- Comment on Marvel Rivals Game Director And Others Laid Off Just Months After The Hero Shooter Took Over The Charts [Update] 2 weeks ago:
My understanding was that this little 6 man team did work on the game in an r&d role, testing stuff for levels, characters etc. So they weren’t a useless team, but I doubt they were as big a deal as the media is making out.
- Comment on Rust is Eating JavaScript 3 weeks ago:
Rust makes multi threading very easy you can just use
But rust makes Async difficult because it’s naturally stackless so you need to create your own scheduler or use someone else’s like Tokio. Also, people have a bad habit of conflating async with concurrency which makes it more confusing.
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
“You can turn it off”, “it’s an optional feature”, they didn’t even last a year! What ever happened to slowly boiling the frog?
- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 6 months ago:
Something I’ve always found funny about the “AI will replace programmers soon” is that this means AI’s can create AI’s and isn’t this basically the end of the economy?
Every office worker is out of a job just like that and labourers only have as long as it takes to sort out the robot bodies then everyone is out of a job.
You thought the great recession was bad? You ain’t seen nothing!
- Comment on Power-hungry AI is putting the hurt on global electricity supply 10 months ago:
I guess that’s meant to be 2025 since the graph is projected? Pretty funky screw up though.
- Comment on Should I cancel? 1 year ago:
I think I understand this;
cancel -> submit the POST request and cancel -> undo this thing. maybe they shoulda just used submit & cancel or cancel & exit instead.
- Comment on How much we can trust mojo🔥 performance benchmark by modular? 1 year ago:
Mojo is a Python superset, Python is written in C therefore mojo is written in C.
I don’t know what that rust library they benchmarked against is but given that they claim to have performed 50% better I would be sceptical. Given that most sources benchmark rust, C and C++ at about the same level.
- Comment on How do you approach learning a new programming language or framework? 1 year ago:
Either I come up with a new project or I rewrite an old project in the new language.
I used to do those old school language tutorials where we start with how to write a variable, then how to write a function, etc. but I think that’s better for complete beginners just starting out.
- Comment on Coding Addiction: How Programming Affects Your Brain 1 year ago:
My brain goblin is a big fan of performance. Recently I reviewed a teammate’s code. It was a small 100ish line PR and he calls the same function twice in a row with a tiny variation. My brain goblin went “you could consolidate these into one call”, “since it’s only one call you could inline it”.
A couple hours later when he came to ask me what I’m smoking I realised my proposed solution had more LoC and was more complex to read. If we needed better performance, step 1 should’ve been to offload this task to an API that wasn’t made with python.
- Comment on Real quick question about the "break" 1 year ago:
Well if you can’t break out of anything then I guess you will just have to return instead. I’m sure this will result in code that is much easier to read.
- Comment on We've come a long way baby 1 year ago:
When I went rooting around to find it. I figured it was some QA process that starts 5 seconds after the video loads (the timer seems to be async and the code sends a promise off while it waits). Of course, it’s all minified JS so it’s a huge pain to read.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I generally say, I want to make X and then I slowly work up to it. Currently I’m making a pathfinding algorithm.
I input a map with my starting point and finishing point and it has to get there. It has to know where to go back to if it goes the wrong way, when it’s allowed to stop, etc.
The next step will be getting it to only show the finished path, then to work out the fastest path when it has multiple possible paths etc etc.
- Comment on I've lately been making my git commit messages with AI 1 year ago:
Why do you need to spend a “considerable amount of time crafting commit messages?” That feeding you code into an LLM and getting it to summarise for you is faster? I don’t understand how this could possibly streamline anyone’s workflow? What do your commit messages normally look like?
- Comment on We did this to ourselves 1 year ago:
Yes but no. Modern PHP lets you put types in function signatures and it will then attempt to convert your inputs to those types at runtime.
JS/TS and Python don’t do this. They have optional type annotations that’s treated as syntactic sugar. You can use static checkers against this but if you get an error like “expected string got int” you can still run the code. It won’t behave any differently because you have annotations.
- Comment on What's the dumbest thing you've shipped? 1 year ago:
ez! I work for a company that builds a SaaS end to end product.
Myself and my coworker were asked to build exports for a single client. They were json exports. To start the client would take weeks/months to get back to us, their spec was very vague and their exports had some really complex logic to sort data. We’d been going back and forth with them for almost a year when they said we should give it to them “as is”. They now are the proud owners of 2 complex broken exporters.
- Comment on Most UI Applications are Broken Real-time Applications 1 year ago:
Maybe I’m dumb because I’m a backend dev, but if we can’t offload these tasks to Async tasks and we need to block the main thread, why can’t we just put up a loading screen? “Don’t turn off the application we are saving” games have been doing this for a decade and you can’t convince me that your enterprise application is heavier than a AAA game.
- Comment on Linear code is more readable 1 year ago:
Personally, I prefer to do the opposite and break things up until my import is longer than my code
- Comment on What programming languages aren't too criticized here? 1 year ago:
There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses. - Bjarne Stroustrup
I think people criticise every language. I’ve generally got 5 languages I like to use/work with: Rust, Go, Python, JS, PHP. I can complain about all 5 of them at the drop of a hat. No one likes everything about any language.
- Comment on Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root 1 year ago:
By all means correct me if I’m wrong, but looking at the PR this article links to. It looks like all that’s happening is that Google’s trusted certs are being added to the android apex API and are now immutable. Any non Google certs are still going to be saved to ANDROID_ROOT/etc/security/cacerts the same as they currently are.
- Comment on OC: Me since Bun 1.0.0 1 year ago:
you probably don’t need to learn it, Deno was a massive upgrade over Node and it didn’t matter, not convinced this will be any different.
- Comment on Which side are you? Javascript or Typescript 1 year ago:
You can also do this with dart. I swear there was another “new” language which could also be compiled to JS as well.
- Comment on The Top Programming Languages 2023 1 year ago:
I kind of agree and kind of don’t.
I don’t think that C# exists solely because Microsoft thought Java was a good idea. If that was the case C# wouldn’t have been chained to windows for as long as it was. I think Microsoft didn’t want to see a general purpose programming language which could also run on Mac and Linux. They’ve clearly changed their mind now but Java is still massive compared to C#.
I suppose Java did kind of solve the multiple deployment issue and it is pretty funny that the more WASM standards evolve the more they look like the JVM. Ultimately this was a bit before my time so I can’t really comment but there’s a reason “write once, debug everywhere” is a meme.
I’m not the biggest fan of Java’s tooling, I hate that its package managers are separate from it, python and C# can both do it why can’t java! I’m not sure what you mean by versioning policy but if you mean the ordeal surrounding Java versions I really disagree. In this case, I think Java is very lucky it already has wide adoption, I don’t think Java would get any real adoption because of its licenses if it didn’t already have a user base.
- Comment on The Top Programming Languages 2023 1 year ago:
Huh, I thought the android stack was basically hard stuck at Java 8 and that’s why Kotlin still supports Java 8.
- Comment on The Top Programming Languages 2023 1 year ago:
I think it’s a mix of three things.
Java is the only programming language to get popular as a result of marketing. Java was marketed so hard that the company who built it (Sun) went under, but Java did get some really wide adoption.
Java is the backbone of Android. If you want to build apps for Android you’re using Java or one of the languages built on top of it (Kotlin, Scala, etc).
It’s pretty hard to justify rewriting your codebase to another language. So Java is still around. If you need more proof of this, Most people are still using Java 8 (including android) we are currently at ~java 20.
- Comment on What to learn next, Swift or Rust 1 year ago:
If you don’t have a Mac I don’t think you can get the MacOS SDK.
So in that case I’d recommend Rust. I still think most of Rust’s tools/frameworks need more time in the oven but Rust is massive and has tools being built for everything. If you want Mobile I’d recommend you take a look at Dioxus or Tauri. There are probably others as well but I don’t know them it’s been a while since I’ve looked.