- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 2 weeks ago:
But can it run over wet string, though?
- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 2 weeks ago:
Privacy Badger anyone?
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code. 2 weeks ago:
Skip & skim could also stem from the fact that this how a mind used to everpresent ads reads. It’s like an adblocker built into your brain.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 3 weeks ago:
Socialism is cyanide and capitalism is cookies. The former will kill you instantly, the second one long-term (diabetes etc.) – what we’re looking for is fruit and vegetables, but for now I’m more than glad to eat some cookies.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 3 weeks ago:
Leave such takes for .ml, please.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately alternatives aren’t any better…
- Comment on ImaGUIck: a simple image processing app 3 weeks ago:
But does it support JPEG XL, though?
- Comment on China is quietly pushing ahead with massive 50,000Mbps broadband rollout to leapfrog rest of the world on internet speeds 4 weeks ago:
Seems surprising, especially because Estonia is known for its digitized government. I logically thought that it’d be complemented with decent Internet coverage.
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
I’ve just installed it on my Dell Latitude E6330. It’s great, but am I the only one who gets his laptop restarted instead of powered off? It happened both on Mint and Zorin OS, never on Windows.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
You know that IRC has waaaaay less features, right?
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
Doesn’t matter that much for Blu-rays since they’re non-organic anyway. It mattered more for DVDs since they use organic dyes, but I couldn’t find any M-Disc DVDs in Poland.
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
Which brand do you use? Not a single Verbatim has ever failed me, neither DVD nor Blu-ray. I also use a full-size burner with 12V SATA-USB adapter, not those stupid “slim” ones.
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
If I wanted to watch movies destroyed by compression, I’d go streaming. Blu-ray allows for way less compression. There’s a reason Blu-ray remuxes aren’t DVD-sized. Heck, some movies don’t even fit on a single layer Blu-ray! Do you want to compress that to 4.7 GB? And that’s only main title, without extras!
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
OPUS files
Ah yes, a man of culture
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
Screw MP3, Opus is better.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
-f 140
is AAC, please don’t do that.-f 251
is better since it’s Opus, the best versatile lossy codec so far. - Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
You take the exam on cars provided by either the examiner or your driving school.
The second option usually happens only if you wanna get an automatic-only car driving license (B78), like me. I had to pay my instructor for renting me his car for the exam’s duration – standard practice, especially since it was his “daily” after working hours.
If you’re super lucky you get to take it on the car you used the most while learning
If you want to get the full driving license (B) and have no disabilities, you learn on a driving school’s manual and take an exam on an examination center’s manual. They’re separate entities, so you never get the same physical car. At least the model should be the same – driving schools usually match their fleet with whichever model local examination center picked. E.g. in Warsaw it’s Hyundai i20, so most (if not all) schools teach on Hyundai i20.
depends how cars get allocated
Like I’ve said before, examination center’s cars are never used for teaching. That’s driving school’s job.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
it’s frequently 10 Fahrenheit or lower in the winter
Fair enough, we don’t hit such temperatures regularly in Warsaw (Poland).
a literal freezing steering wheel
Is it that bad? Wow. Didn’t know that. I though the cage would provide at least some thermal insulation.
hold on to it for 10 mins until the heat kicks on
If my colleagues lived in a climate as cold as yours, they’d have mounted parking heaters (e.g. Webasto) by now. Electrics struggle in cold, but they can preheat themselves before the ride, using just the electricity.
I’m assuming you live in a warm place
Warsaw is at the same latitude as Edmonton in Canada, so shouldn’t be really that warmer.
or don’t drive a car
Winter 2022/23 was when we still were in our previous office. It was ½ hour long commute with my Xiaomi M365 electric scooter. This winter 2023/24 we moved to an office further away, so I was forced to change my daily vehicle to a motorcycle, maxiscooter SYM MaxSym 600i ABS. At least you have the goddamn cage.
Wish I had public transportation.
I miss having good alternative commute via metro and tram to our old office. Took almost the same time as e-scooter. But our new office? Public transit takes 2x as long as a motorcycle commute, according to Google Maps Timeline, so might as well not exist. So now we’re in similar situation. Wish you luck…
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
JUST FIVE?! Holy shit dude, how much of bad UI/UX have you been through?
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
Holy shit, it’s like User Inyerface, but for stoves!
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
What do you need a touchscreen for? You just take an appropriate pump (E95, Diesel), fill the fuel and pay at the register.
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
wear gloves when driving
For example?
If it’s so cold that you wear gloves, then get your AC fixed because it should’ve been running by the time you drive off. - Comment on Mazda’s DMCA takedown kills a hobbyist’s smart car API tool 1 year ago:
Intellectual “property” shouldn’t exist. The property system was designed to solve the scarcity of physical goods. Information doesn’t have this problem since it can be replicated forever as long as you have a medium to copy it to. That’s why you can’t own information. Once created, it lives its own life, whenever you like it or not.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
whether it’s worth the price
You don’t have to pay Google a penny. I bought a quite cheap (50-60$) used but working Pixel 1 XL specifically for unlimited lifetime full-quality Google Photos upload.
- Comment on Tumblr is reportedly on life support as its latest owner reassigns staff 1 year ago:
At least OF came to their senses and they’re still thriving.
- Comment on YouTube Premium Price Raised in Seven Countries Following Crackdown on Ad Blockers | Technology News 1 year ago:
My ReVanced says 🇵🇱 WYPIERDALAJ 🇵🇱
- Comment on Motherboards must have integrated 8bit game to play if windows gets corrupted 1 year ago:
Apparently that includes voting machines.