- Comment on I'll show them 4 weeks ago:
Strawberry Mansion movie had something like this
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months ago:
So weird because as a kid, I would rent these video games day 1 from the local library… free of charge.
What is the issue now that they are retro. Shame.
Thankful to have all mine… back… up… and running.
- Comment on Ryujinx emulator GitHub repository currently down 5 months ago:
yeah… I have a sick feeling in my stomach about it right now, have no desire to play anything Nintendo at the moment. Uhg.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
- Comment on After pushing cloud storage, TV provider to auto-delete 61-day-old DVR recordings 10 months ago:
My TiVo was the “upgraded” internal storage of 500GB or something back in the day.
• Per show, select if you wanted to keep forever, or delete when drive was full • Drive settings allowed for “delete marked files when full” or “stop recording when full”.
Seemed as those “choices” where easier programed back then when basic logic was implimented.
The 30-second skip button was also gold.
- Comment on Innovation in Japan: McDonald's installs phone cleaning devices. Kills 99.9% of germs within 30 seconds while customers wash their hands - VIDEO 1 year ago:
Was going to say, it seems as though people in Japan, just use tech differently.
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
I miss Toys R Us
- Comment on Wi-Fi 7 to get the final seal of approval early next year, new standard is up to 4.8 times faster than Wi-Fi 6 1 year ago:
me over hear with my gigabit-ethernet plugs in every wall as if they were as important as electricity… upgrade those suckers to 10-gig-ethernet, and wifi-has nothing over other than mobility… mobility until you leave the room… sounds about like being on a wire.
wireless needs a better understanding, and for most that have no understanding they just see faster as better, when no wireless is better than a wired connect, that is why the cellar towers, fiber connection, and even coax-connections all are needed to “power the wireless”.
i’m shocked at how many new or remodeled homes have no “ethernet port” but yet they will have power plugs-n-mass every where in the house, electricity for everything, and then they plugin 5Ghz repeaters into all the wall sockets so that they get decent room to room speeds.
- Comment on I know a time-traveler when I see one. 1 year ago:
just in time, thanks!
- Comment on Tesla drivers run Autopilot where it’s not intended — with deadly consequences 1 year ago:
To me, how is this different than someone using cruise control on a 1999 car and reading a newspaper while he blows through stop signs and smashes into a wall. Driver error, reset try again.
- Comment on I know a time-traveler when I see one. 1 year ago:
Ah, yes.
- Comment on One year after being bought for $44 billion, X is worth $19 billion 1 year ago:
all the people that imagine their home prices are as high as they are, will fight tooth and nail to prevent this. the empty house market is crazy, just look on a “social home sharing site”. houses are hotels for the few.
- Comment on Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage 1 year ago:
And all thieves pay close attention to laws, and make sure their apps have “nothing” hidden in the folds.
- Comment on Plex will be blocking access from at least VPS provider 1 year ago:
Air Video HD and its server software was so smooth. I’ve begged for it to return, but I am only able to use it still because I own old licenses.
It runs great on M1/M2 macOS, iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV. Streams all my content without issue every time.
Infuse is… alright, but it lacks the ability to adjust some things, and I really wish it had a more “list mode” style, and easier setup. I am getting more used to it, but I only use it for some files, where AirVideoHD and VLC play everything.
Who is going to to revive Air Video HD??
- Comment on Apple 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro 1 year ago:
5Ghz wifi and Airdrop is what Apple wants people to use. I stopped connecting a USB cable except for doing a physical backup with iMazing on this 256GB model. I just trust the hard line more when making a 232GB backup.
- USB2.0/3.0 = 480MB/s
- USB3.1 G1 = 625MB/s
- 5Ghz Wifi = 850-1000MB/s
- USB3.2 G2x2 = 2500MB/s
Source: www.tomshardware.com/news/usb-3-2-explained
5 Gbps to MB/s = 625 MB/s 6 Gbps to MB/s = 750 MB/s 7 Gbps to MB/s = 875 MB/s 8 Gbps to MB/s = 1000 MB/s 9 Gbps to MB/s = 1125 MB/s 10 Gbps to MB/s = 1250 MB/s
- Comment on Remember your training and you will survive 1 year ago:
If you see two out in the field, drag two back and use one for shopping, saves at least an extra life per turn.
I’m doing my part.