- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 3 days ago:
Much of the province of Québec is already boycotting them since January, after they closed all their warehouses here to prevent them from unionizing.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 3 weeks ago:
Just rent a nice French bomb, and blow up Mar-a-Lago
- Comment on Crysis 4 put "on hold" as developer Crytek is next studio hit by layoffs 3 weeks ago:
I guess even they can’t run Crysis on full.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 3 weeks ago:
Outside of the White House and Capitol (and maybe adjoining buildings) I would not want to do too much damage to the rest of Washington DC, as I think we could find lots of allies there.
Florida, on the other hand…
- Comment on Comic Sans Got the Last Laugh 4 months ago:
The term you’re looking for is “uncanny valley”
- Comment on Open-sourcing of WinAmp goes badly as owners delete entire repo 4 months ago:
Schrodinger’s license?
- Comment on Paradox still want to make a Sims competitor after Life By You, but "we need to start smaller" 4 months ago:
It’s because of the sums people keep paying.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
The employees should just leave and found a new company. Call it “Something”.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
The Democratic Order of Planets has a streaming platform, now?
- Comment on Be still my beating tastebuds 7 months ago:
Canola is a North American thing. AFAIK the British are familiar with the term “rapeseed” and don’t need the rebranding.
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
You assume there’s lots of chemicals, but did you check? The process of canning food doesn’t necessarily require a lot of chemicals: a lot of canned food is cooked in the can, after it’s sealed, which kills most of the microbes that might spoil the food and make you sick. And because it’s sealed, no microbes can get in, either.
- Comment on Mind of a synesthete 9 months ago:
Time is money
- Comment on A movie theater combining with an oxygen bar could probably make a powerful smell-o-vision experience 9 months ago:
I gotta have my naturally sparkling Perri-air
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
Daylight come and me want go home.
- Comment on Sons of Star Trek #1 on sale now! 11 months ago:
- Comment on Sons of Star Trek #1 on sale now! 11 months ago:
Could be another holodeck malfunction.
Which reminds me, that comic needs more Moriarty.
- Comment on Instant wine 1 year ago:
The grapes used to make the juice you buy at the store are not the same grapes that are used to make actual wine. The person who wrote that recipe doesn’t know what wine should taste like, and I wouldn’t trust that recipe.
The grape juice you buy for drinking is mainly made from Concord grapes, which won’t make something that tastes in any way like real wine. You need grapes like Cabernet or Pinot Noir (for example). These aren’t just the names of wines, they’re the names of the varieties of grapes used.
- Comment on Have you been injured? Call Gowron Law. 1 year ago:
Gowron was killed while he was still chancellor. They’re just using his image for advertising purposes, but you’ll never get to meet him, and he won’t go to court with/for you.
Ch’Pok had a more modest practice, but he’ll represent you personally.
- Comment on Fun Fact: In the movies they had to dub Scotty's voice as he became more Scottish (and belligerent) in old age. 1 year ago:
He did go a bit loopy after he bumped his head in ST5 (A.K.A. “I can’t believe it’s canon!”)
- Comment on Prove you're not an android 1 year ago:
While the simple explanation that Klingons can get honor to mean whatever they want (see Worf’s “discommendation” arc on TNG, for instance) holds some weight in explaining this, I like to think of Klingons as hunters, as much as warriors. When you hunt, you don’t announce your presence to your prey. You hide until the moment when you pounce and attack. The cloak fits if you look at it this way, at least.
- Comment on You can't choose your descendents... 1 year ago:
“In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.”
- Comment on You can't choose your descendents... 1 year ago:
We reach!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on oh the humanity 1 year ago:
They ate all the quadrotriticale, so I guess turnabout is fair play.
- Comment on Ransomware 1 year ago:
You owe it to yourself to try Strange New Worlds. It’s just really good. It avoids most of the problems that Disco had (though it got better after season 1) and goes back to the episodic feel of past series, but without the ridiculous reset button that some series suffered from.
Familiarity with TOS will provide you with extra enjoyment, but it’s not a requirement, in my opinion.
- Comment on Marriage squabbles 1 year ago:
I think it would work even better with the third frame showing Miles looking off to the right, with no dialogue… You know, show, don’t tell, that sort of thing.
- Comment on What's the best dialogue in your opinion? 1 year ago:
Nimoy was a very funny guy! Great comedy instincts! You get another tiny glimpse of it with Spock’s line “I’ve been dead before” in ST:VI. It’s almost a throwaway, and said without emotion, but it’s pretty funny!
- Comment on What's the best dialogue in your opinion? 1 year ago:
Some good examples here. I’d just mention a few other memorable dialogue scenes:
- all the scenes of McCoy with Spock’s Katra in ST:III, including lines like “Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?” and "Where’s the logic in offering me a ride home, you idiot? If I wanted a ride home, would I be trying to charter a space flight?"
- in Star Trek IV, the scene with Kirk and Spock in Gillian’s pickup, with Nimoy doing his best Gracie Allen impression. Also, the “No dipshit” bit in the restaurant.
- Comment on But they don't know what baseball is? 1 year ago:
I bet it didn’t survive the refit. Actually, I suspect that’s where the “Rec Deck” from TMP ended up, though I have no proof (were the post-refit blueprints ever published?)
- Comment on Given the circumstances, Janeway also would have sold you for a keg of coffee 1 year ago:
That’s pretty easy to do, since Harry never made it to Lt.