immediately want to play it.
But I guess there is a reason I’ve never heard of that game before…
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
I love the D, it’s my favourite starship of all time.
But my god, the E looks beautiful!!
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes 1 year ago:
And now a serious response: it ran, just before the Add-on dropped, on my 4790k and a RX6600 on 1920x1200 flawlessly with no bugs, at 60 fps on high settings. This game is now well optimized, and a fantastic experience. It took a while, but the wait was worth it!
- Comment on YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker 1 year ago:
Absolutely, remember when reddit killed itself with a shitty step?
- Comment on Lovecraft-Inspired Games (list of lists) [Videogame] 1 year ago:
No, thank you for this list! I adore Lovecraft!
- Comment on Lovecraft-Inspired Games (list of lists) [Videogame] 1 year ago:
You forgot “Prisoner of Ice” and “Shadow of the Comet”, the two Call of Cuthulu adventures.
- Comment on Intel's New GPU Drivers Boost Performance Up To 750% in DX11, 53% in DX12 1 year ago:
I sadly don’t have the time nor the nerves to fight my PC, but I sincerely hope that intel GPUs become a force on the market to consider in the future, prices from the big two are way too high, competition might change that.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds 1 year ago:
New Vegas was ok, but I liked 1 and 2 more. You made me interested, I’ll give it a go! Thank you!
- Comment on In 1952, a group of three 'stars' vanished—astronomers still can't find them 1 year ago:
Link to the story:
- Comment on For the new arrivals. We're on a mission from Q 1 year ago:
It’s not that bad, but it definitely shows it’s age.
I decided to watch Babylon 5 again a few weeks ago, that CGI has really aged poorly! Holy shit!!
- Comment on For the new arrivals. We're on a mission from Q 1 year ago:
That’s unfair. There was also DS9, YOY and ENT. And that was the last Trek to exist.
- Comment on Sadly, even after Picard season 3 this mystery is still unsolved. 1 year ago:
Holy shit, I knew I’ve seen him somewhere before!!! He was the little drug dealing brat!!!
Awesome sequel by the way! I don’t care if many people give this movie shit, it’s great!!
- Comment on System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition - Official Trailer | The Indie Horror Showcase 2023 1 year ago:
I totally agree. This is one of my favourite games of all time, I play it once a year, and I expected definitely an upgrade. This looks like the HD mod, you are right. No need to buy I think.