- Comment on Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 1 week ago:
It happened to a friend who wasn’t passing in the proper types into their stored procedures, all strings, and “null” (not case sensitive) conflicted with actual null values. Everything in the web interface were strings, and so was null.
For some people it takes this mistake before they learn to always care about the data types you’re passing in.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
I don’t know how some people find the time to do anything but help take care of mom and the baby. I was either sleeping or helping while trying to find time for food.
- Comment on The one change that worked: I set my phone to ‘do not disturb’ three years ago – and have never looked back 2 weeks ago:
I’ve had mine on vibrate for years. Texting doesn’t trigger it, only calls. It’s been great.
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
I’ve literally sat down in city centers surrounded by buildings. It’s an amazing feeling.
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
I wish I could experience that. I wish our sci-fi fairytales of space travel were happening now. Alas, I must simply exist in a life lived better than a king of old, living longer than our ancestors, with food untasted by the billions before us, and all while I fly around in space within Eve Online while watching Star Trek. Life is great, but it’s so easy to want it to be just that much better.
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
It just felt so cliche, that the crazy discovery they make is that the strange stuff is alive. The writers couldn’t make it sentient because then they’d need to explain why it’s just like the Great Lake but different from the Great Lake. It just exists and Star Fleet happens to be the only ones who know about it.
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
lol, I love that you’re conflating the creator having the budget to make the show more in-line with his original vision with someone else making a lousy change for no clear reason. It’s a nice knee-slapper of a comment you have right there. Good luck with it.
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
Who wanted a visual reboot of the Klingons?
Discovery had so many problems for me: ship flies on magic mushrooms, her mom basically doesn’t care about her anymore by the end of it - the show-starting plot line, and the Klingons look like sweaty orcs.
- Comment on World’s highways could host 52.3 billion solar panels, say researchers 6 months ago:
So long as they’re not trying to put solar panels literally in the road but instead as coverage above the road (blocking rain, snow, sun, etc.) then that sounds great.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 6 months ago:
Everyone wore black.
- Comment on The joy of *not* eking-out games 7 months ago:
I just had to restart Skyrim (again), but I am determined to beat the main storyline this time. I have hundreds of hours in this game and I’ve played just about every side quest. On those rare moments I stumble into a new dungeon, I just absorb each step, soaking it all in.
- Comment on If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Rust, easily.
- Comment on What is your favorite software stack for full-stack web development? 1 year ago:
My current favorite is mostly Rust-based with the tide crate, tide-jsx crate, postgres crate, and Postgres in Docker. Super easy, super fast (to develop and run), but I haven’t made any large web projects with this stack yet, just small stuff.
- Comment on me_irl 1 year ago:
hook to Insomnia plays
- Comment on Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement 1 year ago:
“Normal transaction” after a fundamental change in how all games that use your product are financially responsible by novel, unmeasurable, and unrealistic metrics. No transaction prior to this kind of announcement is “normal” imo.
- Comment on Game of Life shader 1 year ago:
That’s awesome! What are your thoughts on keeping the colors of your face as they naturally are and as the GoL algorithm acts on the pixels, you blend the colors together?
- Comment on What's stopping WebAssembly from effectively replacing JavaScript? 1 year ago:
Can you please elaborate on how, when using Rust, we can avoid needing to debug our JS code? I am very interested and hope that I didn’t misunderstand you.
- Comment on What's stopping WebAssembly from effectively replacing JavaScript? 1 year ago:
From my experience JS is primarily used to manipulate the DOM. I haven’t looked into it, but if you’re correct that WASM cannot manipulate the DOM then your question, to me, is tantamount to “Why aren’t people using forks to eat soup?”. I would love a staticly-typed, compiled language to come along and replace JS. If anyone is aware of how I can write Rust in place of JS, please let me know. For now, I suffer/enjoy JS.