- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
You’ve missed out the Scottish snow badger. Like the regular European badger but about a third larger and completely white to blend into their (now disappearing) snowy highland habitats.
They are the sole reason hard plastic shell ski boots were invented after it was found that snow badgers have no problem biting through the old leather ski boots we used to use.
They hibernate through the summer months and only come out to hunt during the winter so it’s very hard to get a photo of them. - Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
I’d add that the audiobook is amazing also.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
‘what fills the gap’ in my ass - will cady
- Comment on Do any "thickening" products actually work to prevent hair loss/thinning? 6 months ago:
I started balding in my late teens. Shaved my head for the first time at 20. Never looked back. Wished I’d done it sooner.
Still remember an offhand comment from a girl who said I have a nice shaped head.
A quick once over with the clippers once a week and you’re good.
Whatever you decided to do don’t stress about it! I’m sure that will only make it worse.
Bonus: the freshly shaved head acts as velcro to keep your hat on during windy days! - Comment on xkcd #2967: Matter 6 months ago:
So, apparently, the term goofy came from the 1937 Disney animation Hawaiian Holiday, where goofy was trying to surf and he tried twice regular and fell then when he tried it the other way he managed to stay up.
This was only so that he would always be facing the ‘camera’.
This may not be true but I like it and don’t want anyone to disprove it. - Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
It throws up a false positive in the old scanners. There are new ones available that don’t have a problem but they aren’t widely available yet.
- Comment on It would be terrifying if it were to actually start raining men. 10 months ago:
I think he’s in every dj cumberbund song.
- Comment on It would be terrifying if it were to actually start raining men. 10 months ago:
- Comment on doggos 10 months ago:
I just got a new puppy and when she poops she starts facing one directing the turns 180 while pooping then scoots over to the side a bit to finish.
Is she broken? Should I do an RMA? - Comment on You gotta do what ya gotta do 10 months ago:
The real dangers of drugs!
- Comment on Its diving speed during flight is more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour, making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal. 1 year ago:
In that case Felix Baumgartner is the fastest human being.
With a top speed of 843.6 mike’s per hour.
Ussain Bolt and suck it.